Champions Online, thoughts?

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Enresshou said:
This, plus the fact that he tends to be fairly hypocritical in his views. His mantra was "risk equals reward for all classes!", then buffed tankers/scrappers to insane levels (look up the old videos of them taking out AV's single-handedly) while leaving the other classes out to dry.
To be fair though, Castle has done a marvelous job of skewing the balance towards Blasters, Corruptors, and Dominators in his place. Now Melee is worthless unless your a Brute full of Fury or a Stalker with Defenses out the wazoo.

I will admit, however, that Blasters really fucking needed that first buff to Defiance they got and the global buff to damage they received to ranged powers. It's just gotten out of hand lately, especially with Psychic Blast and Mental Manipulation.


SeriousJay said:
Did you know I once PKed Scott Kurtz? :clap: He had poop for regs though.
I ganked Gabe's "Dudefella" in WoW while on my Orc Rogue. I took screens and everything, I wish I still had that computer. =(
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