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Could XenForo have a memory leak?




I have no other problems on any other website, but Halforums slows down after about an hour or two of browsing. It gets to be a painstaking crawl if I don't do anything about it. However, if I close the tab and reopen it to the same thread I just left, it runs perfectly fine...for another hour or two. I am beginning to suspect this is an issue with the XenForo database architecture or a plugin to the database, but I don't know for sure. When it starts slowing down, it is the calls to Google+ and Facebook (and other plugins, maybe?) that it appears to struggle with.




I've noticed some slowing after multiple hours of browsing as well, but just attributed them to the inconsistencies of life on a massive corporate network.




That said, the load time delays you are noticing coming from social websites are of great annoyance to the web development community. There is little to no control over them, not even really load time and priority load settings. Any delay on their end will be very noticeable on sites that feature social widgets or plugins.
Which I get, but I consistently find that it is a build up in delay that is then instantly relieved by closing and re-opening.




I tend to leave one tab open and set to the "most recent threads" which I then just refresh all day long; and open new tabs for each thread I want to read. I haven't really noticed a lag with social networking site APIs, but I have noticed that after a few hours of that one tab being constantly open, I start to get slowdowns when posting a reply, or when I attempt to view my alerts without going to the alert page itself; but this may just be a limitation of browsers in general, since I tend to see the same sort of eventual buildup of lag with my work websites after several hours of keeping those up and running too.




First tab is my What's New? I open all threads of interest in other tabs and browse accordingly. Then I click on What's New again before reading the other tabs, if nothing else gets my attention. Mark all Forum as read.

Then I peruse my interesting threads and respond accordingly.

When done. I go back to my original tab and press What's New again.

I also use Firefox with No Script and Ad-Block. So I don't see any shit I shouldn't.




I operate similarly to Jay - first tab is either "what's new" or "watched threads," and I open threads in new tabs and close them once replied to. That said, when I was using chrome, I noticed MUCH more heavy memory useage. Now I've switched back to firefox and don't seem to have as much problem, though because I also have 8-10 tabs open in a separate window for work, eventually I do have to shut firefox and restart it again every day or two.




One thing I have noticed is that for the last day or so, there is lag (maybe 3-4 sec) between when I hit reply and when the reply gets posted.


And of course, this one posted fairly quickly. Bah!




For the stated theory to work, it would have to be a memory leak in the JavaScript.

Try the same img with JavaScript turned off for this site and see if it occurs.

I browse the site differently, and use the minimal theme anyway, so I doubt I would see this behavior even if it did exist, but for the record I don't see anything similar to what's being described.




More problems with Java? you don't say.




Not Java, Javascript.





I was having some serious slowdown issues with Firefox in general, but then I noticed that the damn Yahoo toolbar had reinstalled itself when I installed Yahoo Messager. Once that was removed, it was fine again.




For the stated theory to work, it would have to be a memory leak in the JavaScript.

Try the same img with JavaScript turned off for this site and see if it occurs.

I browse the site differently, and use the minimal theme anyway, so I doubt I would see this behavior even if it did exist, but for the record I don't see anything similar to what's being described.
So I disabled JavaScript on Halforums for a while and it DOES speed up performance, but it also disables my ability to view spoilers, see mouseover menus (like alerts), and perhaps numerous other useful features. I turned it back on and my browsing slipped right back into the old cycle of speedy - slow down to a crawl - close and reopen - rinse and repeat.




Something I've got working must be slowing things down for you. But I don't know what it could be. Does it give you any errors or tell you what it's waiting to load?




The twitter api, facebook api, and sometimes the g+ api are waiting to load. They seem to be the culprit but I can't be sure.




Turned off the Twitter and Facebook. Trying to see how to disable g+. Tell me how it's going.




will do. Might take an hour or two of browsing to have a good sense of it.




Let me know. Then I'll turn them back on in the order I use them and we'll see what's gumming up the works.




So far, everything is super speedy.




I have a feeling it was FB or G+. I really only need Twitter personally, and I don't know of many people who post threads to Facebook, but some might.




To be honest, I only saw twitter come up once. FB came up numerous times, and G+ only a couple of times. My bet is on FB too.




Yet another example of how facebook ruins everything.




So far, still a zippy browsing experience. I'd say you've certainly removed the culprit, Dave

If you'd like to put twitter back in, we can see how it goes.




Twitter is back on.




The FB and other social media apps make the forum load super super slow on my phone, but I always use tapatalk anyway for that, so it's not an issue.




Twitter is back on.
Yeah, it's still happening, but it is much longer between slowdowns now.




I've been getting messages that the site has had some high load times. I wonder if I need to reboot the server to flush out the tmp cache.




Isn't there some way to run a job that'll do that periodically without you having to reboot it?





Isn't there some way to run a job that'll do that periodically without you having to reboot it?

Yeah. I think Ame knew how to do stuff like that but I'm just fumbling along blindly.
