Holy shit I'm excited and nervous... excivous? nervcited?
My first tattoo ever is going on my shoulder blade in a few hours. That's right, in St. Patrick's Day. Could I have gotten any better day for my appointment? No, hell no.
The tattoo artist is something of a big shot... to get an appointment you need to wait at least 3 or 4 weeks cause he's always busy, and he's won awards not only in Mexico but in tattoo competitions all over the US and Europe as well. I've seen him work for 6 hours total when he tattooed my best friend and I KNOW he's great....
but I still can't shake this tiny feeling of... "aaaah, what if he screws up the tiniest little insignificant detail!?! aaah"... cause I'm such a whiney bitch that no matter how unnoticeable the discrepancy in the design I want, It would nag me 24/7. For the rest of my life.
It's a minor concern, but it's there.... that's normal for your first tattoo, right? RIGHT?
Help me burn the hours before I leave, Halforums!!
Oh, right, the design.
Still basically that, except with a few tweaks. The first and last zebra crossing lines won't be there, and the color of the lines will be darker, possibly even degraded from back to front to give it a feeling of depth.