Burning question for this new age of man

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I add most anyone who requests and then promptly forget about it. I figure if I don't get a message from them, there really isn't any harm done. Even the douchenozzles from high school.

In almost any case where someone tormented you in school, they've probably forgotten about it or regret it. It's amazing how most of that stuff would make chapters in our lives but wouldn't even make footnotes in theirs.
And that annoys the hell out of me. I've tried explaining this to my sister, who was in the "mean girls" clique in high school. She just doesn't get it. She says things like, "Oh yeah, I know it was mean, but we were just being kids." She acknowledges the wrong-doing, but blows it off as nothing. It is to her, but to the people she did it to, it's not nothing. It shaped their person and may stick with them forever.
facebook's interface scares the bejesus out of me.
It's pretty tame once you get used to it, as long as you don't have a fuckload of friends in your feed. If someone is a little too active and you don't really care what they're blabbing about, you can just hide them. Half your friends will barely log on anyway.
I routinely deny friend requests from family members and people whom with I have little social experience. I boot people who spam quizzes and applications or have meaningless interactions. When they ask why, I explain that I will use Facebook how I see fit, same as them.
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