I'me leaning towards either the Tau, the Imperial Guard, The space marines or one of their offshoots (Space Wolves, Sisters of Battle, Blood Angles, Ext) Any help?
Hailey Knight
Only play Orks if you want the games to be crazy, but you're not concerned too much with winning. I played Orcs & Goblins in Warhammer Fantasy and Orks in W40k. Lots of fun, lots of zany shit happening, but not much in the way of victory. I'd get my ass handed to me by Elves or Blood Angels even as my boyz acted like bowling balls, spraying enemy troops all over.
I'm really leaning toward either Tau, Imperial Guard or Blood Angels.
Only play Orks if you want the games to be crazy, but you're not concerned too much with winning. I played Orcs & Goblins in Warhammer Fantasy and Orks in W40k. Lots of fun, lots of zany shit happening, but not much in the way of victory. I'd get my ass handed to me by Elves or Blood Angels even as my boyz acted like bowling balls, spraying enemy troops all over.
The Sisters of Battles aren't a Space Marine offshoot, they belong to a separate faction of the Imperium. The Tau codex is craaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy out of date.
Also, you forgot about Necrons, the faction I choose before they became the apparent masters of flyer cheese.
Imperial Guard, all the way, baby.
Death before dishonor.
because Tyranids
I'd advise against Tau. They don't get updates because no one buys the models... and no one buys the models because they don't get updates. It's sort of like the problem Dark Eldar had for years.
Generally speaking, your best bets for having fun/winning in 40k are by ether buy the most recent Space Marine book or buying the most recently updated army.
Flashlights, T-shirts and standard issue adamantium balls.
Wot's dis? Youz stinkin 'umies fink uz are betta dan da Orks? Da Boyz is gonna luv dis, dey are. I's fink it's time for a proppa scrap eh, boyz? So git on over dere and give em' a thump.
If you will not serve in combat, you will serve on the firing line.
Just Me
Imperial Guard, because you'll never walk alone!
Normally, I'd be the first to venerate the Immortal Emperor with either my Stygian Marines or the Vicrovian 1st "Regiment of Remnants"
But seriously guys.
Pfff... Space marines go into battle with huge wussy power armor.
Pan Fo! Really my best advice to you Danne is to pick the faction whose models you like the best. Also, I don't know if you're much into the painting part of the hobby but the amount of miniatures you will have to paint in something like a Space Marine (or Chaos Space Marine) army will be far less than you would have to do with Imperial Guard or Orks.
Tau will be due for a new codex soon, so I wouldn't get too into that. Sisters of Battle have limited model choices and tend to be quite pricey to field.
This will depend a lot on what you plan to do. Space Marines of any variety will have good support, as it's the flagship, iconic army. Necrons are currently the most dominant force with the changes brought about by Sixth Edition. Orks is Orks, and you betta bring lotsa boys wit' you. Elder and Dark Eldar are solid, with some cool models. Chaos just relaunched, with some major room for a variety of armies.
I'm building a Space Marine and a Chaos army, customizing a bit as I go. That's what worked for me.
Has Games Workshop increased the quality of Finecast (aka, Finecost, Finecrap, etc.) since it was first released? I remember them being extremely bad (bubbles, excessive flash, missing parts, miscast parts, registration errors).
Tau will be due for a new codex soon, so I wouldn't get too into that. Sisters of Battle have limited model choices and tend to be quite pricey to field.
Has Games Workshop increased the quality of Finecast (aka, Finecost, Finecrap, etc.) since it was first released? I remember them being extremely bad (bubbles, excessive flash, missing parts, miscast parts, registration errors).
My Techmarine came with two of the same sprue, forcing me to improvise with the bits box to actually assemble the backpack. Fortunately, I did make it interesting. My Sternguard sergeant has a kind of squished face, but the other ones were okay. I've yet to open my new Warpsmith, and I fear more fuckuppery.
And Charon - your Iron Warriors have no special rules now. Nooooooooooone. They're just a palette swap of any other vanilla Chaos now. Sorry, dude.
Has Games Workshop increased the quality of Finecast (aka, Finecost, Finecrap, etc.) since it was first released? I remember them being extremely bad (bubbles, excessive flash, missing parts, miscast parts, registration errors).
Holding my breath for new Chaos codex. Failing that, doesn't matter - they're still a damned sexy chapter, with awesome fluff. No mutations, no Posessed, no Daemon prince. Only ALL OBLITERATORS, ALL THE TIME
You'll be happy Oblits got great - really great, but there's no special rules for IWs.
Nothing at all? Even the Space Marine's codex has different chapter tactics for the various chapters it covers.
Nope. Literally just a paragraph or two of fluff. Not even tactics. The four Legions are no different than vanilla Chaos.
My Techmarine came with two of the same sprue, forcing me to improvise with the bits box to actually assemble the backpack. Fortunately, I did make it interesting. My Sternguard sergeant has a kind of squished face, but the other ones were okay. I've yet to open my new Warpsmith, and I fear more fuckuppery.
Way to improve quality and raise prices Games Workshop! Stay classy!
This is why I haven't bought anything from them since the new Dark Eldar models (and all of that stuff I bought is still shrink wrapped and taunting me from their boxes).
And you know the prices are really bad when people working in the oil industry in Alberta (aka me) say that it's getting too expensive.
Buying from them directly is a no no for me. I just get models from retailers who drop a decent enough percentage from the price, like Meeplemart.
I prefer to support my FLGS. Man's always done right by me, and always gives me a "badge discount" of at least 10%. He does the same for military, which is something else I like about him, but he also appreciates me as a regular, so I occasionally see a little bit more taken away for that, too.
Yeah, my FLGS does just fine with Magic and such. He doesn't do much in the WH40K department. But effing Games Workshop just rapes (yes) secondary markets like Canada and Australia. Despite our dollars being on par, our prices are 20-30% higher.
Our FLGS is a hole full of weirdos otherwise I probably would support them. I'm just choosing not to support Games Workshop anymore.
I'm excited to see how these new Reaper "Bones" models turn out, because I suspect they are going to kill "Finecast" in terms of quality.
There are already Bones minis out there. The plastic is of the regular, more soft, variety and it holds paint like a deathgrip. After painting them you can apparently just shove em in a sack and there'll be very little damage done to the paintjobs.
There are already Bones minis out there. The plastic is of the regular, more soft, variety and it holds paint like a deathgrip. After painting them you can apparently just shove em in a sack and there'll be very little damage done to the paintjobs.
Instead we get Finecast... and pay dearly for the privalege.
So, I have all the Dawn of War games (not a fan of DoW2, but I also have those. Obviously one of my main complaints is no IG) and expansions if anyone wanted to play some of those. I know it's different than actually playing a tabletop game, but I'd be more than happy to roll over any of your armies with my IG army.
So, I have all the Dawn of War games (not a fan of DoW2, but I also have those. Obviously one of my main complaints is no IG) and expansions if anyone wanted to play some of those. I know it's different than actually playing a tabletop game, but I'd be more than happy to roll over any of your armies with my IG army.
I thought DOW2: Retribution added IG... Mind you, I haven't played it either, since I got bored of DOW2 vanilla so quickly.
I guess it did. I only have through the Chaos expansion on DoW2.
Really, all I ever played on that game was a portion of the single player campaign and Last Stand (which I think is the best part of the game).
The Guard are hideously strong in Dawn of War 1. There is basically nothing that can compete with large squads spamming Plasma, while a Commissar makes them immune to morale loss via executions (and they can re-enforce quickly and cheaply). That's not even getting into the stupidedly huge range of their Heavy Weapon Squads. Anything that those can't deal with falls to Karskins, Ogryn, or tank teams.
Simply put, the Imperial Guard has tools for any situation. There are few things they can't handle on their own. You just need to micro the fuck out of them.
I think that's true of many factions in RTS games. Orcs in Warcraft 3 were hard as hell to play if you're unskilled with Micromanagement. I'd argue that in being fully OP, the Necrons take that honor.
I think that's true of many factions in RTS games. Orcs in Warcraft 3 were hard as hell to play if you're unskilled with Micromanagement. I'd argue that in being fully OP, the Necrons take that honor.
Not really, as Necrons start VERY slow. You could get 3-4 full teams of Guardsmen out in the time it takes to get a squad of Necrons up and the Guardsmen would be able to scatter them AND take the control point. Necrons simply can't deal with rushes. Necrons are just hard to stop when they get rolling.
The Guard are hideously strong in Dawn of War 1. There is basically nothing that can compete with large squads spamming Plasma, while a Commissar makes them immune to morale loss via executions (and they can re-enforce quickly and cheaply). That's not even getting into the stupidedly huge range of their Heavy Weapon Squads. Anything that those can't deal with falls to Karskins, Ogryn, or tank teams.
Simply put, the Imperial Guard has tools for any situation. There are few things they can't handle on their own. You just need to micro the fuck out of them.
Actually, once you've got the IG upgrades in DOW1 (size 14 squads, plasma guns, sergeants and commisars) there's very little micro, they and their autocannon HW teams just eat everything alive. Heh. Once you get a couple Leman Russes and a baneblade to push with, it's game over.
There was too much micro in DOW2 for my liking. I like my RTS like Supreme Commander.
But again, the fact that they are so micromanagement heavy is their tradeoff. I always liked races in RTS games that had a steep learning curve, but were super powerful once you learned all their ins and outs. Not like say, Orcs or Space Marines where you can pretty much get by with cursory knowledge about how to play them.
There also is the trade off that the IG are pretty damn fragile unless you're good at assigning command units. (until you get ogres, that is).
The only "micro" I ever had to do with IG was remember for one squad to have its commissar shoot somebody once per fight.
And this is AFTER the nerf to their cannons. Their siege cannons used almost be able to hit any place on the map in Winter Assault, so all you needed was someone to spot for them.
I always had a variety of command units, commisars, priests and psykers. If you mix and match them, they do become a steamroller with just basic soldiers.
I will also concede that the almost infinite range of the Basilisk is pretty cheese.
The addition of the dug in mobile heavy weapons team DID unbalance them a bit.
Well... just tried to download Soulstorm from my Direct2Drive account. Direct2Drive is now owned by Gamefly, so I need to download that client. Get that client installed and now it tells me that the game isn't currently available for download.
Kinda ragin' at the moment.
That's why even though I'd already purchased the disk based games that I rebought them on steam. So much easier.
I have the other 3 on disk. It's just that Soulstorm is the best of the series and I got it for like 5 bucks. Gonna have to check and see how much it costs during the Winter Sale.
hmm, I was wrong. now that I'm looking at my steam library, I did buy retribution for DoW2. Must have been during one of the steam sales.
I want to create a custom warband, but I'm having a heck of a time choosing marks. It's an all-comers army, with a pretty balanced attack.
Charge led by bikes and a Maulerfiend to blitz vehicles and gun down infantry that could stop the Maulerfiend. Nurgle on bikes? Hard to refuse that.
Three blobs of troops. A max size close combat marine squad, a max bolter squad, a group of 20 cultists to snag objectives or serve as a meat shield. Slannesh feels right here, as the initiative boost makes them a real combat threat and gives my bolter group a fighting chance against close combat squads.
A las cannon predator for the toughest nuts to crack. A Hellbrute to advance and take on whatever.
A lord with chosen to clear out objectives. Nurgle would be great here.
A squad of raptors with plasma guns to hunt elite units. Slannesh seems good here, too.
I could get some Oblits, but I'm pretty satisfied with the selection I have now. I just need another squad of marines to max the bolters.
It's a hell of a conundrum. I suppose I might prefer Slannesh due to first strike in close combat, and they would look good in purple. But there's something to be said about the ridiculous durability of Nurgle troops. Tough call.
Hailey Knight
How is Soul Storm the best of the series? It's so buggy and takes 5 minutes to load anything. Did they somehow get around to releasing the patch for it? Because back when it came out, the people that made it for Relic had their company close down, so it seemed nothing to fix it was forthcoming.
How is Soul Storm the best of the series? It's so buggy and takes 5 minutes to load anything. Did they somehow get around to releasing the patch for it? Because back when it came out, the people that made it for Relic had their company close down, so it seemed nothing to fix it was forthcoming.
I was thinking this too. Unless something drastically changed, Dark Crusade is better by far.
Was Dark Crusade the 3rd one or the 4th one? I'm talking about the 3rd one.
Dark Crusade was the third one, followed by Soulstorm, which added the Sisters of Battle and Dark Eldar factions.
Hailey Knight
Yeah, Dark Crusade was third, and it was great.
I was excited for Soul Storm, but it was... not good, in the end. The Inquisition and Witch Hunters mods for Dark Crusade made me much happier than the bogged down bugfest that was Soul Storm.
Much preferred Dark Crusade... never did download the Sisters mod for it... probably should have. I do love me some Sisters...
Not only was it buggy, but the single player campaign was awful, the stronghold missions were all almost exactly the same and the new air units were lackluster at best (especially Necrons).
Hrm, I wouldnt mind playing some Dark Crusade again...
Never played, but watched a good deal of playthroughs and SSSSSINDRIIIIIII!!!
Shut up, Bale!
I took this screenshot back from the first DoW. I always thought it was badass
Well... just tried to download Soulstorm from my Direct2Drive account. Direct2Drive is now owned by Gamefly, so I need to download that client. Get that client installed and now it tells me that the game isn't currently available for download.
My D2D account was linked to a since-deactivated mail address. Gamefly doesn't acknowledge its existence as an account mail address, and theres's no way for me to get anything back, apparently. Out 7 or 8 games.
Now I remember again why I prefer disc versions ...Grrr.