Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

I know the democrats have penned a memo refuting the Nune's memo, but that won't be released. Perhaps that's what @Dave is talking about.

The memo is said to contain classified information that should/can not be released. Without that information it lacks context.
That's true of almost any information the senate intelligence committee releases.

Dave said, "just the cherry picked part from Nunes" which implies something different. If there's a larger memo that Nune's cherry picked, I'd like to know what that's about. If Dave is instead asking for the release of all the intelligence that is referenced in the Nune's memo, well that's different.

Either way, the wording of Dave's request is raising interesting implications and I'm trying to understand what I'm missing.


Staff member
It was my understanding that there is a larger portion of redacted information that thoroughly shoots holes into the abbreviated memo that Nunes may or may not have made changes to by himself, which calls into question the whole damned thing. Republicans have a way of taking a small portion of something and extrapolating a whole conspiracy out of it, selling it to their idiot base, then making policy decisions based on the reporting that comes of that. See ACORN, Planed Parenthood "selling baby parts", etc.

This is just another in a long line of obfuscations by the right to attempt to discredit an investigation on a president who willingly and with their blessing obstructs justice and is beholden to Russian interests.
The premise of the memo is that it discredits the FBI for investigating the trump campaign.

To this it relies heavily upon the Steele dossier. Which the GOP claim to be discredited for a variety of reasons.

The claim is that by using the Steele dossier, the FISA warrant extension applied to trump aide Carter Page was invalid.

To this they seek to discredit the FBI, Mueller and the deputy AG Rod Rodenstein who appointed Mueller.

The GOP members of the committee voted to release the memo to the White House. They didn't invite the Democrats to the vote.

Nunes then changed the memo before giving it to the president. The GOP members of the committee are in full WTF dude rage at this and some one named Troy Gouda quit over it.

The Democrats have demanded that house speaker Ryan dismiss Nunes from the committee.

Meanwhile during all this the FBI and DoJ revealed that they started watching Carter Page in 2013, getting a FISA warrant on him in 2014 and declaring him a foreign operative.

When Carter Page joined the trump campaign in 2016 they started investigating him further, because when a Russian spy joins a presidential campaign, the FBI moves to protect the candidate and America.
Troy Gouda I like that auto correct. Like a small angry football loving Canadian cheese. "They should only serve poutine at the Superb Owl!"

The White house smartly responding to Nunes peddling a now doctored and discredited memo by turning it away at the door and saying NOPE! So they never legally received it and thus can not legally disclose it.
I just realized how to Make America Great Again;

No matter who is in the White House, no matter who controls the courts, who leads the Senate and the House.

Statler and Waldorf need to be present at the State of the Union.
So apparently the latest Trump affair? UN Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Um, Mika? You and Joe were some of the biggest water carriers for Trump leading into the election. You gave him more free air time than just about anyone. So get fucked.
Wolff is insinuating an affair without evidence and spreading rumors to boost sales. When he got called out he tried to play coy and hide behind semantics. I’m not a fan of Brezezinski at all, but she was right to cut him off. It’s shitty what he’s doing.
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Wolff is insinuating an affair without evidence and spreading rumors to boost sales. When he got called out he tried to play coy and hide behind semantics.
Has he learned nothing?

You're supposed to insinuate it only when the evidence is clearly against it... it's the MAGA way!!!
Here's the memo.

What I find most striking is the juxtaposition in tone between the White House Counsel release form and the memo itself. The first is written by a professional, who chooses words carefully, the second...not so much.
I just realized how to Make America Great Again;

No matter who is in the White House, no matter who controls the courts, who leads the Senate and the House.

Statler and Waldorf need to be present at the State of the Union.
"I've been told that I'm the greatest president of all time."
"No! He said you were the GREEDIEST!"
So in the 3rd Congressional District of Illinois the GOP candidate for office is a Nazi.

trump just repealed the clean water act.

And several Republicans are attacking trump over the memo.

What a weird Monday .


Staff member
And by Nazi you're not being hyperbolic. The dude was a leader in the American Nazi Party and is a Holocaust denier. And he's going to be the republican nominee for the congressional seat. He is running unopposed so it's not anything the party can really do about it, but it'll be very interesting to see what kind of votes he gets.
And by Nazi you're not being hyperbolic. The dude was a leader in the American Nazi Party and is a Holocaust denier. And he's going to be the republican nominee for the congressional seat. He is running unopposed so it's not anything the party can really do about it, but it'll be very interesting to see what kind of votes he gets.
The last time a dem wasn't unopposed in that district he got 77% of the vote. He'll get 80% now.


Staff member
You mean, besides finding someone to run against him? Publicly denouncing him? Actually showing some backbone and standing up for what's right, instead of just blindly putting party before sanity?
They've already denounced him, but he's done nothing to break their rules so they can't legally get rid of him. It's too late to add a new candidate. It's the voters who will be terrible in this, not the party. You just know some dumb schmuck is going to vote for him because he has an (R) by his name, but they won't know about him in the least. Of course, he'll also get votes from a small number of people because of his views as well. For some reason since November of '16 racists have been really emboldened. Can't put my finger on why...
You mean, besides finding someone to run against him? Publicly denouncing him? Actually showing some backbone and standing up for what's right, instead of just blindly putting party before sanity?
According to Ballotpedia, there's about 200,000 voters in the district. Last time there was a Rep. candidate they got 35% of the vote. One would think there'd be at least one person more worthy of being on a ballot who could be convinced to run among those 60K-odd people. Even if they don't have a real chance to win.[DOUBLEPOST=1517849313,1517849213][/DOUBLEPOST]
he's done nothing to break their rules
Free speech and all that, but just from this thread alone the guy's done several things that woudl disqualify him to run for anything over parking attendant over here.

...Strictly speaking, he couldn't be a parking attendant, either - those require a background check and being a Nazi counts as a "no".
Someone watch this and tell me if it’s any good so I don’t have to suffer if it isn’t.

Fairly boring from what I could see. Just a black screen with the caption "The uploader has not made this video available in your country." One star out of five.
Fairly boring from what I could see. Just a black screen with the caption "The uploader has not made this video available in your country." One star out of five.
Odd. I get a grey-ish static/"snow" background with a similar line, but in Dutch. I'll give it 1.5/5.
Hey there’s nothing wrong with side-eyeing anyone.
I’m sure people side-eye Neil Gaiman all the time, and I’ve never heard him complain.

It's not so much the side eye, it's the ditch your wife and guests during the national anthem.

Those naughty cheerleaders must have been kneeling....
I read through it, but it reads so much like "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" style conspiracy theory that I searched the guy's name, and Slate says, "Please, please, please don't keep re-tweeting this left conspiracy theorist's material!":

I'm not going to comment on the material at hand. Read any piece of anything from anyone and you'll find a staggering amount of assumptions and supposition - even in the government's own memos - and the situation is way too "fog of war" to say anything with certainty and clarity.[DOUBLEPOST=1517859801,1517859508][/DOUBLEPOST]
It's not so much the side eye, it's the ditch your wife and guests during the national anthem.

Those naughty cheerleaders must have been kneeling....
I was trying to figure out the context, here's the details: