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Christmas avatar



It's 1 week and 1 day until Christmas, so I'm swapping my avatar for the occasion. Please feel free to play along!


Wasabi Poptart

<---- btdt


Kitty Sinatra

If I was more in the mood to photoshop, I'd replace my pirate hat for Santa's.

. . .









If someone puts a Santa hat on my brain avatar, I'll sport that for a while.




I will personally kick someone you hate in the junk if anyone can take my gif and christmas-ize it. Of course it must meet my standards of awesomeness. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah you do.

Also, Merry Christmas there comrade MindDetective:




Damn you're good




Done (been in a Tick mood since the cartoon avatar week).





Kitty Sinatra

espy likes MindDetective better than me. That puts me in a very unChristmaslike mood.








espy likes MindDetective better than me. That puts me in a very unChristmaslike mood.
Maybe it's not that I don't like you as much but that I just loathe you.

Just kidding:


Kitty Sinatra

I love you too, espy. Oh wait. You said loathe. hmm . . . yeah actually. I do loathe you. Damn smokers.

Merry Kittehmas!




Sure, why not.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Does my current avatar count as a depiciton of Young Santa Claus?




Ooooh! I wanna Santa Hat!




<-- Been in the spirit for a while now.

And here's santa hat to use for photoshopping.




I'm here to save the fuck out of Jesus.




As Stephen Colbert says, it's that special time of year, when the ultimate socialist goes around giving out free stuff to people who didn't work for it.

Merry Socialistmas, Komrade!




Someone needs to make a christmas-y character from the movie Avatar because that's what I keep picturing when I see the thread title now.




I will personally kick someone you hate in the junk if anyone can take my gif and christmas-ize it. Of course it must meet my standards of awesomeness. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah you do.
Glenn Beck has kind of been pissing me off lately. Do something about that, if you could?




As Stephen Colbert says, it's that special time of year, when the ultimate socialist goes around giving out free stuff to people who didn't work for it.

Merry Socialistmas, Komrade!








I'm in.



And, done.

EDIT: I also wanted the following picture as my Christmas sig, but I can't get it to fit within 500x100 while still being able to see Dwight's awesome expression. Enjoy. Just soak up the Christmas spirit being exuded here:







Two can play that game.




I will personally kick someone you hate in the junk if anyone can take my gif and christmas-ize it. Of course it must meet my standards of awesomeness. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah you do.
Glenn Beck has kind of been pissing me off lately. Do something about that, if you could?



Now, here's an interesting thing about me kicking Glenn Beck in the balls. Now I'm not saying that I'm NOT going to actually go kick him in the balls but what if that's not a coincidence hmmm? What if, maybe, and I'm not saying this is for real, but what if, I just said that I would so I could get an christmas avatar and spread communist socialist terrorist muslim propaganda and take away your healthcare and kill Santa. I'm just asking a question here since I'm the only one brave enough to ask it.
Plus if we look over here we see another clue as to whats going on here:
P_____ossibly from the Soviet Union
Y_____ou betcha'

I think we can all see whats going on here.




If anyone feels like shopping a christmas theme into my avatar, I'd be happy to change it.


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

I'm in.




Disregard my previous post, I found the perfect christmas avatar.


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

Ha! I'm listening to Bing Crosby right now.








The David Bowie/Bing Crosby christmas duet is pretty damn awesome.


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

Here you go Gusto




Thanks homes.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet





I created my smiley jester in Flash back when I was helping someone create a website. I don't have it anymore, but can anyone re-color the hat to look more Christmas-y?



I haven't been around in a while so I'll join in the fun.




I created my smiley jester in Flash back when I was helping someone create a website. I don't have it anymore, but can anyone re-color the hat to look more Christmas-y?
Nevermind, I found something else I like. I love the poem that goes with this image.


Philosopher B.

All this avatar changing is making me seasick.

- Philosopher B., who's probably going to end up with Michael I-will-fuck-your-shit-up-and-be-all-British-and-mega-uber-rad-ass-while-doin'-it Caine as Scrooge.


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

I was going to use this one but changed my mind.


Philosopher B.

Aw yiss.



Meat tree!


Philosopher B.




Now I have a machine gun. Ho-Ho-Ho


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Very well.
Is that you?




It probably won't snow in Florida, but here's still a snowman!




Well, I ain't gonna stop anyone from Kringle-ing me... Otherwise I'll just use some Santa's elf for my avatar. And it will be Finnish. How? Because Finnish elves are so hairy they're actually dwarves :twisted:




It will rotate, but here is the first.




This is actually me.




So... anyone with some actual skill care to add a santa hat on Krang, or do i have to draw him a crappy one in mspaint?








I'm in. :D


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

So... anyone with some actual skill care to add a santa hat on Krang, or do i have to draw him a crappy one in mspaint?
I was hoping you'd ask. I had to resize him so he'd fit the avatar requirements.




Kneel before Santa Krang, puny earthlings...

10x dude, that's awesome.


General Specific

General Specific

I haven't been around in a while so I'll join in the fun.
I hope you have the most Patrick Swayze Christmas ever, Lafftaff. :D





---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 PM ----------

broke it




I am a horrible person.




I am a horrible person.
Poor puppy. D:




You have a long-hair Daschund? My short-hair D would probably laugh at it right now.




You have a long-hair Daschund? My short-hair D would probably laugh at it right now.
Mine too, heh.




Also I nominate Shannow for greatest Christmas avatar. I laugh every time I see it because I hear the Dr. Doom voice in my head treating that toy like it's really Ben Grimm.


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

And just for the heck of it



And just for the heck of it
awesome! well done.




And just for the heck of it
It's awesome but it's too dark in dark themes.


Kitty Sinatra

Ho Ho Ho?

Tee Hee Hee.




I need to figure out hot to shop a santa hat on my party mummy.

.....and get photo shop.



Kitty Sinatra

Ho Ho Ho?

Tee Hee Hee.
Figured that would amuse you.[/QUOTE]

It does. :heart:


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

And just for the heck of it
It's awesome but it's too dark in dark themes.[/QUOTE]




I think my avatar with a santa hat would be awesome, if anyone who has any photoshop skills better than mine (ie, anyone) would care to to do it.


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

Don't have too much time to work on it, but here's what I've got.




Merry Christmas 'n stuff

BR! *shakes fist*




Thanks both of you guys! I'll go with Drifter's, the color makes it more hilarious, but both are awesome.


Wasabi Poptart

<--- from my favorite version of A Christmas Carol


General Specific

General Specific

From my favorite Christmas special. :D




<--- from my favorite version of A Christmas Carol
Alistair Sim, no?











Checkeredhat wins the thread. Move thread to Hall of Fame, laminate and frame that sucker.



Merry Christmas everyone.




SeraRelm: Always bringing the sexy back. :love:



;) I knew you'd like it.


Wasabi Poptart

<--- from my favorite version of A Christmas Carol
Alistair Sim, no?[/QUOTE]

You are correct, sir. :D








Yes, that's more "you".



Im not going to say who but at least one person has a fairly NSFW avatar that is christmas related...not exactly cool.




If you're not going to say who, that's pretty useless, isn't it?
If you think it's NSFW, report it to the mods so they can change the offending avatar, or at least Pm the person.

Do you mean Ame, me, Shannow, or yet someone else? I think all of our avatars are OK, but it may depend on your job :-P



yea pretty much all three are..a bit too risque to be SFW. We have an entire subforum for this.




Eh, they're not that bad.




Depends on where you work now, doesn't it?

Some places are better than others for this sort of things.




Well, you're the board lackey :-P
Do they go or do they stay? Just askinjg, 'cause than I need to start looking for another one, right? :-P




Yeah...I have to quickly scroll because the avatars will piss off the right people at my company and I'd really like to not get the site blocked.

Otherwise, Shannow's and Bubble's are awesome.




Oh, pfuh :-P




I don't make any changes or ask anyone to do anything unless asked. Nobody has requested anything be done or reported anything.



Well..I dont want to ruin the spirit..but I mean I'm having to steer cleer of threads Bubbles, Ame, etc are posting in cause of those avatars, when I am at work.



I will say that this holiday season I have become very thankful for ad-block.



How'd you get that pic of me anyway?



Depends on where you work now, doesn't it?

Some places are better than others for this sort of things.
I pretty much agree. NSFW would be nudity/visible sex/body parts.
Amorous Vyxen said:
Actually, it's my body double.

My hair needs to grow another 4-5 inches to reach that length.
Lucky you Amorous.

Im currently balding so bad that I've decided to shave my hair for good. :(


Kitty Sinatra

I think for new year's I'll have a full frontal nudity avatar just to piss people off.*
Yippee! Oh wait, there's an asterisk.

* If you took this seriously you really are a moron.
aw damn. :(



If you need frontal nudity, I'll be happy to oblige.
Mind you, it wold look like this-


Kitty Sinatra

Yeah . . . thanks, but I think I'll pass.




I refuse to change mine, until my next rotation. I use it every year, and besides, Santa is tastefully clothed using his jolly red cap.



Well I can't install extensions to Firefox at work (long story dont ask) so I have to use vanilla FF with no add ons, so no ad-block..

And yea..the avatars are technically "clothed" but Shannows is a guy wearing nothing but a Santa hat over his groin...Ame's is start naked minus a black label over her rear and Bubbles is Santa, with a naked chick going down on him. Now Ame's is debateable but for the sake of discussion we'll say thats ok. Bubbles is the worst followed by Shannow.

Look I don't mean to bitch, I just like being able to browse the forums at work. We have a NSFW forum for these type of things. I can't even read RocketGirls' birthday thread anymore because the NSFW imagery people decided to post there... (at least not at work). I'm just asking people to please be a little considerate with avatars and imagery in the forums that supposed to be SFW.




Disable avatars, if it is such an issue, and you want to peruse the forums instead of work. You seem to be the only one with an issue.




Disable avatars, if it is such an issue, and you want to peruse the forums instead of work. You seem to be the only one with an issue.
I think it's an issue as well, but I didn't know you could disable avatars! Done and done!



Diasble avatars, if it is such an issue, and you want to peruse the forums instead of work. You seem to be the only one with an issue.

But have you stopped to consider...how wrong that is? Side skirting the issue with "depends on where you work" or "disable this, disable that" is basically akin to saying "NSFW material is A-OK". We had an entire discussion about this and made the NSFW subforum cause Dave and many others, wanted to keep the regular forums fairly clean and family friendly.

If that forum philosophy has changed...then its time we re-evaluate the forum.. The clear fact people can't seem to see that having someone giving Santa, an heavily implied, blow job as an avatar, is not exactly work safe, then we have a problem. And where you work has no bearing on this, if I worked for the porn industry this would be par for the course, but seeing as how I don't, and most people here don't, most businesses aren't going to want you looking at something borderline risque.




Disable avatars, if it is such an issue, and you want to peruse the forums instead of work. You seem to be the only one with an issue.
I think it's an issue as well, but I didn't know you could disable avatars! Done and done![/QUOTE]


You can disable signatures too if you want. ^.^ Disabling both makes loading the forums a whole lot faster too. I know a few people cruise the forums that way.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I've been working out ;)

Yeah, disabled the sigs too. Hopefully that'll make my mobile browsing a bit more speedy too.




Diasble avatars, if it is such an issue, and you want to peruse the forums instead of work. You seem to be the only one with an issue.

But have you stopped to consider...how wrong that is? Side skirting the issue with "depends on where you work" or "disable this, disable that" is basically akin to saying "NSFW material is A-OK". We had an entire discussion about this and made the NSFW subforum cause Dave and many others, wanted to keep the regular forums fairly clean and family friendly.

If that forum philosophy has changed...then its time we re-evaluate the forum.. The clear fact people can't seem to see that having someone giving Santa, an heavily implied, blow job as an avatar, is not exactly work safe, then we have a problem. And where you work has no bearing on this, if I worked for the porn industry this would be par for the course, but seeing as how I don't, and most people here don't, most businesses aren't going to want you looking at something borderline risque.[/quote]

I do not see that Ame's or mine are NSFW, and that is the crux of the argument. i did not see bubbles, since it was changed, so apparently that was. If something like our current avatar's are too risque for you at work (again, I am going by Ame's and my own), I would say that perhaps you should not be here during those hours, or, as was suggested, since it is that strict for you there, to simply disable them. problem solved.



I would say that perhaps you should not be here during those hours, or, as was suggested, since it is that strict for you there, to simply disable them. problem solved.
Its a matter of principle at this point. Remember we had the big discussion not long after Dave opened the forums? What would be allowed and what wouldn't be? The fight to have a separate NSFW subforum? Its not about whether everyone sees some avatars as NSFW or not, but the fact that we're willing to just throw that creed out of the window without much consideration for others, when we have established rules and regs about it.

http://www.halforums.com/forum/showpost.php?p=315624&postcount=16 Stuff like that, not exactly avatar related, are fairly borderline if that.

How long until we allow nudity in sigs or avatars? There are some children who read the forums. Teenagers maybe but still, this was supposed to be a fairly PG forum with R rated material being in the NSFW subforum.



Diasble avatars, if it is such an issue, and you want to peruse the forums instead of work. You seem to be the only one with an issue.

But have you stopped to consider...how wrong that is? Side skirting the issue with "depends on where you work" or "disable this, disable that" is basically akin to saying "NSFW material is A-OK". We had an entire discussion about this and made the NSFW subforum cause Dave and many others, wanted to keep the regular forums fairly clean and family friendly.

If that forum philosophy has changed...then its time we re-evaluate the forum.. The clear fact people can't seem to see that having someone giving Santa, an heavily implied, blow job as an avatar, is not exactly work safe, then we have a problem. And where you work has no bearing on this, if I worked for the porn industry this would be par for the course, but seeing as how I don't, and most people here don't, most businesses aren't going to want you looking at something borderline risque.[/quote]

The thing is that the avatars are SFW, and allowed within the forum rules. You know, the ones you read when you sign up?

Disable avatars, problem solved.




I would say that perhaps you should not be here during those hours, or, as was suggested, since it is that strict for you there, to simply disable them. problem solved.
Its a matter of principle at this point. Remember we had the big discussion not long after Dave opened the forums? What would be allowed and what wouldn't be? The fight to have a separate NSFW subforum? Its not about whether everyone sees some avatars as NSFW or not, but the fact that we're willing to just throw that creed out of the window without much consideration for others, when we have established rules and regs about it.

http://www.halforums.com/forum/showpost.php?p=315624&postcount=16 Stuff like that, not exactly avatar related, are fairly borderline if that.

How long until we allow nudity in sigs or avatars? There are some children who read the forums. Teenagers maybe but still, this was supposed to be a fairly PG forum with R rated material being in the NSFW subforum.[/QUOTE]

And, I for one, do not see where the problem is with these two avatars. Wholesome...hell no. But to be censored as nsfw, I think that is a bit far on these 2. And as for principle's sake..(devil's advocate)how far until you want to go the complete oppisite way and any little thing that might offend a religious prude comes to the board has to be removed?

Theya re fine now, the truly offensive (if it was) was censored, and if you still have an issue, then simply disable them while at work.




1) These avatars are not breaking any rules. There is no nudity in them and thus are safe.
2) Nobody has reported anything so I assume no issues.
3) If someone does report them, then I would ask the persons nicely if they would mind changing them. Because they broke no rules I would not make them change it.

If you want to block them out you can:

1) Turn off avatars.
2) Block the links using adblock, etc.

No, the forum hasn't changed the way they view NSFW materials. But since it's such a subjective thing we have to make judgment calls on each matter. If I were working at a place that had issues with it I would probably turn them off for the time being.

But that's just me.



I also believe it's an issue. Not just one of work-browsing (hell for me, it's just home browsing. I'll actually flip to another website if my brother's around or something), but of taste and principle. I'm not going to disable avatars because that takes away some of the flavor of the boards here. The avatars are a bit of personalization that reflect the poster.

Which is where my issue with this all lies. Shouldn't we have just a little bit more taste and class? Santa having a woman go down on him? Honestly?! Now I'm not demanding the avatars be taken down (unless they're found to be a NSFW violation*), but I would like the posters to self-reflect for a bit. We're mature adults here...I think :D ...and it'd be good for the maturity to show, instead of childish "LOL lookit mah santa erection" behavior.

*EDIT: Which apparently they just now haven't been, so oh well.




The thing is that the avatars are SFW, and allowed within the forum rules. You know, the ones you read when you sign up?

Disable avatars, problem solved.
Thank you, and agreed.




Oh, and if you remember, I changed that birthday thread to state "Mildly NSFW Pictures".

I know that doesn't help in this issue, but we do watch as best we can.




Again, as of the two up in question, I see no problem. And bubbles was changed, so it would seem to be a non-issue at this point.



I also believe it's an issue. Not just one of work-browsing (hell for me, it's just home browsing. I'll actually flip to another website if my brother's around or something), but of taste and principle. I'm not going to disable avatars because that takes away some of the flavor of the boards here. The avatars are a bit of personalization that reflect the poster.

Which is where my issue with this all lies. Shouldn't we have just a little bit more taste and class? Santa having a woman go down on him? Honestly?! Now I'm not demanding the avatars be taken down (unless they're found to be a NSFW violation*), but I would like the posters to self-reflect for a bit. We're mature adults here...I think :D ...and it'd be good for the maturity to show, instead of childish "LOL lookit mah santa erection" behavior.

*EDIT: Which apparently they just now haven't been, so oh well.
This, multiplied over 9000.




a) I changed my avatar myself. I'm easy enough that if people ask me nicely, I'll do it :-P (hint: Adammon asked nicely).

b) My avatar wasn't a naked chick going down on Santa. It was a clothed girl, sitting in front of Santa's lap. Next you'll say a kid sitting on Santa's lap is giving him a lapdance :-P

c) I surf the forum at work as well, and I googled my avatar there. Yeah, no, unless it's real nudity, I don't hear complaints. About every other page from this forum gets checked by security software either for being "social networking" or "games related", but I've never run into problems due to NSFW content yet. Of course, I stay away from the NSFW forum, and when I log in at work, I disable sigs and avatars.

d) Mav, there's a big difference between *content*, which you can't filter, and belongs either between NSFW and spoiler tags, or on the NSFW forum, and avatars or signatures, which you can easily disable yourself. I won't use something that I consider NSFW there, certainly, but walking the line? If your job is so strict about it that *that* picture would cause problems, you're probably better off turnging off avatars and signatures, since plenty of avatars can give offence in that case. Heck, Sera's avatar would probably raise more eyebrows than mine, at my job.

In attachment my NSF avatar. View at own risk. Do not open this file when children are around. Do not open at work. Do not open in view of your spouse. Do not open when in a public area. Do not open unless completely alone in a concrete bunker 20 ft underground in a remote location. Probably only Sheg can view it safely :-P




b) My avatar wasn't a naked chick going down on Santa. It was a clothed girl, kneeling in front of Santa's lap with his hand on the back of her bowed head.
Fixed. And boy do I feel like a certain Mr. Clinton having to specifically define and nitpick about these things.




a) I changed my avatar myself. I'm easy enough that if people ask me nicely, I'll do it :-P (hint: Adammon asked nicely).

b) My avatar wasn't a naked chick going down on Santa. It was a clothed girl, sitting in front of Santa's lap. Next you'll say a kid sitting on Santa's lap is giving him a lapdance :-P

c) I surf the forum at work as well, and I googled my avatar there. Yeah, no, unless it's real nudity, I don't hear complaints. About every other page from this forum gets checked by security software either for being "social networking" or "games related", but I've never run into problems due to NSFW content yet. Of course, I stay away from the NSFW forum, and when I log in at work, I disable sigs and avatars.

d) Mav, there's a big difference between *content*, which you can't filter, and belongs either between NSFW and spoiler tags, or on the NSFW forum, and avatars or signatures, which you can easily disable yourself. I won't use something that I consider NSFW there, certainly, but walking the line? If your job is so strict about it that *that* picture would cause problems, you're probably better off turnging off avatars and signatures, since plenty of avatars can give offence in that case. Heck, Sera's avatar would probably raise more eyebrows than mine, at my job.

In attachment my NSF avatar. View at own risk. Do not open this file when children are around. Do not open at work. Do not open in view of your spouse. Do not open when in a public area. Do not open unless completely alone in a concrete bunker 20 ft underground in a remote location. Probably only Sheg can view it safely :-P
This, multiplied by some old internet meme.




So wait, Mav...

instead of taking the time and doing something as simple as just clicking a couple checkboxes for surfing WHILE YOU ARE AT WORK AND SUPPOSED TO BE FUCKING WORKING, you're just going to sit here and complain that everyone else change THEIR ways instead?


Also, on the "class" issue, I think that should be taken up person to person privately. I don't care if the girl was lapdancing or whatever, I thought Bubble's avatar was crass and stupid.

However, I respect his right to be as he wants on the forum...and if I really wanted to, I'd send him a note saying how I felt about and would you kindly? Seems to do a lot better for all parties involved then to wah wah wah all day long.

And one more time, kids, I don't give a fuck that you're at work. That sounds like YOUR problem to adjust YOUR browsers according to YOU potentially getting in trouble by wanking off and not doing YOUR job.



None of the images talked about have been reported. None. In fact that rarely ever happens at all. Out of the 300 active of the 800 registered users I think that's pretty impressive.
There've been a number of images/avatars I've found distasteful and report worthy. Your old signatures with the neon asses being the most glaring (see what I did there?) example. But, I'm not a "report them!" type of person. I feel that's outside my purview. People should be self-censoring; that's not the job of someone outside force whether it's one person or a group.

But again, it goes back to taste and maturity with these things. I see these images and I just roll my eyes, like one would at a kid who goes mailboxing because it's fun. I would figure we'd all have grown up at some point.




yeah, Bubble pretty much hit it with that remark. I see what Quonas is saying, and yeah, we should have to go and look at ourselves for using such things as avatars..but it is all in fun, and within the rules. if it is so damn strict where you are, then you should not be looking at a forum whose rules clearly allow these avatars, and those are rules you agreed upon when signing up here.




But, I'm not a "report them!" type of person.
I am!




Well, I do like how this thread did bring up a good discussion about avatars.




If I happen to find something I feel is NSFW and other people don;t agree I make a simple click with AdBlock and the problem is solved.



But again, it goes back to taste and maturity with these things. I see these images and I just roll my eyes, like one would at a kid who goes mailboxing because it's fun. I would figure we'd all have grown up at some point.
I'm 15.[/QUOTE]

If you're actually 15, this is all even worse considering the material you often post. Being that blatantly and openly sexual at fif-friggin'-teen is just plain wrong in oh so many ways. But, that's off-topic and another discussion for another time.




None of the images talked about have been reported. None. In fact that rarely ever happens at all. Out of the 300 active of the 800 registered users I think that's pretty impressive.
There've been a number of images/avatars I've found distasteful and report worthy. Your old signatures with the neon asses being the most glaring (see what I did there?) example. But, I'm not a "report them!" type of person. I feel that's outside my purview. People should be self-censoring; that's not the job of someone outside force whether it's one person or a group.

But again, it goes back to taste and maturity with these things. I see these images and I just roll my eyes, like one would at a kid who goes mailboxing because it's fun. I would figure we'd all have grown up at some point.[/QUOTE]

Someone asked Ame to change that sig. Remember what happened? It changed.

You also have to remember that we are a very international bunch. What's NSFW here might not be NSFW there and visa versa.




But, I'm not a "report them!" type of person.
I am![/QUOTE]

I don't think you're even in the top 5 of reporters![/QUOTE]

Your honesty hurts me :(




Me, too. I love live Topics.




Me too. It's fun.




Quonas, if you're not going to report, and just tut-tut for people to "self-censor" your problem lies in the people here, not the forum. Which makes it of a "why do you still go to this forum, if you don't like the population?" sort of thing.



I hate this thread because I have been forced to agree with people I thought I would never agree with.

I have died a little inside. Merry Christmas.




I hate this thread because I have been forced to agree with people I thought I would never agree with.

I have died a little inside. Merry Christmas.
This thread is too serious now.

There's only one solution: CREAM PIES!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwirWWnzJKM"]CREAM PIES!![/ame]




I hate this thread because I have been forced to agree with people I thought I would never agree with.

I have died a little inside. Merry Christmas.
But...you never said who you agree with!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

<NSFW> Do not click.
I said don't click, why did you click?
You better not be at work, this shit will get you fired!
Stop clicking! FINAL WARNING!!!
So be it. Click away, sucker!
Okay, but only because you told me not to.



NSFW does not just refer to stuff that some nanny-boss will fire you over it is also anything that would be clearly unprofessional to be looking at at work. This forum should be viewable in any setting because Dave has often said it was supposed to be family (Jerry Spring family perhaps) friendly. I have to turn off all images when I am at school for that reason. I don't really mind doing so but when you get down to it, it is kind of a ridiculous thing to have to do.



As Mav said the existence of a nsfw forum would imply that the rest of the forums are sfw.

I guess it is a rule I never thought would be necessary.




As Mav said the existence of a nsfw forum would imply that the rest of the forums are sfw.

I guess it is a rule I never thought would be necessary.
They're more like guidelines anyway.



Ok I was pretty sure this wasn't right. the rule does not state that in order for something to be NSFW it has to contain nudity the rule merely lists things that would be seen as NSFW. Anything that the average person (not a religious prude as someone said) but an average person would consider to be inappropriate in a work setting would be considered NSFW as the rule is worded.

Dave fails at interpreting his own rules.




Man that is some classic <username>.




I'm a regular person, and I don't see any of the three avatars as being NSFW. Heck, Ame's is censored, Shannow's is covered, and mine's merely implication. I'd look at all three without a second thought at my work, and besides the fact that i'd get in serious trouble at work for doing non-work-related stuff, no boss or colleague would even blink seeing those avatars. At most they'd laugh at them.

To be perfectly clear, I *can* understand someone saying these pictures cross a line...But on the other hand, anyone who says so, is either working for, or is themselves, in my opinion, a prude. That might be my europeanness shoiwing through, of course.




Tinypic broken picture placeholder
*shakes fist* VYXEN!!!!!




Tinypic broken picture placeholder
*shakes fist* VYXEN!!!!!
What the guy with the clearly NSFC avatar said.




NSFC? Not safe for Christmas? Not safe for Chaz? New shots from Chamberlain? Nude sexy female coeds?




No Simple Fucking Chinese. ;-)




It's just a picture of him with a santa hat :-P




No Simple Fucking Chinese. ;-)
Aww, that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. I love the holiday season. :) :hug:

(Although I'll admit I was hoping for nude sexy female coeds)




(Although I'll admit I was hoping for nude sexy female coeds)
Me too. Alas, you decided to go with the second-best thing, yourself ;-) Probably better for Mav's job, though.



But on the other hand, anyone who says so, is either working for, or is themselves, in my opinion, a prude. That might be my europeanness shoiwing through, of course.
And what exactly is wrong with being a prude? One might say that to be one, is to be prudent. :D

Quonas, if you're not going to report, and just tut-tut for people to "self-censor" your problem lies in the people here, not the forum. Which makes it of a "why do you still go to this forum, if you don't like the population?" sort of thing.
Because I've got nowhere else to go!




But on the other hand, anyone who says so, is either working for, or is themselves, in my opinion, a prude. That might be my europeanness shoiwing through, of course.
And what exactly is wrong with being a prude? One might say that to be one, is to be prudent. :D

Where did I say there was anything wrong with being a prude? :-P


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Well, there was that one time where we went to that anti-prude rally. Then you drank a lot and I had to go somewhere else for a bit.




Right, right. That one time....But, look, we agreed we wouldn't talk about that! You don't mention *that * rally, and I con't mention the...*incident* with the tricycle, the dog, and the rabbi, remember? Remember?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Oh right. Sorry. I do appreciate it that you didn't also bring up the thonged cops on segways in that one incident.




Obviously. I mean, you didn't bring up the blind nuns and the chesterfield sofa in mine, either, did you?



"Aw hell naw!"




But are they thonged?



Why don't you go check?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Obviously. I mean, you didn't bring up the blind nuns and the chesterfield sofa in mine, either, did you?
Or the pickle spears.




I still see nothing wrong with them, and as Juski and others stated, if it is too much, block them, and still too much, this might not be the right place for you.

---------- Post added at 02:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 PM ----------

Ok I was pretty sure this wasn't right. the rule does not state that in order for something to be NSFW it has to contain nudity the rule merely lists things that would be seen as NSFW. Anything that the average person (not a religious prude as someone said) but an average person would consider to be inappropriate in a work setting would be considered NSFW as the rule is worded.

Dave fails at interpreting his own rules.
So, Dave considers himself an average person, and they do not offend him. I, too, consider myself average, and do not find them offensive. So do others. Where does that leave us?



an average person is a purely hypothetical person so saying that you or I or Dave think of ourselves as average people doesn't work. It would be better to think if you went into an office like business down town and picked the first employee you meet would that person think that was the kind of image to show at work.

And it has nothing to do with offense it has to do with professionalism. There are many things that do not offend me that I would still not look at or have around me in school or at work because it would be inappropriate and unprofessional.




And it has nothing to do with offense it has to do with professionalism. There are many things that do not offend me that I would still not look at or have around me in school or at work because it would be inappropriate and unprofessional.
Exactly. And in such locations, where one is working, perhaps a public internet forum is not where one should be spending thier time, especially if they might get in trouble to do so. To do so implys going in at your own risk.

as juski said, and I agree with, especially about those saying they are posing from work:

And one more time, kids, I don't give a fuck that you're at work. That sounds like YOUR problem to adjust YOUR browsers according to YOU potentially getting in trouble by wanking off and not doing YOUR job.

Yes, you are right in that going too far is too much. But these avatars here in question? They are no where near that too far line.

---------- Post added at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 PM ----------

I really cannot believe I have to stand up for an issue here on these boards. I DO NOT DO THIS!!!


Philosopher B.

eh.. Some people (reportedly) block my avatars regardless of content.. Re: older avatar:
anonymous said:
i adblocked the shit outta that
I could be fully clothed in a turtleneck and there'd still be people blocking them.

Oddly enough, when I have avatars of other people / celebs with (semi) nudity I rarely hear complaints at all.
Wow. Some people are pretty rude.

There are some children who read the forums. Teenagers maybe but still, this was supposed to be a fairly PG forum with R rated material being in the NSFW subforum.
If I had children, I wouldn't let them read this board. One of the reasons I've always liked this community is because we can say and do a lot of shit. Yeah, major fucked-up shit like furry porn is going to go into the NSFW section, but even so I don't think this is (or should be) a board children should access. Also, youngest age I've ever seen quoted up in this mug is 17, which is the age at which you can watch R-rated movies.

Which is where my issue with this all lies. Shouldn't we have just a little bit more taste and class?
Class? On the Internets? Get outta here. ;)

Someone asked Ame to change that sig. Remember what happened? It changed.
Huh. I wondered what happened to that. Just as well; those asses were hypnotic. Like, goddamn.




If something is bothering you, either report it or block it.

That's how it works. Repeatedly telling us how you are at work or school or synagogue isn't our problem. I have reported (before I got my Ban Hammer that is) avatars that went above and beyond. Guess what, they got changed.
Also: Even without these two shockingly offensive (that's sarcasm mind you) avatars I STILL turn off sigs and avatars and pictures, etc when I am at school and work.
I'm not stupid, people post stuff and I don't even want my classmates seeing a dumb lolcat if I don't want them to.
It's just common sense.
So again, this time in bright green MODBANNHAMMERCRUSHYOUPUNYHUMANS green: If you think something is offensive or violates the rules REPORT IT or BLOCK IT or TURN IT OFF.
It's really that easy.



And it has nothing to do with offense it has to do with professionalism. There are many things that do not offend me that I would still not look at or have around me in school or at work because it would be inappropriate and unprofessional.
Exactly. And in such locations, where one is working, perhaps a public internet forum is not where one should be spending thier time, especially if they might get in trouble to do so. To do so implys going in at your own risk.

as juski said, and I agree with, especially about those saying they are posing from work:

And one more time, kids, I don't give a fuck that you're at work. That sounds like YOUR problem to adjust YOUR browsers according to YOU potentially getting in trouble by wanking off and not doing YOUR job.

Yes, you are right in that going too far is too much. But these avatars here in question? They are no where near that too far line.

People should be able to get on here at work the forum is supposed to be family friendly. I do not agree with Juski because he is missing the point. The point is the forum is supposed to be work safe it doesn't matter if someone should really be on the forum at work or not. The rules clearly state nsfw material is supposed to be under spoilers and since the rules state that it would mean that the forum is supposed to be sfw.




This thread went from being :party: to :facepalm: amazingly fast.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

We're family friendly? What the fuck?




And it has nothing to do with offense it has to do with professionalism. There are many things that do not offend me that I would still not look at or have around me in school or at work because it would be inappropriate and unprofessional.
Exactly. And in such locations, where one is working, perhaps a public internet forum is not where one should be spending thier time, especially if they might get in trouble to do so. To do so implys going in at your own risk.

as juski said, and I agree with, especially about those saying they are posing from work:

And one more time, kids, I don't give a fuck that you're at work. That sounds like YOUR problem to adjust YOUR browsers according to YOU potentially getting in trouble by wanking off and not doing YOUR job.

Yes, you are right in that going too far is too much. But these avatars here in question? They are no where near that too far line.

People should be able to get on here at work the forum is supposed to be family friendly. I do not agree with Juski because he is missing the point. The point is the forum is supposed to be work safe it doesn't matter if someone should really be on the forum at work or not. The rules clearly state nsfw material is supposed to be under spoilers and since the rules state that it would mean that the forum is supposed to be sfw.[/quote]

And I disagree with you that these are completely nsfw. Turn off images and sigs as a mod just pointed out, and BAM, your forum is squeaky clean. or go find some hello kitty forums or something, if you want something perfectly nice nice. (that is just an extreme example/statement)




This thread went from being :party: to :facepalm: amazingly fast.
Halforums' Law - However a thread can go wrong, it will go wrong.




This thread went from being :party: to :facepalm: amazingly fast.
Halforums' Law - However a thread can go wrong, it will go wrong.[/QUOTE]

it is how we roll. Perhaps a llama furry picture would be an accurate logo.



And I disagree with you that these are completely nsfw. Turn off images and sigs as a mod just pointed out, and BAM, your forum is squeaky clean. or go find some hello kitty forums or something, if you want something perfectly nice nice. (that is just an extreme example/statement)
That's fine but that is not what the rules say. So the people who are think they are nsfw have more of a ground to stand on than those that are disagreeing.




This thread went from being :party: to :facepalm: amazingly fast.
Halforums' Law - However a thread can go wrong, it will go wrong.[/QUOTE]

it is how we roll. Perhaps a llama furry picture would be an accurate logo.[/QUOTE]





And I disagree with you that these are completely nsfw. Turn off images and sigs as a mod just pointed out, and BAM, your forum is squeaky clean. or go find some hello kitty forums or something, if you want something perfectly nice nice. (that is just an extreme example/statement)
That's fine but that is not what the rules say. So the people who are think they are nsfw have more of a ground to stand on than those that are disagreeing.[/QUOTE]

The rules say average person (which that interpretation can be open to debate, and what we are debating here), and both admins and a mod, have sided with the idea that these are fine. Seems pretty much cut and dry, to me, since once the admins say it, and it is their board, that sums it up.

---------- Post added at 04:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 PM ----------

This thread went from being :party: to :facepalm: amazingly fast.
Halforums' Law - However a thread can go wrong, it will go wrong.[/quote]

it is how we roll. Perhaps a llama furry picture would be an accurate logo.[/quote]


Not enough yiffing.



And I disagree with you that these are completely nsfw. Turn off images and sigs as a mod just pointed out, and BAM, your forum is squeaky clean. or go find some hello kitty forums or something, if you want something perfectly nice nice. (that is just an extreme example/statement)
That's fine but that is not what the rules say. So the people who are think they are nsfw have more of a ground to stand on than those that are disagreeing.[/QUOTE]

The rules say average person (which that interpretation can be open to debate, and what we are debating here), and both admins and a mod, have sided with the idea that these are fine. Seems pretty much cut and dry, to me, since once the admins say it, and it is their board, that sums it up.

---------- Post added at 04:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 PM ----------

This thread went from being :party: to :facepalm: amazingly fast.
Halforums' Law - However a thread can go wrong, it will go wrong.[/quote]

it is how we roll. Perhaps a llama furry picture would be an accurate logo.[/quote]


Not enough yiffing.[/QUOTE]

Well imagine for a minute that the issue goes beyond those few avs.... then the argument takes on a whole new meaning.

And as I said Dave misinterpreted the rules. Which isn't surprising at all.




And I say he did not, especially since it is his board and his rules. And like I pointed out, yes, there is a line that should not be crossed, but these avatars are not anywhere near that line.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

The admin misinterpreted his own rules?




The admin misinterpreted his own rules?
No no, the admin misinterpreted Makare's rules. That's what this is really about.




The admin misinterpreted his own rules?
No no, the admin misinterpreted Makare's rules. That's what this is really about.[/QUOTE]

Oooooooooooh, it all makes sense now. Thanks! :thumbsup:



Frankie Williamson

This shit is fucking ridiculous.




This shit is fucking ridiculous.
No no, this shit is bananas.


This shit is bananas





Kitty Sinatra


Huh. Mav and makare are actually discussing the topic, and everyone else is shouting them down.


Also, Bub: Watch out you don't let Allen get you pregnant.


(because this thread has rollercoastered around)




Dave harvested a bunch of rules from various places. He doesn't have some kind of emotional or intellectual stake in the rules. He is just the guy who owns the forum and interacts with everything at about the same level as everyone else.. or at least tries to. So, yes, he misinterpreted these rules he found and back when he was asking for people to make changes to them, had I realized the rules were that hard to figure out I would have clarified more than just the first one.

And on topic, my Christmassy avatar is the coolest one.





Huh. Mav and makare are actually discussing the topic, and everyone else is shouting them down.


Also, Bub: Watch out you don't let Allen get you pregnant.


(because this thread has rollercoastered around)


Grue is trolling? Shocking!


I would not say just shouting them down at all, people are discussing back and forth here, raising their own points and opinions.





Dave harvested a bunch of rules from various places. He doesn't have some kind of emotional or intellectual stake in the rules. He is just the guy who owns the forum and interacts with everything at about the same level as everyone else.. or at least tries to. So, yes, he misinterpreted these rules he found and back when he was asking for people to make changes to them, had I realized the rules were that hard to figure out I would have clarified more than just the first one.

And on topic, my Christmassy avatar is the coolest one.

Aren't you being the bitch today?




Alright, people, let's all take a deep breath before Unca North has to take out his locks.






I don't think I said anything bitchy. I am now seriously confused. I am with shannow I thought we were just talking about the issue but I guess some people are... taking it more seriously than it is? I don't know.



I blame this thread!




Some of my best work..... :twisted:



... is done in bed?:cool:




... involves a blowtorch, ten gallons of K-Y Jelly, a large bowl of porridge and a Taiwanese midget?




...can't be mentioned on this board because it would incriminate you?




Well, okay. There is a point and a consensus that should be made, and I think it is this: there is a discrepancy in how the rules are worded, and Dave should go back and re-write the rules according to how he and the mods are enacting the rules.

THEN, the forums go on as they deem they should--which seemingly it is how it is run now--and there won't be any crying foul to misinterperetation by any of the members or the mod staff themselves.




Or report stuff instead of bitching about it.




Or report stuff instead of bitching about it.
Well yeah.




Or report stuff instead of bitching about it.



It is always better to avoid the sickness than wait to treat it afterwards.



And it's usually better to use the proper channels than pitch a fit.




There. I hope I give many people nightmares with my squirrel-spider on human flesh avatar. It's perfectly SFW, though :-P



*reports. the squider is naked*



Discussing avatars in a thread about avatars seems to be a perfectly proper channel. Especially considering the issue is the avatars and images in general and not the incessant need to report.



People were bitching about stuff, demanding action be taken rather than using the proper channels to report things they felt were infractions. I'm not sure why you seem to feel every comment on that matter is directed at you, but I'm going to assume it's the "holiday spirit" that has the yule log lodged up there and pass whatever else you have to say off as that until the new year arrives.

Merry Christmas.



1) These avatars are not breaking any rules. There is no nudity in them and thus are safe.
2) Nobody has reported anything so I assume no issues.
3) If someone does report them, then I would ask the persons nicely if they would mind changing them. Because they broke no rules I would not make them change it.

If you want to block them out you can:

1) Turn off avatars.
2) Block the links using adblock, etc.

No, the forum hasn't changed the way they view NSFW materials. But since it's such a subjective thing we have to make judgment calls on each matter. If I were working at a place that had issues with it I would probably turn them off for the time being.

But that's just me.
Guess the issue is solved then?



People were bitching about stuff, demanding action be taken rather than using the proper channels to report things they felt were infractions. I'm not sure why you seem to feel every comment on that matter is directed at you, but I'm going to assume it's the "holiday spirit" that has the yule log lodged up there and pass whatever else you have to say off as that until the new year arrives.

Merry Christmas.
your post started with "and" and followed mine... i think anyone would assume it was addressing my post.

Happy Holidays





Merry Christmas Halforums.
