Are there any multiple contractions you've seen actually used?
For instance, you can say, " it is not", "it isn't", and "it's not" for the same thing, but wouldn't it be awesome if you could instead say, "it'sn't"?
I'm glad you agree.
The only other one I can think of that I've heard people use in conversation is "wouldn't've" for "would not have".
What other contractions could we contract further? For the purposes of this thread we'll combine contraction and inception (movie reference ftw) when referring to these, and call them contraptions.
Are there any multiple contractions you've seen actually used?
For instance, you can say, " it is not", "it isn't", and "it's not" for the same thing, but wouldn't it be awesome if you could instead say, "it'sn't"?
Wouldn't've, shouldn't've, couldn't've are the best examples I can come up with. I use them fairly often.
This is a lip sync because it's really really old, but the song is 100% appropriate:
Thought of another one. I'd've. Also, I suppose you could add in he'd've, she'd've, they'd've, and we'd've.
y'all'll = you all will/shall
Welcome to the South.
Somewhere I still have my 5th grade notebook where I "discovered" it'sn't. I remember being so proud of myself for doing so and wondering why people weren't saving letters instead of just looking at me with that look that says, "Oh, aren't you just adorable."
Only one I can think of is 'j'eat (short for "did you eat" -> didja eat -> 'j'eat)
don't we already have the hyper contractions?
No, no, contractions are different than abbreviations.