Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

Wasn't that one of his nonsense executive orders?
If it was, though, it would be an Executive Order, not an Act.
I can see him doing that, though. "Of course it exists! Here's a copy right now! <waves restaurant napkin covered in scrawls>"

I'm not even sure he could get through spelling "E-X-E-C-U... Wait, this shouldn't be about you it should be about me..."

EDIT: Here's the tweet:

Fucking asshole, you don't make laws. Jesus fucking christ, you can't make an executive order and expect it to be LAW. MORON.
Perhaps the toilet twittering tyrant is upset because he had to cancel throwing out the first pitch at the Yankees game when the Yankees said "new phone who dis" today.
Trumps done a lot of shitty things but the insistence of pushing hydroxycloroquine is one of the weirder ones. Even if he has a financial stake in it, I feel like he hasn't pushed his other grifts nearly as much as this.
Trumps done a lot of shitty things but the insistence of pushing hydroxycloroquine is one of the weirder ones. Even if he has a financial stake in it, I feel like he hasn't pushed his other grifts nearly as much as this.
It's because he refuses to be wrong. He has two ways of handling situations where he has been wrong. He either claims he never said it or he doubles down as hard as possible until people believe it's true. When you are doubling down on some trivial thing you don't have to work as hard, but when the thing you claimed as a wonder drug is dismissed not only by most doctors and scientists, but even your own FDA, as ineffective towards treating the coronavirus, you have to double down even harder and make so much noise as to obfuscate the actual evidence.
It's because he refuses to be wrong. He has two ways of handling situations where he has been wrong. He either claims he never said it or he doubles down as hard as possible until people believe it's true. When you are doubling down on some trivial thing you don't have to work as hard, but when the thing you claimed as a wonder drug is dismissed not only by most doctors and scientists, but even your own FDA, as ineffective towards treating the coronavirus, you have to double down even harder and make so much noise as to obfuscate the actual evidence.
That's a real Renoir

That video was really bad propaganda too.

The group is called "America's Frontline Doctors", and while they are technically physicians, most are private practices that don't work at hospitals, which means the whole "frontline" part of the name is just misleading. The group didn't even exist until a few days ago, and was likely made by Brietbart simply to give Trump a group he could point at to say "Look! The doctors say I was right!"

It gets even worst because the poster doctor of the whole video, Stella Immanuel, is mostly a minister who happens to also be a pediatrician. She not only believes that most illnesses are caused by demons that have sex with us in our dreams, but also that much of the world is controlled by aliens, who use alien DNA in our medicine, and who are trying to vaccinate out religion (Yes, she believes you can vaccinate a person from becoming religious.)

I won't even get into all the other batshit things she believes, but you can check out her youtube channel if you can handle not slapping your forehead too hard every few seconds (Just look for any of the Fire Power Ministries videos). In a just world she wouldn't have escaped the darkest bowels of youtube, but this isn't a just world, and I just know she will be seen as a "true patriot" for standing up to the "democratic hoax agenda". This is the world we live in.
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I read an article about her just now and I had to re-read a few parts because I was sure I read them incorrectly due to high fever.

Evidently a women’s group of physicians is looking to sue her to revoke her license. Her go fund me is just over $1,600.
My mom is apparently listening to Barr testify and believes every word out of his mouth, while rage texting me about how corrupt Democrats are. I'm not reading these texts, just deleting them.
I read an article about her just now and I had to re-read a few parts because I was sure I read them incorrectly due to high fever.
I honestly thought it was too much to be true, so rather than just take it all at face value I looked up any of her public stuff I could including social media and the youtube channel. It's all true, out of her own mouth. Either she is playing an "Alex Jones"- style grifter or is just insane.
My mom is apparently listening to Barr testify and believes every word out of his mouth, while rage texting me about how corrupt Democrats are.
Ask her why Trump isn't arresting them already.

And when he's going to jail Hillary already...
I’m guessing that’s the video that the mother in law just sent to our groups chat.
I decided it’s probably better of me to at least make sure everyone in the group knows the truth about these videos, so I’ll let her post them. I really hope I either get through to her, or she gets tired of having to defend this garbage and stops.
I get that, but I’m a firm believer that we are where we are because people were too willing to laugh this shit off and call people crazy behind their backs. I don’t think I’ll change her mind, but hopefully I can at least make sure my kids, and anyone else that hears it, know how dangerous this can be. And hopefully stop someone from falling into the same trap she did, and make sure it’s not normalized any more.
I believe trying to change conservatives' minds is a waste of energy. I'm not saying it doesn't ever happen, but if someone thought Donald Trump was the right choice to be president, they're probably too dumb to understand any sort of logic.
I believe trying to change conservatives' minds is a waste of energy. I'm not saying it doesn't ever happen, but if someone thought Donald Trump was the right choice to be president, they're probably too dumb to understand any sort of logic.
Maybe if you're trying to change her mind, instead of lightly mocking her...
I've given up trying to change her mind. If I don't agree with her, she calls me a know it all and cries about how I hurt her feelings. So I just ignore her or hang up on her if she even starts to talk about politics.


Staff member
There's no way that an argument with a family member can compete with hours upon hours of exposure to conservative media (or any biased source of what is, effectively, propaganda). It won't matter how well-reasoned or how much evidence there is, if the person you're trying to convince doesn't want to change their mind and has prepped themselves to be irrational by listening to the same talking points looped on repeat in the background all day long.
Conservative media is fear mongering the shit out of people right now too. My mother is pretty much convinced the left is trying to incite civil war with riots in every city.