William Steig is pretty good, loved The ZabaJaba Jungle as a kid.
My son's teacher read Tacky to his class when they were in first grade. He still yells "WHAAAAAT'S HAAAPPENING!" once in a while like Tacky.Tacky the Penguin: Cute little tale about being different from everyone else. It's pretty silly. Easy read though.
My youngest daughter is 6 and these are good level books for a six year old who's starting out.HP, Wizard of Oz, Charlotte's Webb, James and the Giant Peach... Those are all novels I want to share with her eventually, in fact, maybe I'll buy a few and give it a shot, but for now, definitely shorter things. She has some Winnie the Pooh, and lots of Seuss (which I love!); Velveteen Rabbit might be something to try, and I can't believe I didn't think of Shel Silverstein! That's a great idea.
I don't know Diary of a Wimpy Kid or Where the Wild Things Are (I've heard of the latter, which apparently a classic) so I'll investigate those.[DOUBLEPOST=1383769753,1383769716][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh damn, hell yes. I'm definitely getting that. I remember Eloise!