Bumper Stickers

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Wasabi Poptart

I nearly bought this one as a magnet for my delivery van when I was working for my parents:

Jesus Loves You
everyone else thinks you're an asshole
The lady who has been parking next to me has this little gem on her car:

"Goddess on the loose"

I've met her. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I've never seen this but I would love to see some religious venue print up a lot of:

I do my best work on my knees.

reference praying. you dirty people


The lady who has been parking next to me has this little gem on her car:

"Goddess on the loose"

I've met her. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I think maybe she's just referring to her ex-lover.
The lady who has been parking next to me has this little gem on her car:

"Goddess on the loose"

I've met her. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I think maybe she's just referring to her ex-lover.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm. You might be right.

It would explain all those bear traps she keeps setting around the place.
I just really, really hate bumper stickers. I hate them so much. Even this thread is making me angry.

Kitty Sinatra

We don't really do bumper stickers up here in Canada - or at least Ontario - but there are a rare few sticking around. And I mean, they're rare enough that it surprises me to see a a bumper sticker. Anyway, I keep seeing one Chevy around town with a sticker on it that says

"Not out of a job yet? Keep buying foreign"

Now, the irony of this is that in my town here Toyota has recently set up shop here, and they've got another plant just down the highway. Honda and Suzuki also build cars in this province.

But that Chevy with the sticker? It's not built in Canada. The fucking idiot who stuck that sticker on his car is a fucking idiot.
My old bumper stickers said "Thank you for not breeding" and "Save the planet, kill yourself".
I'm not as jaded as I used to me.


Staff member
Bumper stickers usually are stupid and suck. HOWEVER, I saw a great one the other day:

"Stay Fit Eat Right Die Anyways" :p
My favorite is "Hi, I'm passive agressive so I'm going to use my bumper sticker to insult something you believe in."
Okay, so there aren't any that actually say that but that is what many of them are saying anyway.
My old car had a few bumper stickers. Mostly ones like, "Never have strong opinions about things you don't understand"

My favorite was "For such a small town, there sure are a lot of idiots here." because it is very true.
The mark of a really good bumper sticker (or button, for that matter) is that it should be chuckle-inducing yet be forgotten almost instantly. I've seen plenty that fit this description, can't remember many of them. Not even the one I found in the attic just a couple of weeks ago (which is still in the attic...no, I'm not gonna go get it down).

I think one of the ones I've seen that was the most amusing was someone's take on the 700 Club's marriage bumper sticker. They had requested multiple copies of this (free) bumper sticker, cut them up and assembled them so that one would be untouched, another would be two men, another was one man and 3 women, etc. Brilliant.

I really don't like that 'Co-exist' one that is so ubiquitous, and pretty much any of the other ones.

Hell, I don't even like the dealer sticker/decals on my car. I usually make an effort to remove any thing like that.

Le Quack

I want a bumper sticker that goes on the front of my car that says "Don't fucking slow down in front of me, jackass"
I don't like the 'Coexist' one either. We're coexisting right now, jackass. Just some better than others.

I hate my university's slogan for the same reason. "Become." Become what? You're really being quite vague. You're encouraging me to become something, but haven't so much as given me a direction to go in. When I become a hooker, I hope you're proud.
Wow, I just made it as a joke. Didn't think people would actually want to buy it. Sure there's not any copyright problems with that? Not sure if someone actually has a claim to Pedo there.


Staff member
Why all the flak about using someone else's words? You'd have to get rid of greeting cards, too. And balloons. You could even argue that stopping at words is arbitrary: you chose the car you drive partly (unless circumstances like money drove your decision) because the design someone else came up with reflected your sense of style. And on and on and on...
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