Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

The only thing he could say that would help the country would be:

"I hereby resign the Presidency of the United States, effective tomorrow. In addition, I will not seek the nomination of my party for President in 2020."
He is never resigning. He will be in a country without extradition whenever he ceases to be POTUS.
Nah if he loses he will pardon himself of all crimes. Joe Biden won't push against it because "we need to move past this to recover as a nation."*

*I don't think I will ever forgive obama for giving bush and his cronies a total pass.

Trump is so hard to read sometimes I can't tell if this is him trying to compliment Romney or basically sarcastically insult him.

Honestly, it's not a good look. Utah was one of his powerhouse states where he was leading Biden by 18 points. Now? 3 points. It's like he is trying to destroy any chance he had with swing voters, and he just keeps galvanizing young people to register to vote against him.
He has abandoned winning, going all in on voter fraud. He wants 50,000 voting inspectors to make sure no fraud is committed. Guarantee none of them will be in GOP strongholds or gerrymandered districts.

Also hard to intimidate mail in ballots. Hmm wonder if he is for or against them...
Man, I know it's a cliche to say "man, I should stop being surprised by him" but man, I should stop being surprised by him.

I just saw this, and it's astounding.

Also, is there a setting on Twitter to block anyone who's name ends in five numbers, because those are all the "people" defending this tweet?
Man, I know it's a cliche to say "man, I should stop being surprised by him" but man, I should stop being surprised by him.

This tweet is so ludicrously stupid I'm surprised he didn't say this guy was the "mastermind" behind 9/11 and a supporter of the War Abolishing Christmas.
I wish I could put a penny in a jar any time a MAGAite brings up George Soros, Bill Gates, Deep State, ANTIFA, or Q. I would be a billionaire.
Why the fuck are Trump's handlers not literally locking him in the bunker and taking away his phone? He's going to read a speech on race written by Stephen fucking Miller? I guess the GOP really wants civil war or something.
So Amy McGrath, the likely opponent of Mitch McConnell in Kentucky, it not only outperforming him in fundraising around the state, but is showing a narrow lead in state polls.

I was saving a bottle of my best liquor on the chance Trump gets out, but if we throw out Mitch too? Screw just the one bottle, I am throwing a one man party.
So Amy McGrath, the likely opponent of Mitch McConnell in Kentucky, it not only outperforming him in fundraising around the state, but is showing a narrow lead in state polls.
She still has to win her primary. Bernie & co have endorsed her opponent, Charles Booker. Either way, whoever wins that is better than Mitch though.
If the whole performance was in order to send a message of solidarity with his evangelical voters, their adored leader used the wrong Bible. As Hendrickson notes, the Bible that Trump held over his head was a Revised Standard Version (RSV). Every English-language Bible is obviously a translation from the original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, but there are vast differences among the versions. Not only is the RSV outdated (the New Revised Standard Version, NRSV, was published in 1989 to replace it), but it’s not a Bible that evangelical Christians consider authoritative. “It would be pretty much rejected by the vast majority of evangelicals. It would be seen as a deficient translation of the Bible. A distinctly liberal one,”