Chrom and Media Player

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Ok. I'm stumped. I have a co-worker who has Chrome. When she clicks on a wmv link (in email) it doesn't play after opening chrome (bad address or something) but when I copy the address and paste directly in the media player URL, it works.

I scour the net and it says something about plugins (which I reinstall) and it still doesn't work. Any tips?


that was the document I used :)
What I mean by won't play, is that when I click a link, it will launch media player and then say something like "cannot play, bad link" (it is end user issue) but if you copy and paste the link TO media player, it works.
Well, I found one solution: download this. It's a WMP plug-in for Firefox that lets you stream in-browser. However, it also lets you stream in Chrome as well (tested on my comp, using FF 3.6.15 and Chrome 10.0.648.127). Hope that helps.
Ah shit, I just realized that link is the same one you referenced earlier, I just found it from a different source. Sorry 'bout that. :facepalm:
Is Chrome set as the default browser? Just spitballin', but I came across a page regarding a different problem that mentioned that being a possible culprit, and wondered if it might be the case here as well.

Also, I noticed before that clicking your link in IE worked fine, so how about this plug-in? It let's you open up a page using IE, except through Chrome. Sounds relatively cumbersome, but better than copying and pasting links.


Chrome is default (for the this user) cause she loves Chrome and don't want to use anything else.
Hmm, that IE Tab plug-in might do the trick then. It's not on all the time, it's not obtrusive, and you never have to leave Chrome; just click a button and it reopens the page you're on, within the same tab, but rendered through IE's engine. When you're finished, just hit the x button within the page and it closes back to the original page. It's not elegant, but it works.

Alternatively, maybe try using VLC or mplayer classic as the default media player? VLC has a browser plug-in you can opt for during install, not sure about MPC.

Also, have you checked to make sure the plugins are enabled? You can find out by typing
in the address bar. Seems unlikely that would be the problem, but it doesn't hurt to check.

Aaaaand that's about alls I gots. Hope it wasn't completely useless :D
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