Cracked: 5 ways to spot a BS Political Story

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Just for the caption of ""Every political crisis can be solved by machine guns and terrible shirts!" this was now worth it.

Cracked is just about always great.


Staff member
Fun read, but Cracked never really does it for me. It's almost ironic that Cracked is touting calling bullshit on headlines, when most of their articles themselves are sloppily-written, hastily-researched, bids for people's attention.

Which isn't to say, as I get pounced on, that I don't read Cracked for a smile every now and then. Their pop-culture stuff is probably the best (and there are no stakes for credibility to be had)
Fun read, but Cracked never really does it for me. It's almost ironic that Cracked is touting calling bullshit on headlines, when most of their articles themselves are sloppily-written, hastily-researched, bids for people's attention.

Which isn't to say, as I get pounced on, that I don't read Cracked for a smile every now and then. Their pop-culture stuff is probably the best (and there are no stakes for credibility to be had)
I can sort of relate. Some articles are hilarious. Some are so incredibly unfunny or stupid that it gets annoying. It's very hit-or-miss over there. Perhaps the worst thing is their constant use of sketchy "facts" or "studies," which they then portray as unassailable truth.


Staff member
Right, exactly. Wouldn't exactly flout anything they put on there as fact, but it is good for a few yuks if you're bored on the web. Oh, list humor.
Usually unless it's Seanbaby making fun of combat sports, self help books or old comics or it's a John Cheese article, Cracked isn't worth me anyway.


You have to admit, though... #2 at least lets people know to reconsider voting for that particular lawmaker. Though the stories are never actually cast in that light.

Politics is stupid.
You have to admit, though... #2 at least lets people know to reconsider voting for that particular lawmaker. Though the stories are never actually cast in that light.

Politics is stupid.
No, I think Shephard Smith had it right. "Politics is weird. And creepy."
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