Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

I’d rather blame those that put them in that position under staffed and under prepared than to play backseat driver to someone who decided it wasn’t worth taking a human life. We sit here and complain about police being too quick to kill, and then complain they don’t kill enough when it’s someone we disagree with. It would have been an absolute blood bath had they started shooting.
I'll throw myself on this particular grenade.

It was okay to shoot attacking nazis in 1945, what's wrong with shooting attacking nazis now?
Like everyone here, this makes me more angry than I think I’ve ever been. I just don’t want it to change who I am. That’s someone who values human life above all else. I’m sorry if that goes against what you think is important, but if lives were spared at the expense of some dipshits getting in to the capitol because the police were not given the staff or equipment to hold them off, I’m ok with that.
What I saw was police holding people off as long as they could until staff and congressmen were safe, and then slowly giving way until they had backup. That wasn’t their fault. But time will tell.
Nazis in 1945 killed millions. How many did they kill today? Is it now OK to kill based on ideas? Or actions? Are we better than them? Or just when it suits us?
It was a terrorist attack on the heart of our republic. To let that happen with not only nary a shot fired in defense, but to have those who we thought would uphold their oath to defend the Constitution to be actually AMONG them, should make anyone who believed in what this country was supposed to stand for sick to their stomach. We ARE better than them, and we saw what happen when the roles were reversed. The only reason they were able to do what they did today was that they were white instead of black or brown.
It was a terrorist attack on the heart of our republic. To let that happen with not only nary a shot fired in defense, but to have those who we thought would uphold their oath to defend the Constitution to be actually AMONG them, should make anyone who believed in what this country was supposed to stand for sick to their stomach. We ARE better than them, and we saw what happen when the roles were reversed. The only reason they were able to do what they did today was that they were white instead of black or brown.
And that’s something we need to come to terms with. Just because we know that if they were black they’d be dead doesn’t mean if they’re white they should be dead too. We should strive for no one being dead.
I'd much rather this be peaceful, but the front line defenders of freedom took selfies with terrorist instead of shooting them down in the streets. Any other State Capitol they would have massacred dozens.
The terrorists took selfies with them, and again the only other choice would be to shoot them down and then most likely be shot down themselves. Not much gained.
And that’s something we need to come to terms with. Just because we know that if they were black they’d be dead doesn’t mean if they’re white they should be dead too. We should strive for no one being dead.
When they're literally rampaging the halls of Congress with the express intent of attempting a coup, the time for discussion or understanding has long since passed. When our nation is under attack, the time is to defend it by all means available.
I'm glad few died. Hopefully those who did die were via the actions of their own stupidity (we will learn more soon I'm sure.). It's hard to say what went down there. I've seen video of guards letting the protesters through (maybe they did feel outnumbered) and I've seen videos of the guards fighting back. The people got out okay that they were supposed to protect, and a large blood bath was avoided.
Now charges need to be made and they need to stick. They don't deserve death, but these assholes deserve to be locked up for this attempted coup.
From what I understand, her and a few other people broke into a room where a House Representative was still being sheltered before evacuation, so the reps defense team opened fire and got her right in the chest.
I’ll say it again, I hold no love for these terrorists, but I do not wish death upon them when not required.
But considering that many of them were armed it's hard to say what could have happened if they didn't fire on the protestors. They were already making offensive actions by breaking inside. The defense teams won't know what their intentions are but most people don't just break into buildings to politely say hello.
Re: people in this thread saying cops should have shot the protestors dead. Uh... yikes? Listen, I get that people are upset but take a step back. Like everything regarding this presidency, this wasn't an actual coup but rather a really stupid stunt. At the end of the day some idiots forced their way into a building, did some minor property damage, took some selfies and then went home. The police not escalating the situation is exactly what I would want to see in this situation.

Would the cops have acted that way if it was a BLM protest? You and I both know the answer to that, but wanting bad cops to act like bad cops here just because they're bad cops elsewhere isn't helpful.

My politics these days run just left of anarcho-communism so I'm pretty on the extreme (for america) side, you wanna set up a guillotine I'm all for the chopping. But these aren't the people that need to lose their heads.
It's over, Biden 306.

Funny enough this means Biden technically got more electoral votes then Trump, who got 304 due to some faithless electors in 2016.

One little addition but the sad defeatist posture of Gohmert plus Pence rolling his eyes at him when he objected made the night worth it.
Anyone else rooting for "President Pence" by no later than Friday night?
In a way, no. Pence, McConnell, Graham, all "suddenly" distancing themselves from Trump, saying they won't be part of it, blahblahblah, is much much too little and far too late. Trying to wash your hands now, two weeks before the end, so you can start pretending you were always opposing him, reining him in, trying to safeguard our democracy? No. Republican leadership and officials who supported Trump, aided him, cleared him after impeachment, etc etc deserve to be forever branded as "Accomplice to a coup against the US".
In a way, no. Pence, McConnell, Graham, all "suddenly" distancing themselves from Trump, saying they won't be part of it, blahblahblah, is much much too little and far too late. Trying to wash your hands now, two weeks before the end, so you can start pretending you were always opposing him, reining him in, trying to safeguard our democracy? No. Republican leadership and officials who supported Trump, aided him, cleared him after impeachment, etc etc deserve to be forever branded as "Accomplice to a coup against the US".
In that case, a double dose of the 25th, and we get two weeks of "President Pelosi"?
I'll throw myself on this particular grenade.

It was okay to shoot attacking nazis in 1945, what's wrong with shooting attacking nazis now?
When there’s 15 of you and thousands of them?

I remember one thing from my years in the DOC - don’t act until you have numbers on your side.