Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

I'm already good for sarcasm. In fact, I have a surplus.
Perhaps I should donate to help those in need?
Sure, sure. He's just a victim of Poe's Law. I mean, when he said he was "running for president", that was just a joke, too.
To this day, I still think he only did it on a lark, and then it got away from him (and everybody else).

News outlets in the US of A now confirming that cheetos refusal to deal with covid19 was intentional as part of a deal with the Chinese for both financial relief and dirt on Biden.

Fifty two thousand dead.
Problem with that: he can simply write to congress and say "I'm fine." And if they try it a second time, it has to go to congress, where it has to be two-thirds in both houses to remove him and make Pence permanent president.

That will never happen.
Soooo, basically, Trump threw America under the bus for a business deal and dirt on a political opponent. Meanwhile, it's a solid bet that at least 100,000 Americans will die.

This man should never have made it into the office. Every single action and everything single thing he's said since that has further proven that.
Stupid MSM, could even get it right about who he was spouting dangerous non-sense to:

Pls. ignore the mention of her actual name in the easily findable video.
Anyone notice Trump didn't take any questions during the last breifing? Turns out before it started he tried to force the front row CNN correspondant to move to the back row, switching with a another journalist. Both people refused to switch.

He was so pissed off he just walked off the question portion of the breifing entirely, now telling aides he feels the briefings are "pointless".

He is such a narcissist.
I dunno, I think the briefings would be better if they held them without him.

Heck, I think this whole country would be better if it ran without him.
It really is getting to the point now where if you can't see it, it's because you're deliberately not looking, isn't it?

I'm pretty sure I've said it here before, but his base doesn't care. Rural whites, evangelical whites, Rust Belt whites, white senior citizens, etc. will look past his disgraceful words and actions because they have felt under siege for the past thirty years. They are conscious of a social shift that is turning the US into a multicultural, multiracial, and multireligious nation. There used to be a ton of privileges that being white and Christian brought their particular demographics, and these people realize that they won't be on top for much longer. Trump represents their last chance to stay on top. They are willing to debase themselves for political expediency, but don't want to admit that they're following a loathsome scumbag such as Trump. So they'll keep making excuses for him.
I'm pretty sure I've said it here before, but his base doesn't care. Rural whites, evangelical whites, Rust Belt whites, white senior citizens, etc. will look past his disgraceful words and actions because they have felt under siege for the past thirty years. They are conscious of a social shift that is turning the US into a multicultural, multiracial, and multireligious nation. There used to be a ton of privileges that being white and Christian brought their particular demographics, and these people realize that they won't be on top for much longer. Trump represents their last chance to stay on top. They are willing to debase themselves for political expediency, but don't want to admit that they're following a loathsome scumbag such as Trump. So they'll keep making excuses for him.
In case you were commenting on the above, those weren't the ones I was talking about. I was going after the Bros and the Red Rose types.

Assuming they're not MAGA trolls or Russian assets in disguise.


Staff member
Sixty thousand dead, and people still need "convinced" or "won over"?

Fuck. You.
Don't underestimate the ability of conservative media to spin this. I suspect there are a lot of people who haven't heard that this could have been avoided, that things could be better, and that there could be fewer dead with less restrictions. Many people are still focused on the idea that the only alternative to the current state would have been "the police state the Democrats always wanted", or some other bullshit like that. There are a lot of people who don't realize that our government knew this was going to be a problem months before the general public did.
Don't underestimate the ability of conservative media to spin this. I suspect there are a lot of people who haven't heard that this could have been avoided, that things could be better, and that there could be fewer dead with less restrictions. Many people are still focused on the idea that the only alternative to the current state would have been "the police state the Democrats always wanted", or some other bullshit like that. There are a lot of people who don't realize that our government knew this was going to be a problem months before the general public did.
Again, see above. It's not about that crowd. Those still drinking the Fox Noise kool-aid are a lost cause. Let them drink all the bleach they want.