Cannot Recieve PMs / Collapse Categories

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I've been told PMs to me are being rejected. Says my box is full though earlier today I got the 1k upgrade.

Inbox contains 12 messages. You have 26 messages stored, of a total 1,000 allowed. (Empty Folder)


I also still cannot collapse stuff like the shoutbox and other forums I don't want to see. Any progress on this?



Staff member
The one I sent you went through fine. Someone not an Admin please test this. Can you SEND them, Jay? If so, then the person trying to send probably hit their quota.

As to the other....We have no idea why it's doing that.
show details 7:17 PM (0 minutes ago)

Dear Jay,

Krisken has just tried to send you a private message. However, your private messages box on Halforums has reached the specified quota. In order to receive further private messages, you must delete some messages. Please visit this page to do so:

All the best,
No, he's right. I got this message-

  • Jay has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
Good luck fixin it!


Staff member
Crap. Something ain't right.

---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------

Raised everyone's to 250 until we get this figured out.
In the end, I found the cause of the issue.

What was it?


I shit you not, if I didn't buy the NSFW section of the site it fucks up everything. Now, most people didn't have this issue because you're all a bunch of fucken perverts while I was only trying to make money disappear.


Staff member
Wait! So if you have access to everything it works but if not it doesn't? Explains why I can't duplicate!
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