Coffee or Soda?

Coffee or Soda?

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Joe Johnson

I'm actually trying to stop drinking caffeine altogether. Having said that, coffee was my delivery system of choice. Strong coffee that can take the amount of sugar I put in, with a dash of cream. I stopped that, and cut down to soda. I'm now trying to just get rid of it completely. Unfortunately, cold turkey quitting gives me a splitting headache, so I'm just slowly drinking less every day.

Man, I miss my coffee. Unfortunately, I'm one of those anxiety prone types of people, and the caffeine does NOT help that one bit.
Coffee. Plain, black, strong wonderful coffee. By the gallon. I used to drink upwards of 3-4 pots a day but decided that was just getting out of hand because I hated needing to visit the bathroom every 15 minutes. Now I've got myself down to a single pot of half cafe in the mornings. It's nice not being (as) addicted to the caffeine anymore but I still get most of my coffee goodness.

Soda should be banned in all forms except mixed drinks. That shit is just terrible for you in every single conceivable way.
Coffee, black.

Zero Suger.
All Delicious.

My new vice however, since I'm not drinking soda or energy drinks due to the calories and high HIGH sugar count is the little red bull/5 hour energy things. Super low calories 0-6 grams of sugar max... I need to research them some though, they seem to be a billion times better than carbonated energy/pop drinks...


Staff member
Enjoying a cup of Kenyan right now that was roasted and ground this morning. Just a sprinkle of raw sugar. :) Delicious and wakes me up before work.
I drink diet soda, so the sugar thing doesn't effect me.

Also, I would be remiss to not reprint my favorite stolen joke here:
I like my women like I like my coffee - tied up and thrown on the back of a donkey by Juan Valdez.

Wasabi Poptart

Pffft. I don't need fancy coffee. Foglifter from Millstone Coffee Co. is great black. If that's not available then give me good ol' Maxwell House with half & half.
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