Out of curiosity, what pictures are causing the big hullabaloo?
None here, not yet. The deal is that our forum allows the uploading of photos without any sort of oversight/approval.
This means that it is possible to upload copyrighted material to our forum.
BeeDubyaPee Media USA is a company which owns the copyright to a large number of images.
Therefore the chance exists that some of their copyrighted material may be uploaded to our forum.
It seems that BeeDubyaPee Media USA is especially aggressive about searching the Web for potentially unauthorized use of their images and then bringing suit to either force payment or removal (presumably they prefer payment over removal).
The DMCA has a pretty straightforward process, and so long as any photos in question are uploaded by a third party (i.e., not Dave or other 'employee' of the forum), removal of the image is generally enough to satisfy the requirement.
IANAL, but I believe they only have a legitimate case when the photos in question are a) Owned by them, and b) not "substantially transformed."
It is unclear whether merely adding captions constitutes a "substantial transformation" of an image.
The sad truth of it is that regardless of how "legitimate" the case may be,
anyone can bring suit against the forum for
any image posted, because I think that the burden of proof rests with the defendant in these sorts of cases, meaning that they can generally only be dismissed by paying court costs, and so many people just settle or remove rather than mounting an actual defense. The trouble is that as far as the Law is concerned, settling/removing might as well constitute an admission of guilt, i.e. because you didn't fight it, the plaintiff's case must have had merit.