Coffee or Soda?

Coffee or Soda?

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I'm debating a couple things.. switching to coffee in the morning and offering it to customers when they come in.

I'm currently addicted to soda (Pepsi).. I know soda has a lot of sugar, and there'd still be a lot of sugar in my coffee =) .. but was curious what the caffeine ratio is for coffee vs soda?


Staff member
Coffee. For me, soda isn't a pepper-upper at all. It weighs me down. But I was able to gradually reduce the amount of sugar I use in my morning coffee. Coffee that's too sweet doesn't wake me up either... just puts me in a slump after about 20 minutes or so. I can have a large cup of it with less than a teaspoon of sugar and no milk.
Meh, I think excess sugar intake is more of a health problem than caffeine intake (as a general rule). And I really don't think it's fair to compare whole fruits with processed fruit juices.


Staff member
Caffeine Content of Drinks

12oz. of Pepsi 37.5mg
8oz. of coffee 65 - 165mg depending on the type and preparation
probably .. Folgers or something, brewed normally. This is presuming I don't fill the machine with hot water to start. ;)[/QUOTE]

Well, let's assume your coffee ends up on the low end of the caffeine spectrum, and comes out with 75mg of caffeine in your 8oz. cup. That's twice what you'd get in 12oz. of Pepsi.

There are about 10 teaspoons of sugar in 12oz. of soda. Are you putting 20 teaspoons (6 and 2/3rd Tablespoons) of sugar in a cup of coffee?


Staff member
Wait, Folgers? I thought you were interested in drinking coffee. :smug:

/Southern coffee snobbery
coffee...made with water joe and chased with a bottle of bawls
Oh yeah? I'll see you and raise you a supercoffee.
"its 8 espresso shots, made from coffee instead of water, and then about 16 oz of turkish coffee creme to fill up an 18oz cup, boiled in an ibrik."

I could swear I got that recipe from a post on the old Image boards. Sound familiar to anyone?


Caffeine Content of Drinks

12oz. of Pepsi 37.5mg
8oz. of coffee 65 - 165mg depending on the type and preparation
probably .. Folgers or something, brewed normally. This is presuming I don't fill the machine with hot water to start. ;)[/QUOTE]

Well, let's assume your coffee ends up on the low end of the caffeine spectrum, and comes out with 75mg of caffeine in your 8oz. cup. That's twice what you'd get in 12oz. of Pepsi.

There are about 10 teaspoons of sugar in 12oz. of soda. Are you putting 20 teaspoons (6 and 2/3rd Tablespoons) of sugar in a cup of coffee?[/QUOTE]

No, I personally put about 2 - 3 tablespoons of sugar in mine, unless I'm REALLY tired and just want it black. Again, this is my OWN preference.
And, juice of ANY kind is still not one of the choices ESC.. sorry, but that's just the way it is.

Wasabi Poptart

coffee...made with water joe and chased with a bottle of bawls
Oh yeah? I'll see you and raise you a supercoffee.
"its 8 espresso shots, made from coffee instead of water, and then about 16 oz of turkish coffee creme to fill up an 18oz cup, boiled in an ibrik."

I could swear I got that recipe from a post on the old Image boards. Sound familiar to anyone?[/QUOTE]

Damn and I thought a dirty chai was palpitation inducing.


Staff member
Soda for me. Or tea or hot chocolate, if I need something hot to drink.

I never really got into coffee. It tastes like road tar to me. Then again, my first encounter was with a batch my dad made one morning. And he makes his coffee strong as shit.
I hate coffee, but the nature of the job requires that I take excessive, long coffee breaks on night shifts. So, I drink coffee.

I love soda though. When I drink an ice cold coke, the euphoric rush is amazing. It's crack.


I hate coffee, but the nature of the job requires that I take excessive, long coffee breaks on night shifts. So, I drink coffee.

I love soda though. When I drink an ice cold coke, the euphoric rush is amazing. It's crack.
Just get a beer hat with one holder of coffee the other of soda!

Or just drink black coffee with JD like I do.


I can't stand coffee, I really don't care for it.

I love Coke (not Pepsi, but it's okay in a pinch), just Coke.

I'd love to get some Mt.Dew but it's hard to get here. :(
You guys don't have any Mountain Dew knockoffs like Mountain Mellow or Mountain Holler?


Staff member
Man, I could REALLY go for a big cup of coffee right about now... or iced coffee since it's goddamn hot.
Days like today when I haven't been sleeping, I drink coffee until it starts to upset my stomach (usually around noon), and then I go buy a gallon drum of Diet Mountain Dew at the gas station. For some reason the switch to cold seems to settle my stomach while keeping the caffeine coming. Of course all this would be unnecessary if it weren't for my squeamish team mates getting all uncomfortable when I insert the caffeine IV drip directly. Big sissies.
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