Christmas avatar

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It's 1 week and 1 day until Christmas, so I'm swapping my avatar for the occasion. Please feel free to play along!

Kitty Sinatra

If I was more in the mood to photoshop, I'd replace my pirate hat for Santa's.

. . .

I will personally kick someone you hate in the junk if anyone can take my gif and christmas-ize it. Of course it must meet my standards of awesomeness. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah you do.

Also, Merry Christmas there comrade MindDetective:

Kitty Sinatra

espy likes MindDetective better than me. That puts me in a very unChristmaslike mood.

Kitty Sinatra

I love you too, espy. Oh wait. You said loathe. hmm . . . yeah actually. I do loathe you. Damn smokers.

Merry Kittehmas!


Staff member
As Stephen Colbert says, it's that special time of year, when the ultimate socialist goes around giving out free stuff to people who didn't work for it.

Merry Socialistmas, Komrade!
Someone needs to make a christmas-y character from the movie Avatar because that's what I keep picturing when I see the thread title now.
I will personally kick someone you hate in the junk if anyone can take my gif and christmas-ize it. Of course it must meet my standards of awesomeness. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah you do.
Glenn Beck has kind of been pissing me off lately. Do something about that, if you could?



And, done.

EDIT: I also wanted the following picture as my Christmas sig, but I can't get it to fit within 500x100 while still being able to see Dwight's awesome expression. Enjoy. Just soak up the Christmas spirit being exuded here:

I will personally kick someone you hate in the junk if anyone can take my gif and christmas-ize it. Of course it must meet my standards of awesomeness. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah you do.
Glenn Beck has kind of been pissing me off lately. Do something about that, if you could?



Now, here's an interesting thing about me kicking Glenn Beck in the balls. Now I'm not saying that I'm NOT going to actually go kick him in the balls but what if that's not a coincidence hmmm? What if, maybe, and I'm not saying this is for real, but what if, I just said that I would so I could get an christmas avatar and spread communist socialist terrorist muslim propaganda and take away your healthcare and kill Santa. I'm just asking a question here since I'm the only one brave enough to ask it.
Plus if we look over here we see another clue as to whats going on here:
P_____ossibly from the Soviet Union
Y_____ou betcha'

I think we can all see whats going on here.
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