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CNN: News You Can Trust or Half-Truths?



I know all about the "opinion" blog posts, but when I see things like this:


It makes me wonder how well they're screening their editors, because that entire article was a fabrication with about 5% truth (the new service fee on the accounts being up to $15, which they didn't mention you can waive every month through waiver criteria).

I'm just blown away, as alot of you may have realized by now, I read ALOT of news everyday. I like to post about it and read other members comments on said news. Everyday I see people commenting on the CNN site about how it's becoming a big advertisor/biased source for news. I'm starting to believe it....




Even back in the 90s we were calling CNN the "Clinton News Network."

That's the thing about America today, though... people don't want the facts, they want to be told what to think. And being told to be angry and/or scared gets the best ratings. And that doesn't only go for CNN obviously.




that's why Fox's ratings are through the roof.

CNN traditionally took the high-road in reporting. Now that the unwashed masses want to be spoon-fed opinion... CNN will try to play catch up.

The problem is, the left wants to hear balanced, truthful news. There will be no place to get that with in our own borders now.




Just from a psychology standpoint, most people have a confirmation bias. They actually seek out confirming evidence rather than disconfirming evidence. This applies to people of all political ideologies. Thus, conservatives will gravitate towards Fox News and Liberals towards MSNBC and CNN, not because they want to be told what to think but because they want to hear that what they already think is right.




The problem is, the left wants to hear balanced, truthful news.
Hah, almost did a spit take there. No they don't... no moreso than the most inbred hillbilly hick racist does.

MD is right.
