Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

So the new ambassador from trump to Germany seems to be a Nazi bent on helping other Nazis get elected across Europe.

Manafort now facing witness tampering charges, a bold strategy for someone out on bail.

But lets talk about how surprised we all are that trump hates black people, cuase I like the 80s too.
No I meant that talking about how trump is a rascist piece of shit reminds me of when he advocated for the murder of innocent black men in the 80s.

And big hair and shoulderpads need to make a comevack.
Meh. They have a platform and they were using it for political action. He denied them further platform at the whitehouse.

The NFL is now denying them that platform.

I suppose they’ll have to use their celebrity and riches to push their political action in other ways.
Good idea. Let's ban all political statements at NFL games. I mean that does mean you can't play the anthem & expect everyone to stand for it because that's a political statement. Not a party political statement, but still political.
The fact that it was for prayer is even more deliciously ironic.

Or is Zach Ertz praying before a game another example of players using their “celebrity and riches to push their political action?” Because I know we don’t condone that sort of thing around here...
Meh. They have a platform and they were using it for political action. He denied them further platform at the whitehouse.

The NFL is now denying them that platform.

I suppose they’ll have to use their celebrity and riches to push their political action in other ways.
None of the Eagles ever took a knee during the national anthem.

Apparently the real reason why Trump canceled was because only 5 players out of the 80 were going to show up.


None of the Eagles ever took a knee during the national anthem.

Apparently the real reason why Trump canceled was because only 5 players out of the 80 were going to show up.
it was actually 3 players, the owner, and the mascot. No, really.

Under any other president, it is seen as an honor to be invited to the white house. Nobody wants to meet this jackass* and his ego can't stand it.

*I ended up not liking my original word here.


Staff member
The fact that there are still people who don't see through his obvious fake patriotism, fake religiosity, and fake...well, everything...would amuse me a lot more if it wasn't being so damned damaging to our nation.
Not knowing the words to God Bless America doesn't really mean anything though. Not like it's the National Anth... Oh wait, he doesn't know that either.
I think with a minimal amount of effort we could convince trump that Kilted Yaksmen is the Canadian National anthem this week.

Also how much of a slap would it be if Trudeau gave cheeto a lyrics sheet to the star spangled banner?
That would be HEELARIOUS if it wasn't the justification for a trade war that's going to damage so many working class people's lives.
She was defending President Trump’s appointed ambassador to Germany, who openly declared he would try to support conservative politicians in Europe to win elections.
Where "conservative" stands for "absolute fascist dipshits", not for, you know, "conservatives".
Orban, Kurz, De Winter, Fortuyn, Le Pen, are not conservative. They're extreme right, throw-them-back-into-the-sea-to-drown, let's-make-displaying-a-cross-manatory-because-that's-"neutral", neofascists, pretty much the lot of them. And I'm saying that as someone who *really* dislikes the socialist and social-democratic side of political debate in Europe.
Orban, Kurz, De Winter, Fortuyn, Le Pen, are not conservative. They're extreme right, throw-them-back-into-the-sea-to-drown, let's-make-displaying-a-cross-manatory-because-that's-"neutral", neofascists, pretty much the lot of them.
Sounds like our kind of conservatives.
But Dave, America is a "Christian country". So clearly there's no such thing as Muslim Americans because if they're Muslim they're not real Americans. So Trump couldn't invite any!

Trump comes out in favor of...asbestos. And now the EPA won't test for it.

Why would he do this? Maybe because the Russians want him to?
Because he's a slumlord and he's probably got hundreds of buildings that are full of the stuff that he's quietly been hiding for years. More to the point, he's probably been sued over asbestos in his buildings and now he's being vindictive about it.


Staff member
Well, obviously, if asbestos is fine, no one would mind of someone where to send plastic bags filled with asbestos dust to him, right?
This is one of those things that would be amusing in theory but a really bad idea in practice. Even if you put on the envelope "this envelope contains the non-cancerous causing powder asbestos" I'd be willing to bet you'd get a visit by some guys in suits with dark sunglasses.