Christmas avatar

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Disable avatars, if it is such an issue, and you want to peruse the forums instead of work. You seem to be the only one with an issue.
I think it's an issue as well, but I didn't know you could disable avatars! Done and done!


Diasble avatars, if it is such an issue, and you want to peruse the forums instead of work. You seem to be the only one with an issue.

But have you stopped to wrong that is? Side skirting the issue with "depends on where you work" or "disable this, disable that" is basically akin to saying "NSFW material is A-OK". We had an entire discussion about this and made the NSFW subforum cause Dave and many others, wanted to keep the regular forums fairly clean and family friendly.

If that forum philosophy has changed...then its time we re-evaluate the forum.. The clear fact people can't seem to see that having someone giving Santa, an heavily implied, blow job as an avatar, is not exactly work safe, then we have a problem. And where you work has no bearing on this, if I worked for the porn industry this would be par for the course, but seeing as how I don't, and most people here don't, most businesses aren't going to want you looking at something borderline risque.
Disable avatars, if it is such an issue, and you want to peruse the forums instead of work. You seem to be the only one with an issue.
I think it's an issue as well, but I didn't know you could disable avatars! Done and done![/QUOTE]


You can disable signatures too if you want. ^.^ Disabling both makes loading the forums a whole lot faster too. I know a few people cruise the forums that way.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I've been working out ;)

Yeah, disabled the sigs too. Hopefully that'll make my mobile browsing a bit more speedy too.


Staff member
Diasble avatars, if it is such an issue, and you want to peruse the forums instead of work. You seem to be the only one with an issue.

But have you stopped to wrong that is? Side skirting the issue with "depends on where you work" or "disable this, disable that" is basically akin to saying "NSFW material is A-OK". We had an entire discussion about this and made the NSFW subforum cause Dave and many others, wanted to keep the regular forums fairly clean and family friendly.

If that forum philosophy has changed...then its time we re-evaluate the forum.. The clear fact people can't seem to see that having someone giving Santa, an heavily implied, blow job as an avatar, is not exactly work safe, then we have a problem. And where you work has no bearing on this, if I worked for the porn industry this would be par for the course, but seeing as how I don't, and most people here don't, most businesses aren't going to want you looking at something borderline risque.[/quote]

I do not see that Ame's or mine are NSFW, and that is the crux of the argument. i did not see bubbles, since it was changed, so apparently that was. If something like our current avatar's are too risque for you at work (again, I am going by Ame's and my own), I would say that perhaps you should not be here during those hours, or, as was suggested, since it is that strict for you there, to simply disable them. problem solved.


I would say that perhaps you should not be here during those hours, or, as was suggested, since it is that strict for you there, to simply disable them. problem solved.
Its a matter of principle at this point. Remember we had the big discussion not long after Dave opened the forums? What would be allowed and what wouldn't be? The fight to have a separate NSFW subforum? Its not about whether everyone sees some avatars as NSFW or not, but the fact that we're willing to just throw that creed out of the window without much consideration for others, when we have established rules and regs about it. Stuff like that, not exactly avatar related, are fairly borderline if that.

How long until we allow nudity in sigs or avatars? There are some children who read the forums. Teenagers maybe but still, this was supposed to be a fairly PG forum with R rated material being in the NSFW subforum.


Diasble avatars, if it is such an issue, and you want to peruse the forums instead of work. You seem to be the only one with an issue.

But have you stopped to wrong that is? Side skirting the issue with "depends on where you work" or "disable this, disable that" is basically akin to saying "NSFW material is A-OK". We had an entire discussion about this and made the NSFW subforum cause Dave and many others, wanted to keep the regular forums fairly clean and family friendly.

If that forum philosophy has changed...then its time we re-evaluate the forum.. The clear fact people can't seem to see that having someone giving Santa, an heavily implied, blow job as an avatar, is not exactly work safe, then we have a problem. And where you work has no bearing on this, if I worked for the porn industry this would be par for the course, but seeing as how I don't, and most people here don't, most businesses aren't going to want you looking at something borderline risque.[/quote]

The thing is that the avatars are SFW, and allowed within the forum rules. You know, the ones you read when you sign up?

Disable avatars, problem solved.


Staff member
I would say that perhaps you should not be here during those hours, or, as was suggested, since it is that strict for you there, to simply disable them. problem solved.
Its a matter of principle at this point. Remember we had the big discussion not long after Dave opened the forums? What would be allowed and what wouldn't be? The fight to have a separate NSFW subforum? Its not about whether everyone sees some avatars as NSFW or not, but the fact that we're willing to just throw that creed out of the window without much consideration for others, when we have established rules and regs about it. Stuff like that, not exactly avatar related, are fairly borderline if that.

How long until we allow nudity in sigs or avatars? There are some children who read the forums. Teenagers maybe but still, this was supposed to be a fairly PG forum with R rated material being in the NSFW subforum.[/QUOTE]

And, I for one, do not see where the problem is with these two avatars. Wholesome...hell no. But to be censored as nsfw, I think that is a bit far on these 2. And as for principle's sake..(devil's advocate)how far until you want to go the complete oppisite way and any little thing that might offend a religious prude comes to the board has to be removed?

Theya re fine now, the truly offensive (if it was) was censored, and if you still have an issue, then simply disable them while at work.


Staff member
1) These avatars are not breaking any rules. There is no nudity in them and thus are safe.
2) Nobody has reported anything so I assume no issues.
3) If someone does report them, then I would ask the persons nicely if they would mind changing them. Because they broke no rules I would not make them change it.

If you want to block them out you can:

1) Turn off avatars.
2) Block the links using adblock, etc.

No, the forum hasn't changed the way they view NSFW materials. But since it's such a subjective thing we have to make judgment calls on each matter. If I were working at a place that had issues with it I would probably turn them off for the time being.

But that's just me.


I also believe it's an issue. Not just one of work-browsing (hell for me, it's just home browsing. I'll actually flip to another website if my brother's around or something), but of taste and principle. I'm not going to disable avatars because that takes away some of the flavor of the boards here. The avatars are a bit of personalization that reflect the poster.

Which is where my issue with this all lies. Shouldn't we have just a little bit more taste and class? Santa having a woman go down on him? Honestly?! Now I'm not demanding the avatars be taken down (unless they're found to be a NSFW violation*), but I would like the posters to self-reflect for a bit. We're mature adults here...I think :D ...and it'd be good for the maturity to show, instead of childish "LOL lookit mah santa erection" behavior.

*EDIT: Which apparently they just now haven't been, so oh well.


Staff member
Oh, and if you remember, I changed that birthday thread to state "Mildly NSFW Pictures".

I know that doesn't help in this issue, but we do watch as best we can.


Staff member
Again, as of the two up in question, I see no problem. And bubbles was changed, so it would seem to be a non-issue at this point.


I also believe it's an issue. Not just one of work-browsing (hell for me, it's just home browsing. I'll actually flip to another website if my brother's around or something), but of taste and principle. I'm not going to disable avatars because that takes away some of the flavor of the boards here. The avatars are a bit of personalization that reflect the poster.

Which is where my issue with this all lies. Shouldn't we have just a little bit more taste and class? Santa having a woman go down on him? Honestly?! Now I'm not demanding the avatars be taken down (unless they're found to be a NSFW violation*), but I would like the posters to self-reflect for a bit. We're mature adults here...I think :D ...and it'd be good for the maturity to show, instead of childish "LOL lookit mah santa erection" behavior.

*EDIT: Which apparently they just now haven't been, so oh well.
This, multiplied over 9000.
a) I changed my avatar myself. I'm easy enough that if people ask me nicely, I'll do it :-P (hint: Adammon asked nicely).

b) My avatar wasn't a naked chick going down on Santa. It was a clothed girl, sitting in front of Santa's lap. Next you'll say a kid sitting on Santa's lap is giving him a lapdance :-P

c) I surf the forum at work as well, and I googled my avatar there. Yeah, no, unless it's real nudity, I don't hear complaints. About every other page from this forum gets checked by security software either for being "social networking" or "games related", but I've never run into problems due to NSFW content yet. Of course, I stay away from the NSFW forum, and when I log in at work, I disable sigs and avatars.

d) Mav, there's a big difference between *content*, which you can't filter, and belongs either between NSFW and spoiler tags, or on the NSFW forum, and avatars or signatures, which you can easily disable yourself. I won't use something that I consider NSFW there, certainly, but walking the line? If your job is so strict about it that *that* picture would cause problems, you're probably better off turnging off avatars and signatures, since plenty of avatars can give offence in that case. Heck, Sera's avatar would probably raise more eyebrows than mine, at my job.

In attachment my NSF avatar. View at own risk. Do not open this file when children are around. Do not open at work. Do not open in view of your spouse. Do not open when in a public area. Do not open unless completely alone in a concrete bunker 20 ft underground in a remote location. Probably only Sheg can view it safely :-P




b) My avatar wasn't a naked chick going down on Santa. It was a clothed girl, kneeling in front of Santa's lap with his hand on the back of her bowed head.
Fixed. And boy do I feel like a certain Mr. Clinton having to specifically define and nitpick about these things.


Staff member
a) I changed my avatar myself. I'm easy enough that if people ask me nicely, I'll do it :-P (hint: Adammon asked nicely).

b) My avatar wasn't a naked chick going down on Santa. It was a clothed girl, sitting in front of Santa's lap. Next you'll say a kid sitting on Santa's lap is giving him a lapdance :-P

c) I surf the forum at work as well, and I googled my avatar there. Yeah, no, unless it's real nudity, I don't hear complaints. About every other page from this forum gets checked by security software either for being "social networking" or "games related", but I've never run into problems due to NSFW content yet. Of course, I stay away from the NSFW forum, and when I log in at work, I disable sigs and avatars.

d) Mav, there's a big difference between *content*, which you can't filter, and belongs either between NSFW and spoiler tags, or on the NSFW forum, and avatars or signatures, which you can easily disable yourself. I won't use something that I consider NSFW there, certainly, but walking the line? If your job is so strict about it that *that* picture would cause problems, you're probably better off turnging off avatars and signatures, since plenty of avatars can give offence in that case. Heck, Sera's avatar would probably raise more eyebrows than mine, at my job.

In attachment my NSF avatar. View at own risk. Do not open this file when children are around. Do not open at work. Do not open in view of your spouse. Do not open when in a public area. Do not open unless completely alone in a concrete bunker 20 ft underground in a remote location. Probably only Sheg can view it safely :-P
This, multiplied by some old internet meme.


Staff member
So wait, Mav...

instead of taking the time and doing something as simple as just clicking a couple checkboxes for surfing WHILE YOU ARE AT WORK AND SUPPOSED TO BE FUCKING WORKING, you're just going to sit here and complain that everyone else change THEIR ways instead?


Also, on the "class" issue, I think that should be taken up person to person privately. I don't care if the girl was lapdancing or whatever, I thought Bubble's avatar was crass and stupid.

However, I respect his right to be as he wants on the forum...and if I really wanted to, I'd send him a note saying how I felt about and would you kindly? Seems to do a lot better for all parties involved then to wah wah wah all day long.

And one more time, kids, I don't give a fuck that you're at work. That sounds like YOUR problem to adjust YOUR browsers according to YOU potentially getting in trouble by wanking off and not doing YOUR job.


None of the images talked about have been reported. None. In fact that rarely ever happens at all. Out of the 300 active of the 800 registered users I think that's pretty impressive.
There've been a number of images/avatars I've found distasteful and report worthy. Your old signatures with the neon asses being the most glaring (see what I did there?) example. But, I'm not a "report them!" type of person. I feel that's outside my purview. People should be self-censoring; that's not the job of someone outside force whether it's one person or a group.

But again, it goes back to taste and maturity with these things. I see these images and I just roll my eyes, like one would at a kid who goes mailboxing because it's fun. I would figure we'd all have grown up at some point.


Staff member
yeah, Bubble pretty much hit it with that remark. I see what Quonas is saying, and yeah, we should have to go and look at ourselves for using such things as avatars..but it is all in fun, and within the rules. if it is so damn strict where you are, then you should not be looking at a forum whose rules clearly allow these avatars, and those are rules you agreed upon when signing up here.
If I happen to find something I feel is NSFW and other people don;t agree I make a simple click with AdBlock and the problem is solved.


But again, it goes back to taste and maturity with these things. I see these images and I just roll my eyes, like one would at a kid who goes mailboxing because it's fun. I would figure we'd all have grown up at some point.
I'm 15.[/QUOTE]

If you're actually 15, this is all even worse considering the material you often post. Being that blatantly and openly sexual at fif-friggin'-teen is just plain wrong in oh so many ways. But, that's off-topic and another discussion for another time.


Staff member
None of the images talked about have been reported. None. In fact that rarely ever happens at all. Out of the 300 active of the 800 registered users I think that's pretty impressive.
There've been a number of images/avatars I've found distasteful and report worthy. Your old signatures with the neon asses being the most glaring (see what I did there?) example. But, I'm not a "report them!" type of person. I feel that's outside my purview. People should be self-censoring; that's not the job of someone outside force whether it's one person or a group.

But again, it goes back to taste and maturity with these things. I see these images and I just roll my eyes, like one would at a kid who goes mailboxing because it's fun. I would figure we'd all have grown up at some point.[/QUOTE]

Someone asked Ame to change that sig. Remember what happened? It changed.

You also have to remember that we are a very international bunch. What's NSFW here might not be NSFW there and visa versa.


Staff member
Quonas, if you're not going to report, and just tut-tut for people to "self-censor" your problem lies in the people here, not the forum. Which makes it of a "why do you still go to this forum, if you don't like the population?" sort of thing.


I hate this thread because I have been forced to agree with people I thought I would never agree with.

I have died a little inside. Merry Christmas.


Staff member
I hate this thread because I have been forced to agree with people I thought I would never agree with.

I have died a little inside. Merry Christmas.
This thread is too serious now.

There's only one solution: CREAM PIES!

[ame=""]CREAM PIES!![/ame]


NSFW does not just refer to stuff that some nanny-boss will fire you over it is also anything that would be clearly unprofessional to be looking at at work. This forum should be viewable in any setting because Dave has often said it was supposed to be family (Jerry Spring family perhaps) friendly. I have to turn off all images when I am at school for that reason. I don't really mind doing so but when you get down to it, it is kind of a ridiculous thing to have to do.


As Mav said the existence of a nsfw forum would imply that the rest of the forums are sfw.

I guess it is a rule I never thought would be necessary.
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