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Castrate all men? Pshaw. We should ban all cats instead.




If you think castrating all men to rid the world of the evil patriarchy once and for all is crazy, wait until you hear about this New Zealander who wants to ban all cats from the country, including such awesome quotes as "make your current cat your last" and "while it's not required to euthanize your current cats, it is a good idea."

He also wants to ban all mice from the Antipodes Islands, where they're the only predators.





If you think castrating all men to rid the world of the evil patriarchy once and for all is crazy, wait until you hear about this New Zealander who wants to ban all cats from the country, including such awesome quotes as "make your current cat your last" and "while it's not required to euthanize your current cats, it is a good idea."

He also wants to ban all mice from the Antipodes Islands, where they're the only predators.

I wish I knew it was that easy earlier! We should have banned all biting insects decades ago.




Well, cats are not native, and there have certainly been other efforts elsewhere in the world to preserve the native habitat by eliminating non-native species.

But where you have humans, you'll likely have cats, dogs, birds, and rodents. I doubt he's going to get much traction convincing people that preserving the island monoculture is more worthwhile than enjoying their pets.




Saw that, but still think radically altering an ecosystem "because someone thought it would be a good idea at the time" leaves us open to so much we didn't expect, regardless of whether we did it on purpose or by accident.

Also, didn't Europe try this sort of thing already? And how did that turn out, hmm?





I wish I knew it was that easy earlier! We should have banned all biting insects decades ago.
Y'know, while we're at it, we could end all of these debates about whether or not climate change is real by just banning harmful environmental effects from pollutants. We wouldn't have to ban the pollutants themselves, mind you, just the harmful effects.




A friend of mine and his wife have on the order of 20 cats. I stepped out on their back porch and saw that they had a Nature's Conservancy wind chime... I could not stop laughing.

They asked me what I thought was funny. I pointed at the chime and said that there is not a single lizard or songbird for two miles around their house because they were hording cats.




A friend of mine and his wife have on the order of 20 cats. I stepped out on their back porch and saw that they had a Nature's Conservancy wind chime... I could not stop laughing.

They asked me what I thought was funny. I pointed at the chime and said that there is not a single lizard or songbird for two miles around their house because they were hording cats.
Hey, the right way to use "hording" instead of "hoarding" :p
