Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread


Staff member
Maybe they'll give the babies to a deserving white couple to raise as their own. You know, like the US government did to native American kids.
Actually, they DID adopt them out. I actually dated a girl who was one of these children.
There was a huge piece on NPR about it back in 2005, because it was still happening at the time - due to overly persecutorial CPS policies where native children were taken from their parents and adopted out only to white families at extremely high rates and for extremely minor violations in comparison to white families in the same areas. For example, there were children being taken away on the reservation for their parents being reported to be drunk too often, where white families in the same area were having their children returned to them even after evidence of severe physical and sexual abuse by the parents and/or guardians. It really, really pissed me off, so I remember it quite vividly.
You fucking dolt, those kids deserve it for having parent(s) trying to enter the US. You god damned ignorant stupid shit. You emotional idiot.
And dont even get me started on the gall of those people that just go straight to the border police and ask for asylum just because their lives are in danger in their own countries... why should they not be separated from their children?


Staff member
I'm anticipating the Replublican response.

"This is a witchhunt. The system is biased against them. The judge has a vendetta."

"Any plea deals are done because they're afraid of getting railroaded and wrongly convicted. They don't have adequate legal recourse."

"None of these people have ever had any association with the President. He doesn't know them. He hasn't met them before. They just showed up at this party uninvited."


Staff member
"None of these people have ever had any association with the President. He doesn't know them. He hasn't met them before. They just showed up at this party uninvited."
It's actually been Trump saying, "Manafort didn't really work with me."

Only, it's not a joke, because people will believe it. They'll just accept that someone can be a campaign manager for 2 months, having worked on the campaign for 6 months total, and still have had nothing to do with the campaign they were in charge of.


Staff member
United Methodist Church calls out Sessions, Trump for separating immigrant families

"In a statement from Rev. Susan Henry-Crowe, General Secretary of the Global Board of Church and Society, the denomination described the Trump policies as a 'shocking violation of the spirit of the Gospel.'"

"The Christ we follow would have no part in ripping children from their mothers' arms or shunning those fleeing violence. It is unimaginable that faith leaders even have to say that these policies are antithetical to the teachings of Christ," Henry-Crowe wrote. "Christian sacred texts should never be used to justify policies that oppress or harm children and families"

It's noteworthy that Jeff Sessions is a member of the United Methodist Church.
Their response to this is literally going to be "Who cares what that fake church thinks?"

If it was the Catholics doing this, I'd bet I'd hear a few choice Irish pejoratives and something like "The United States doesn't bow it's head to foreign powers."

Because remember... the only real church is Protestantism in the eyes of the GOP.


Staff member
Their response to this is literally going to be "Who cares what that fake church thinks?"

If it was the Catholics doing this, I'd bet I'd hear a few choice Irish pejoratives and something like "The United States doesn't bow it's head to foreign powers."

Because remember... the only real church is Protestantism in the eyes of the GOP.
Methodists are Protestant. But, yes, people will dismiss them as a "fake church". They'll say they're too progressive, or not progressive enough, or whatever it takes to dismiss arguments counter to what they already believe.
At some point we need to stop pretending some of these politicians are Christians and acknowledge that's just a box they tick off, the way many Democrats don't actually support LGBT but pretend to because that's the way the party sluggishly headed.