Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread


Staff member
We’re getting to the point where even the Republicans are fed up. Trump’s seriously fucking with their re-election odds. That’s really the only line Republicans draw. Eventually, they’ll decide risking a President Pence is better than keeping Trump.

Then they’ll lose the White House in 2020 anyway, since it’s becoming more clear to even seriously loyalist conservatives that Trump’s nothing more than a malignant tumor with a combover and a big mouth.


Staff member
Unfortunately I think Trump can still spin all these Republicans turning against him. If he and Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, etc. can convince enough of the public that this is "outsider" Trump being a maverick, and that the Republicans turning against him are insiders who are actually against the average American, he should still be able to keep enough of a following. They want to believe in Trump. They've sold themselves on his lies up until now, they only need

I don't think the deciding factor in 2020 will be how many Republicans turn against Trump. It will be how many non-voters turn out to vote Democrat. The only way Republicans turning on Trump hurts him is if those Republicans turn their efforts to getting people to turn up at the polls to vote Democrat.
Also, I’m sure that Republicans will talk about how much they don’t like Trump... until they see/hear any Democrat opponent. At that point they just vote for the guy with a big R next his to name regardless of actual policies or actions.


Staff member
He's already turned on Hannity. How long until he pisses them off enough that even they stop trying to [graphic and unseemly acts that only have a place in the bedroom]?
Hannity (and his ilk) will turn on Trump when Hannity's core listeners turn on Trump. Which won't happen as long as Trump is president and keeps playing into the fear and hatred that Trump supporters are fueled by. Trump can say or do whatever he wants to the ultra conservative media, as long as their audience wants Trump, they'll bow to him.


Staff member
Right now they have no enemy. Nobody serious is thinking Clinton is a boogeywoman any more. So until someone is nominated, they have nobody else to vent their hate on. Just wait - the idiots always fall into line.
"Yes, our guy is the literal corpse of Stalin with the brains of Hitler, reanimated to unholy unlife through a blood sacrifice to Satan, but their guy voted against a tax decrease for the rich and has suggested there may be limits to weapon possession rights, so he's a filthy commie who wants to destroy America!"
Right now they have no enemy. Nobody serious is thinking Clinton is a boogeywoman any more. So until someone is nominated, they have nobody else to vent their hate on. Just wait - the idiots always fall into line.
They've already picked their target for the time being: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
I don't think so. I think she is an easy target for them is all. She represents the left in a way that aligns with the cartoonish idea the right has in their minds. (not to say that she is cartoonish.)
I found this very interesting considering that Trump is claiming that Reagan tried and failed to build a Mexico/USA wall.



Staff member
Ruth Bader Ginsburg just had surgery to remove malignant nodules from her lungs. It also appears they got everything.

She also voted - from her hospital bed - in the verdict permanently defeating Trump’s asylum ban.

The woman is a fucking real-life superhero. Seriously.
The way the Patriots are playing, the Lions could beat them.

(Because it's a rule that the AFC must be represented by Brady or Rothlissberger Captain Fat Fuck in the Superb Owl.)
Fixed. (You can tell I've been watching too many Days of Our Steelers, can't you?)
I like how you think this is anything but BS for his base to distract from the stock market taking a dive.
He's going to make himself more miserable in the process. I'd think if there was anything I could count on in this administration, it was Trump's selfishness. What would be in character is for him to sign the CR on Monday, in time to have ruined other government people's holidays, while he hops south unimpeded.


Staff member
When bad things happen due to his terrible policies and insane ramblings, it's always someone else's fault and they must be fired.