This is actually one of the worst things you can do. By letting them run rough shod over you, you are showing them that you ARE a victim and you WILL take it for as long as they please. It's essentially making you a walking target, because they will only see that messing with you doesn't get them in trouble. They may not get attention from you, but they still get stress relief and your life is still miserable. It's better to fight back and LOSE than it is to do nothing, and this is coming from personal experience.The only way to fight a bully is to not let it show that they bother you. It's the only way. Bullies NEED that reaction out of you to justify what they do. Even if that reaction is for you to tell someone. They want to know they are hurting you. And guaranteed, somewhere out there, a bully is nodding his head in silent satisfaction over his target's suicide.
Boys should not like to wear pink, therefore, begging to get teased. Their parents should have learned the word, "NO". Anyone who takes their own life is always a selfish dud. Stop trying to find blame. Gays and outcasts should feel the pressure to change for the positive. Peer pressure is what helps us to conform to a standard of living. Americans are wound so tight, make sure everyone plays nice. I say, survival of the fittest. These 4 were not the fittest. People die everyday, get over it.
This is actually one of the worst things you can do. By letting them run rough shod over you, you are showing them that you ARE a victim and you WILL take it for as long as they please. It's essentially making you a walking target, because they will only see that messing with you doesn't get them in trouble. They may not get attention from you, but they still get stress relief and your life is still miserable. It's better to fight back and LOSE than it is to do nothing, and this is coming from personal experience. [/QUOTE]The only way to fight a bully is to not let it show that they bother you. It's the only way. Bullies NEED that reaction out of you to justify what they do. Even if that reaction is for you to tell someone. They want to know they are hurting you. And guaranteed, somewhere out there, a bully is nodding his head in silent satisfaction over his target's suicide.
I know. So what's the solution? What should teachers do instead?If you go to the kid to be the adult defender, you're singling the kid out to be hated. That's why they're reluctant to tell you or other teachers about it, and always insist they're just playing.
I would like to see the removal of Zero Tolerance to Violence in our schools. The bullied kid can not fight back, and if they do they will be in JAIL with the kid that is picking on him. Or a kid like my self would have had a rap-sheet a mile long. When ever I saw a bully pushing around a smaller kid, I would go push the bully around. So if my "White Knight Ass" was in school today I would face JAIL for defending a weaker kid.
There's one of the sick ones I mentioned.One day in shop the bully burned my friend's arm with liquid bronze.
I know. So what's the solution? What should teachers do instead?[/QUOTE]If you go to the kid to be the adult defender, you're singling the kid out to be hated. That's why they're reluctant to tell you or other teachers about it, and always insist they're just playing.
This is actually one of the worst things you can do. By letting them run rough shod over you, you are showing them that you ARE a victim and you WILL take it for as long as they please. It's essentially making you a walking target, because they will only see that messing with you doesn't get them in trouble. They may not get attention from you, but they still get stress relief and your life is still miserable. It's better to fight back and LOSE than it is to do nothing, and this is coming from personal experience. [/QUOTE]The only way to fight a bully is to not let it show that they bother you. It's the only way. Bullies NEED that reaction out of you to justify what they do. Even if that reaction is for you to tell someone. They want to know they are hurting you. And guaranteed, somewhere out there, a bully is nodding his head in silent satisfaction over his target's suicide.
Hindsight's always 20/20, ain't it?I bet you would have saved yourself a whole shit ton of mental scarring if you learned to stand up for yourself and pop a few black eyes. After being choked like that, the attacker is the free game, not you! You know what you do, kick him square in the fucking teeth.
One of my high school teachers once explained the teacher view on zero tolerance policies to me (when I was bitching about them, of course): Without them, you pretty much have to have a teacher witness what happened to give accurate punishment. Anything besides that is choosing who to believe. You can not know what was said to whom before it got physical, you can not know who threw the first punch, and chances are at least one side will get their friends to lie on their behalf. So if the picked on kid throws a punch, the bully can just grab his buddies, go to his favorite teacher, and report it in a way that makes him the victim. It becomes a game who can report it first, because the no chance in hell the faculty will vocally contradict each other in front of students. Zero tolerance policies (like the one my school had) where ANYONE involved in fisticuffs gets suspended for minimum a day, whether they were seen to throw a punch or not, is the only way to prevent gaming of the system. Speaking from experience, bullies (the same ones who brand their victim a tattle tale if they go to a teacher) are MORE than willing to report the slightest infraction on the part of their victim. It is just another way to fuck them over.I would like to see the removal of Zero Tolerance to Violence in our schools. The bullied kid can not fight back, and if they do they will be in JAIL with the kid that is picking on him. Or a kid like my self would have had a rap-sheet a mile long. When ever I saw a bully pushing around a smaller kid, I would go push the bully around. So if my "White Knight Ass" was in school today I would face JAIL for defending a weaker kid.
Hey, I'm all for alternate solutions (verbally shaming tends to work if you can pull it off), but if they don't work, sometimes you have to be able to take a physical stand.I don't know, maybe it's an American thing, but here we were always told to try and settle our differences in other ways than knocking someone in the face.
Hell, not even the bullies would go as low as punching someone in the face.
In all honesty I'm a tad disgusted that people are proposing violence as the only way to stop the bullying. I don't know, maybe it's an American thing, but here we were always told to try and settle our differences in other ways than knocking someone in the face. Hell, not even the bullies would go as low as punching someone in the face. In the gut, maybe, nut not the face. Here, it's considered "stooping to his level" to punch someone - and I can tell you, it would have landed yours truly in trouble if I had. It was the only way to hold a moral high ground to those assholes.
Perhaps... But then again, my experience is dated by some 15-20 years.Hell, not even the bullies would go as low as punching someone in the face.I think your breed of bullies is just different.
Didn't sound like that worked out too well for you.In all honesty I'm a tad disgusted that people are proposing violence as the only way to stop the bullying. I don't know, maybe it's an American thing, but here we were always told to try and settle our differences in other ways than knocking someone in the face. Hell, not even the bullies would go as low as punching someone in the face. In the gut, maybe, nut not the face. Here, it's considered "stooping to his level" to punch someone - and I can tell you, it would have landed yours truly in trouble if I had. It was the only way to hold a moral high ground to those assholes.
The rest of your days? I don't know where you live, but where I'm from petty grade school bullying went out of style by senior year. It just wasn't worth anyone's time. And in college? Hells no, why would you even begin to bother? It gets better. I'd be more worried about an incident where I went "lunatic" on someone and continued beating them even after they were effectively harmless to me. That demonstrates a lack of self control that could back at some point.The moral high ground is not getting pushed around for the rest of your days. If you go all Gandhi on a bully's ass... he will just beat and ridicule you more.
So is basically becoming the bully via losing self control the definition of "working out well"? Peacefully maintaining who you are as a person, remaining in control, and ultimately being the person with less maturing required is the better long run victory.Didn't sound like that worked out too well for you.
Stopping someone from bullying you is NOT becoming the bully, it's standing up for yourself. It's about not being a victim and letting those who make you miserable know that you are not interested in their games. You only become the bully if you continue to exert your power over them for any reason other than self defense. In other words, you only become a bully if you keep doing it after they stop.So is basically becoming the bully via losing self control the definition of "working out well"?
Except it's clear that not everyone is strong enough to do this. If they were, we wouldn't have dead kids. Maybe if these kids had been able to stand up against the people who tormented them, they'd still be here.Peacefully maintaining who you are as a person, remaining in control, and ultimately being the person with less maturing required is the better long run victory.
Blaming the victim, Ash? That's classy...Except it's clear that not everyone is strong enough to do this. If they were, we wouldn't have dead kids. Maybe if these kids had been able to stand up against the people who tormented them, they'd still be here.
Blaming the victim, Ash? That's classy...[/QUOTE]Except it's clear that not everyone is strong enough to do this. If they were, we wouldn't have dead kids. Maybe if these kids had been able to stand up against the people who tormented them, they'd still be here.
So is basically becoming the bully via losing self control the definition of "working out well"? Peacefully maintaining who you are as a person, remaining in control, and ultimately being the person with less maturing required is the better long run victory.[/QUOTE]Didn't sound like that worked out too well for you.
Sounds like a personal problem you might wanna look into.I'd be more worried about an incident where I went "lunatic" on someone and continued beating them even after they were effectively harmless to me. That demonstrates a lack of self control that could back at some point.
In all honesty I'm a tad disgusted that people are proposing violence as the only way to stop the bullying. I don't know, maybe it's an American thing, but here we were always told to try and settle our differences in other ways than knocking someone in the face. Hell, not even the bullies would go as low as punching someone in the face. In the gut, maybe, nut not the face. Here, it's considered "stooping to his level" to punch someone - and I can tell you, it would have landed yours truly in trouble if I had. It was the only way to hold a moral high ground to those assholes.
The rest of your days? I don't know where you live, but where I'm from petty grade school bullying went out of style by senior year. It just wasn't worth anyone's time. And in college? Hells no, why would you even begin to bother? It gets better. I'd be more worried about an incident where I went "lunatic" on someone and continued beating them even after they were effectively harmless to me. That demonstrates a lack of self control that could back at some point.The moral high ground is not getting pushed around for the rest of your days. If you go all Gandhi on a bully's ass... he will just beat and ridicule you more.
So is basically becoming the bully via losing self control the definition of "working out well"? Peacefully maintaining who you are as a person, remaining in control, and ultimately being the person with less maturing required is the better long run victory.[/QUOTE]Didn't sound like that worked out too well for you.
Blaming the victim, Ash? That's classy...[/QUOTE]Except it's clear that not everyone is strong enough to do this. If they were, we wouldn't have dead kids. Maybe if these kids had been able to stand up against the people who tormented them, they'd still be here.
Or maybe I was just going by stories posted earlier in this thread, as examples of positive behavior, where the person reacting to the was not exactly behaving that well:Sounds like a personal problem you might wanna look into.
Defending yourself is a conscious choice to stop the bullying, not going apeshit when you can't take it anymore a la Ralphie from A Christmas Story, or Columbine massacre. You make a choice to stop the bullshit and if it stops, you don't continue pushing for dominance. As has been said, bullies are typically cowards. If you're no longer an easy target, they'll go find someone who is.
Got bullied some early in high school. At first I didn't react and then one day in gym class I lost it and jumped the bully and punch him in the face a few times. As he lay on the ground in the fetal position and I towered over him, I begged him to get up and try to give me a hard time again and that this was going to happen again. He ran to the teacher and I got suspended for 2 days. When I came back, the roles were reversed and I made damn sure he and all his "laughing" buddies knew of it.
If you don't stand up for yourself, you'll always be the bitch. And if you worry about losing the fight, don't. Just be a lunatic about it, THAT is what sets the mark. Because you don't want people to simply THINK of messing around with you.
PS: I tried to shove the butt of my hockey stick up that bully's ass once while screaming "he shoots he scores" simply because he decided to give a good friend of mine a hard time after I thought him a lesson. Guess what? He learned not to tell the teachers at that point and he sure as hell left my friend alone. I bet that's the exact thought that comes into his mind when he watches hockey.
Leaping a dude Ralphie-style, attempted sodomy (which he hopes the guy remembers painfully to this day), explicitly stating that the bully-victim roles were reversed, and Chaz's friend assaulting a dude with a deadly weapon. These don't sound like dudes taken measured action to get the bully to stop. These sound like people losing control. Between the options of just letting it roll off my back and going psycho on someone with a wrench, I'd rather go the route that will never land me an attempted murder charge.The fines and suspensions are worth it. My friend in high school was constantly bullied by this one goomba, motherfucker. One day in shop the bully burned my friend's arm with liquid bronze. That's all it took. Geoff snapped. He leaped onto the goomba and wailed on him with a wrench. He was suspended for like a week, but that bully never fucked with him again. Same guy tried to fuck with me once. By this point I assumed people knew not to fuck with me, but I belted him in the gut once to get the point across. I don't think he ever spoke to me again.
This is the disturbing precedent a person can set for themselves: that they deserve to be treated as the bully treats them, and it often can follow through life.Jake doesn't have a temper, but he knows he doesn't deserve that kind of treatment.
Really? How so?Norris still sounds like a man with some deep-rooted issues.
Really? How so?[/QUOTE]Norris still sounds like a man with some deep-rooted issues.
Sounds like a fucked up childhood to me.When the vast majority of a student body knows you better as "Rudolph" (because your acne is centered on your nose) and utter strangers will serenade you with a jolly Christmas tune as you walk past, who do you punch to make the problem go away? Or when your entire class in elementary school plays a sick game of tag called "Walker Germs" in which you are always it and therefore no one wants to be near you, not even in class, who do you go lunatic on? The answers is - no one. You do your best to ignore it and pay attention to your friends. If you are depressed enough over high school bullshit (because bullying is bullshit and it does end) to end it all, seek help. I don't mean that in the condescending way. I mean seriously find someone you can talk to, because it does get better. You just need to find your way to cope.
Yeah, the bullying was pretty fucked up. It sucked. Which is why I prefer to look back and remember the block parties with my friends, the folks I met through choir class, the times I had hanging out with my buddy Nick's family, and meeting all the people I'm still friends with to this day. It was fucked up, and I admit to having a minor phobia of facing crowds alone. But you know what? It doesn't stop me from going out into the world and doing what I need to do. And no insult I've received in years had measured up to that bullshit from so long ago. So yeah, third through eighth grade was kind of fucked up. Everything since then has been kind of great.Sounds like a fucked up childhood to me.
(1.) The choking was the tip of the iceberg, the one moment of intense violence I remember clearly. Not only because it was the only time I feared I was going to fie, but also because of the revelation that followed.What other way is there when you're dealing with a bully? How'd settling your differences work out for you (other then being someone's bitch and getting choked)? You said that this continued through high school? Sounds like you should have put your money where your mouth is and knocked a few heads. You're always bragging about your hulking size and intimidating appearance. Why didn't you ever put it to use? Don't give me that "stooping to their level," bullshit. Yeah, you took the moral high ground...
Here you are 15-20 years later and I bet you still remember all the shit you got in high school as if it happened yesterday. I bet your tormentors barely register your face or name on the radar.
Blaming the victim, Ash? That's classy...Except it's clear that not everyone is strong enough to do this. If they were, we wouldn't have dead kids. Maybe if these kids had been able to stand up against the people who tormented them, they'd still be here.
Blaming the victim, Ash? That's classy...[/QUOTE]Except it's clear that not everyone is strong enough to do this. If they were, we wouldn't have dead kids. Maybe if these kids had been able to stand up against the people who tormented them, they'd still be here.
I will point out that when he is physically on your back, your options are somewhat limited.North_Ranger said:But I still believe that throwing a punch should be your last option, not the master key to getting that cretin off your back.
...I will point out that when he is physically on your back, your options are somewhat limited.North_Ranger said:But I still believe that throwing a punch should be your last option, not the master key to getting that cretin off your back.
I don't disagree in principle N_R, but you have to realize that, as a systemic problem in the American public school system, peaceful conflict resolution can be difficult when school administrations/boards are incentivised, top down, to have as few disciplinary reports in their books as possible. If you're an administrator, you secure funding for your school by having its paper record be as bright and shining as possible, so you don't get involved in student discipline problems. If you're a teacher, and stop an incident of bullying, and then the administration refuses to back you or punish the bully, your authority as a teacher has just been publically undermined, and the bullied kid will probably get it even worse, and it can affect your chances of securing a raise/tenure.
It gets to the "last option" a lot faster when so many of the "first" options are specifically undermined by the system.
...I will point out that when he is physically on your back, your options are somewhat limited.North_Ranger said:But I still believe that throwing a punch should be your last option, not the master key to getting that cretin off your back.
I don't disagree in principle N_R, but you have to realize that, as a systemic problem in the American public school system, peaceful conflict resolution can be difficult when school administrations/boards are incentivised, top down, to have as few disciplinary reports in their books as possible. If you're an administrator, you secure funding for your school by having its paper record be as bright and shining as possible, so you don't get involved in student discipline problems. If you're a teacher, and stop an incident of bullying, and then the administration refuses to back you or punish the bully, your authority as a teacher has just been publically undermined, and the bullied kid will probably get it even worse, and it can affect your chances of securing a raise/tenure.
It gets to the "last option" a lot faster when so many of the "first" options are specifically undermined by the system.
so Chaz is veronica mars? finally the truth.It's not that bad everywhere, obviously. It's just that when you combine bullying with a school admin that is actively disinterested in getting involved, which is a fairly frequent American school phenom, it can be real bad for the kids who don't know how to defend themselves and aren't Veronica Mars.
so Chaz is veronica mars? finally the truth.[/QUOTE]It's not that bad everywhere, obviously. It's just that when you combine bullying with a school admin that is actively disinterested in getting involved, which is a fairly frequent American school phenom, it can be real bad for the kids who don't know how to defend themselves and aren't Veronica Mars.
I've never had this problem, and never heard a single colleague complain of anything like that. Do you have an article or source I can read?If you're a teacher, and stop an incident of bullying, and then the administration refuses to back you or punish the bully, your authority as a teacher has just been publically undermined, and the bullied kid will probably get it even worse, and it can affect your chances of securing a raise/tenure.
It gets to the "last option" a lot faster when so many of the "first" options are specifically undermined by the system.
(1.) The choking was the tip of the iceberg, the one moment of intense violence I remember clearly. Not only because it was the only time I feared I was going to fie, but also because of the revelation that followed.What other way is there when you're dealing with a bully? How'd settling your differences work out for you (other then being someone's bitch and getting choked)? You said that this continued through high school? Sounds like you should have put your money where your mouth is and knocked a few heads. You're always bragging about your hulking size and intimidating appearance. Why didn't you ever put it to use? Don't give me that "stooping to their level," bullshit. Yeah, you took the moral high ground...
Here you are 15-20 years later and I bet you still remember all the shit you got in high school as if it happened yesterday. I bet your tormentors barely register your face or name on the radar.
Blaming the victim, Ash? That's classy...Except it's clear that not everyone is strong enough to do this. If they were, we wouldn't have dead kids. Maybe if these kids had been able to stand up against the people who tormented them, they'd still be here.
Blaming the victim, Ash? That's classy...[/QUOTE]Except it's clear that not everyone is strong enough to do this. If they were, we wouldn't have dead kids. Maybe if these kids had been able to stand up against the people who tormented them, they'd still be here.
So what you're essentially going to do is transfer all your pent up emotions on students that happen to be bullies?
I've never had this problem, and never heard a single colleague complain of anything like that. Do you have an article or source I can read?[/QUOTE]If you're a teacher, and stop an incident of bullying, and then the administration refuses to back you or punish the bully, your authority as a teacher has just been publically undermined, and the bullied kid will probably get it even worse, and it can affect your chances of securing a raise/tenure.
It gets to the "last option" a lot faster when so many of the "first" options are specifically undermined by the system.
Bullying rarely happens where there is direct supervision. It happens at the bus stop before school, in the hallways between class, in overcrowded phys ed classes... and when a teacher sees bullying behavior it will look like an isolated incident, not a prolonged issue. A teacher will see those kids for 3 hours a week, compared to the 40-50 hours a kid is in school for that week.I will point out that when he is physically on your back, your options are somewhat limited.North_Ranger said:But I still believe that throwing a punch should be your last option, not the master key to getting that cretin off your back.
I don't disagree in principle N_R, but you have to realize that, as a systemic problem in the American public school system, peaceful conflict resolution can be difficult when school administrations/boards are incentivised, top down, to have as few disciplinary reports in their books as possible. If you're an administrator, you secure funding for your school by having its paper record be as bright and shining as possible, so you don't get involved in student discipline problems. If you're a teacher, and stop an incident of bullying, and then the administration refuses to back you or punish the bully, your authority as a teacher has just been publically undermined, and the bullied kid will probably get it even worse, and it can affect your chances of securing a raise/tenure.
It gets to the "last option" a lot faster when so many of the "first" options are specifically undermined by the system.
You know what? I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer. Come back when you're willing to discuss like a human being, not like a troll.So what you're essentially going to do is transfer all your pent up emotions on students that happen to be bullies?
So what you're essentially going to do is transfer all your pent up emotions on students that happen to be bullies?
You know what? I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer. Come back when you're willing to discuss like a human being, not like a troll.[/QUOTE]So what you're essentially going to do is transfer all your pent up emotions on students that happen to be bullies?
It certainly looks like you can punch them in the nose, watch them sniffle a bit and then walk away. But, hark, they're morally superior (in their mind).Seems like this forum had a lot of bitches Chaz.
So what you're essentially going to do is transfer all your pent up emotions on students that happen to be bullies?
You know what? I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer. Come back when you're willing to discuss like a human being, not like a troll.[/QUOTE]So what you're essentially going to do is transfer all your pent up emotions on students that happen to be bullies?
So what you're essentially going to do is transfer all your pent up emotions on students that happen to be bullies?
You know what? I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer. Come back when you're willing to discuss like a human being, not like a troll.[/QUOTE]So what you're essentially going to do is transfer all your pent up emotions on students that happen to be bullies?
You could have fooled me...I know plenty about teaching, it's my job. And I know it's not so cut and dry to get involved with student affairs. You think you're the only teacher in the world who wants to stop bullying? You're either really naive or really dumb.
Pretty much every generation at least as far back as the 40s has been right.Every generation thinks the younger one is a bunch of pussies and punks.
Yeah that's nice, but now that that rant is over let's talk about how to deal with the bullying problem and not the inability of some people to accept that times have changed.The problem is the systematic, agregate wussification of the youth of our nation. Do you remember when playground equipment was metal and wood? When scholastic aptitude was more important to grades than self esteem? When you could catch a bad bounce to the face on a grounder and NOT have lawyers get involved? When your personality dysfunctions were YOUR fault, your responsibility to correct, and not summarized by an acronym for which there was a pill to treat? When it was not abnormal to be expected to wait 6 to 8 weeks for delivery? When a doctor could tell you you needed to lose weight without fearing litigation? .... When people DIDN'T kill themselves because of bullying?
Kids have always been mean, vindictive little backstabbers. What's changed is the softness of the targets.
Yeah that's nice, but now that that rant is over let's talk about how to deal with the bullying problem and not the inability of some people to accept that times have changed.[/QUOTE]The problem is the systematic, agregate wussification of the youth of our nation. Do you remember when playground equipment was metal and wood? When scholastic aptitude was more important to grades than self esteem? When you could catch a bad bounce to the face on a grounder and NOT have lawyers get involved? When your personality dysfunctions were YOUR fault, your responsibility to correct, and not summarized by an acronym for which there was a pill to treat? When it was not abnormal to be expected to wait 6 to 8 weeks for delivery? When a doctor could tell you you needed to lose weight without fearing litigation? .... When people DIDN'T kill themselves because of bullying?
Kids have always been mean, vindictive little backstabbers. What's changed is the softness of the targets.
Yeah that's nice, but now that that rant is over let's talk about how to deal with the bullying problem and not the inability of some people to accept that times have changed.[/QUOTE]The problem is the systematic, agregate wussification of the youth of our nation. Do you remember when playground equipment was metal and wood? When scholastic aptitude was more important to grades than self esteem? When you could catch a bad bounce to the face on a grounder and NOT have lawyers get involved? When your personality dysfunctions were YOUR fault, your responsibility to correct, and not summarized by an acronym for which there was a pill to treat? When it was not abnormal to be expected to wait 6 to 8 weeks for delivery? When a doctor could tell you you needed to lose weight without fearing litigation? .... When people DIDN'T kill themselves because of bullying?
Kids have always been mean, vindictive little backstabbers. What's changed is the softness of the targets.
Oh, I'm sorry, Ill let you get back to watching Chaz and North Ranger tell each other to eat shit and die for a few more pages.Gas, it kinda feels like you're trying to hijack this thread to discuss your continuing disdain for society in general. I think people here want to stay focused on bullying and not get into yet another discussion about whatever social ills you've identified as your latest irritant.
I reject that coddling is fundamental. Systemic, yes. But not intrinsic.So your only solution to this problem is to change the fundamental nature of society? Helpful.
Oh, I'm sorry, Ill let you get back to watching Chaz and North Ranger tell each other to eat shit and die for a few more pages.[/quote]Gas, it kinda feels like you're trying to hijack this thread to discuss your continuing disdain for society in general. I think people here want to stay focused on bullying and not get into yet another discussion about whatever social ills you've identified as your latest irritant.
Oh, I'm sorry, Ill let you get back to watching Chaz and North Ranger tell each other to eat shit and die for a few more pages.Gas, it kinda feels like you're trying to hijack this thread to discuss your continuing disdain for society in general. I think people here want to stay focused on bullying and not get into yet another discussion about whatever social ills you've identified as your latest irritant.
I reject that coddling is fundamental. Systemic, yes. But not intrinsic.[/QUOTE]So your only solution to this problem is to change the fundamental nature of society? Helpful.
Oh, I'm sorry, Ill let you get back to watching Chaz and North Ranger tell each other to eat shit and die for a few more pages.[/quote]Gas, it kinda feels like you're trying to hijack this thread to discuss your continuing disdain for society in general. I think people here want to stay focused on bullying and not get into yet another discussion about whatever social ills you've identified as your latest irritant.
I actually agree with you, with two exceptions (which are bolded).The problem is the systematic, agregate wussification of the youth of our nation. Do you remember when playground equipment was metal and wood? When scholastic aptitude was more important to grades than self esteem? When you could catch a bad bounce to the face on a grounder and NOT have lawyers get involved? When your personality dysfunctions were YOUR fault, your responsibility to correct, and not summarized by an acronym for which there was a pill to treat? When it was not abnormal to be expected to wait 6 to 8 weeks for delivery? When a doctor could tell you you needed to lose weight without fearing litigation? .... When people DIDN'T kill themselves because of bullying?
Kids have always been mean, vindictive little backstabbers. What's changed is the softness of the targets.
Oh, I'm sorry, Ill let you get back to watching Chaz and North Ranger tell each other to eat shit and die for a few more pages.Gas, it kinda feels like you're trying to hijack this thread to discuss your continuing disdain for society in general. I think people here want to stay focused on bullying and not get into yet another discussion about whatever social ills you've identified as your latest irritant.
I reject that coddling is fundamental. Systemic, yes. But not intrinsic.[/QUOTE]So your only solution to this problem is to change the fundamental nature of society? Helpful.
No, you're correct. I was talking about ADD/ADHD. Woman at work today told me she was ADHD and that's why she couldn't pay attention to her work, almost had to choke a bitch.Examples would be BAP (Broader Autism Phenotype), Dyslexia, and certain types of depression to name a few. Guess you weren't talking about those, but back in the day they would have been considered a personality disorder, so maybe some of the stuff you are talking about will one day be understood to be a much more serious condition.
Thank you. You were right on the money with that analysis of the situation.Or NR recognizes futility when he sees it. I respect that.
Oh, I'm sorry, Ill let you get back to watching Chaz and North Ranger tell each other to eat shit and die for a few more pages.[/quote]Gas, it kinda feels like you're trying to hijack this thread to discuss your continuing disdain for society in general. I think people here want to stay focused on bullying and not get into yet another discussion about whatever social ills you've identified as your latest irritant.
No, you're correct. I was talking about ADD/ADHD. Woman at work today told me she was ADHD and that's why she couldn't pay attention to her work, almost had to choke a bitch.[/QUOTE]Examples would be BAP (Broader Autism Phenotype), Dyslexia, and certain types of depression to name a few. Guess you weren't talking about those, but back in the day they would have been considered a personality disorder, so maybe some of the stuff you are talking about will one day be understood to be a much more serious condition.
I know. It is so vital that our children learn to keep every single argument they ever get into going until it ends in fisticuffs or mutual resentment. Especially the case for the most meaningful arguments of all - those on internet message boards.Yeah, and notice how NR backs off instead of standing his fucking ground...
No, you're correct. I was talking about ADD/ADHD. Woman at work today told me she was ADHD and that's why she couldn't pay attention to her work, almost had to choke a bitch.[/QUOTE]Examples would be BAP (Broader Autism Phenotype), Dyslexia, and certain types of depression to name a few. Guess you weren't talking about those, but back in the day they would have been considered a personality disorder, so maybe some of the stuff you are talking about will one day be understood to be a much more serious condition.
No, you're correct. I was talking about ADD/ADHD. Woman at work today told me she was ADHD and that's why she couldn't pay attention to her work, almost had to choke a bitch.[/QUOTE]Examples would be BAP (Broader Autism Phenotype), Dyslexia, and certain types of depression to name a few. Guess you weren't talking about those, but back in the day they would have been considered a personality disorder, so maybe some of the stuff you are talking about will one day be understood to be a much more serious condition.
I know. It is so vital that our children learn to keep every single argument they ever get into going until it ends in fisticuffs or mutual resentment. Especially the case for the most meaningful arguments of all - those on internet message boards.
You have two left eyes?!?When I was a baby my left eye and left eye never pointed in the same direction...
You have two left eyes?!?[/QUOTE]When I was a baby my left eye and left eye never pointed in the same direction...
You stood your ground. You sir are A-Ok in my book.I was bullied in school because I have weird eyes. I developed early in life just about every problem that can happen to your eyes without going blind. When I was a baby my left eye and right eye never pointed in the same direction, I had cateracts, I couldn't stop my eyes from moving etc etc... (I had more than ten eye operations by the time I was fourteen)
I looked rather crazy? This has left me with eyesight that makes me rather disabled when it comes to physical activities like ball sports (thankfully to do most martial arts, you don't need the best of eyesight. While I wasn't any good at it, I still loved my karate and jujutsu classes)
These three guys who were easily a foot taller than me would always push me around and take my stuff. They had failed a grade each and so were 18 years old in grade 11.
The inevitable happened and I told them off and tried to stand up for myself so the three of them beat me down (after I put up a fight) they started walking away as I was in a bloody mess on the ground, and so I got up because I didn't want to give up, they would turn around and start the fight again. this happened four times and at the end of it: my nose was broken, my wrist was broken and still has a number of scars, I had two broken ribs, my face was covered in bruises and cuts, a dislocated shoulder and I had a twisted ankle (not sure about internal damage but I was kept in the hospital for some time). (in return, I think I bruised them a little bit, I wasn't just taking a beating but three on one is bad odds for bruce lee (unless they line up))
I hobbled to my math class and apparently my math teacher failed to realize I was in this state so I did the test I had been preparing for and then asked to be taken to the hospital because the pain finally hit me.
The next day the pressure in my eyes built up to the point I couldn't see through my corneas, I was a new member of the glaucoma club! (Until the end of university, I had to take five different types of steroidal eyedrops to keep the pressure down. After ten years I no longer have to take any medication.)
But hey, I got an A on my math test and those three guys never bothered me again... because they went to prison for raping a girl shortly afterward. However, I'm sure
Would I do it again? I don't know... I'm 24 and my wrist makes really loud popping noises whenever I move it (so, almost all the time) but other than that I have a few scars on my body.
Then you shouldn't have even posted. I know you're a coward. Don't worry....
No, not gonna climb back into the tub-o'-shit.
*walks outside and facepalms*
Then you shouldn't have even posted. I know you're a coward. Don't worry.[/QUOTE]...
No, not gonna climb back into the tub-o'-shit.
*walks outside and facepalms*
Then you shouldn't have even posted. I know you're a coward. Don't worry.[/QUOTE]...
No, not gonna climb back into the tub-o'-shit.
*walks outside and facepalms*
Then you shouldn't have even posted. I know you're a coward. Don't worry.[/QUOTE]...
No, not gonna climb back into the tub-o'-shit.
*walks outside and facepalms*
1. A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.
2. To force one's way aggressively or by intimidation
Chaz, you're being a bit of an ass, don't you think?
Obviously, a substantial percentage of those of us in this thread have had bullying experiences ranging from bad to really bad that have "helped" define us over the years.
Kicking people in the ass to "wake them up" over something very intensely personal like this subject doesn't seem particularly productive, and might actually be emotional distressful to the point of being harmful. You really should lay off.
Classic chaz.
Then you shouldn't have even posted. I know you're a coward. Don't worry.[/QUOTE]...
No, not gonna climb back into the tub-o'-shit.
*walks outside and facepalms*
Given the intense level of personal involvement in this topic, a lighter touch would not be a bad thing. Calling someone out, even if they're wrong, is much more confrontational than this conversation wararnts, and in this case is best reserved for close RL friends and/or a therapist, not internet peeps you hang out with.
Ease up, man.
Then you shouldn't have even posted. I know you're a coward. Don't worry.[/QUOTE]...
No, not gonna climb back into the tub-o'-shit.
*walks outside and facepalms*
But see that's not a good response because it doesn't always work! Getting up and kicking someone in the teeth frequently makes shit worse. As it did in my case. And many others. Yes, if it's only 1 bully it might work and I'm glad it did in your case, dude. But in several case it's a fucking pack of bad guys who if you get up they delight in knocking you down again and again and again.
1) We have a thread about bullying. A person comes in and says that anyone who doesn't punch the problem in the mouth is a weakling who is just asking for more bullying. He is the victim because people think he's being a dick. Makes sense to me!No please, more, I love being the Halforums pinata of misplaced physiological transference. That's right, mmm mob mentality tastes so good.
It's not a bad one either, and he didn't have to get all butthurt over it.
1) We have a thread about bullying. A person comes in and says that anyone who doesn't punch the problem in the mouth is a weakling who is just asking for more bullying. He is the victim because people think he's being a dick. Makes sense to me!No please, more, I love being the Halforums pinata of misplaced physiological transference. That's right, mmm mob mentality tastes so good.
It's not a bad one either, and he didn't have to get all butthurt over it.
You should rember that Chaz is a scared man child crying for attention, and that should give you a clue about the fat joke.
Yes. You have obsessive compulsive personality disorder in conjunction with an eating disorder. Am I close?Some psychological issues are so obvious and well known that anyone can spot them... except of course the person who has it.
1) We have a thread about bullying. A person comes in and says that anyone who doesn't punch the problem in the mouth is a weakling who is just asking for more bullying. He is the victim because people think he's being a dick. Makes sense to me!No please, more, I love being the Halforums pinata of misplaced physiological transference. That's right, mmm mob mentality tastes so good.
It's not a bad one either, and he didn't have to get all butthurt over it.
You should rember that Chaz is a scared man child crying for attention, and that should give you a clue about the fat joke.
Ugh.Some psychological issues are so obvious and well known that anyone can spot them... except of course the person who has it.