Christmas avatar

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Staff member
And I say he did not, especially since it is his board and his rules. And like I pointed out, yes, there is a line that should not be crossed, but these avatars are not anywhere near that line.

Kitty Sinatra


Huh. Mav and makare are actually discussing the topic, and everyone else is shouting them down.


Also, Bub: Watch out you don't let Allen get you pregnant.


(because this thread has rollercoastered around)



Dave harvested a bunch of rules from various places. He doesn't have some kind of emotional or intellectual stake in the rules. He is just the guy who owns the forum and interacts with everything at about the same level as everyone else.. or at least tries to. So, yes, he misinterpreted these rules he found and back when he was asking for people to make changes to them, had I realized the rules were that hard to figure out I would have clarified more than just the first one.

And on topic, my Christmassy avatar is the coolest one.


Staff member

Huh. Mav and makare are actually discussing the topic, and everyone else is shouting them down.


Also, Bub: Watch out you don't let Allen get you pregnant.


(because this thread has rollercoastered around)


Grue is trolling? Shocking!


I would not say just shouting them down at all, people are discussing back and forth here, raising their own points and opinions.

Dave harvested a bunch of rules from various places. He doesn't have some kind of emotional or intellectual stake in the rules. He is just the guy who owns the forum and interacts with everything at about the same level as everyone else.. or at least tries to. So, yes, he misinterpreted these rules he found and back when he was asking for people to make changes to them, had I realized the rules were that hard to figure out I would have clarified more than just the first one.

And on topic, my Christmassy avatar is the coolest one.

Aren't you being the bitch today?


I don't think I said anything bitchy. I am now seriously confused. I am with shannow I thought we were just talking about the issue but I guess some people are... taking it more seriously than it is? I don't know.


Staff member
Well, okay. There is a point and a consensus that should be made, and I think it is this: there is a discrepancy in how the rules are worded, and Dave should go back and re-write the rules according to how he and the mods are enacting the rules.

THEN, the forums go on as they deem they should--which seemingly it is how it is run now--and there won't be any crying foul to misinterperetation by any of the members or the mod staff themselves.



It is always better to avoid the sickness than wait to treat it afterwards.


Discussing avatars in a thread about avatars seems to be a perfectly proper channel. Especially considering the issue is the avatars and images in general and not the incessant need to report.


People were bitching about stuff, demanding action be taken rather than using the proper channels to report things they felt were infractions. I'm not sure why you seem to feel every comment on that matter is directed at you, but I'm going to assume it's the "holiday spirit" that has the yule log lodged up there and pass whatever else you have to say off as that until the new year arrives.

Merry Christmas.


1) These avatars are not breaking any rules. There is no nudity in them and thus are safe.
2) Nobody has reported anything so I assume no issues.
3) If someone does report them, then I would ask the persons nicely if they would mind changing them. Because they broke no rules I would not make them change it.

If you want to block them out you can:

1) Turn off avatars.
2) Block the links using adblock, etc.

No, the forum hasn't changed the way they view NSFW materials. But since it's such a subjective thing we have to make judgment calls on each matter. If I were working at a place that had issues with it I would probably turn them off for the time being.

But that's just me.
Guess the issue is solved then?


People were bitching about stuff, demanding action be taken rather than using the proper channels to report things they felt were infractions. I'm not sure why you seem to feel every comment on that matter is directed at you, but I'm going to assume it's the "holiday spirit" that has the yule log lodged up there and pass whatever else you have to say off as that until the new year arrives.

Merry Christmas.
your post started with "and" and followed mine... i think anyone would assume it was addressing my post.

Happy Holidays
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