Cyber Monday

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Staff member
Apparently it doesn't mean what I thought it meant. Now I have to retract some emails or send out some apologies.

Damn it!


Any good deals? I am ridiculously disappointed at Deepdiscount's offering.

None that I've seen. Cybermonday has gone the way of ebay. You used to be able to score good deals, now it's just slightly marked down junk that every retailer's trying to get rid of for the next season item.

The only really good deals I've seen are Steam's 5 day, 1 day sales on some really good PC games.
I need a printer and they have an HP one for $30 bucks. Maybe.
Yeah but the cartridges cost more than the printer.[/QUOTE]
That's why I haven't even taken out my wallet. I would be willing to spend money on a good printer that doesn't need expensive cartridges. All I would print would be quick copy coupons or mapquest. Nothing special.
V, if you don't need colour, get an office laserjet. No cartridges, fast and clear printing. Pretty expensive to buy, but don't need to be replaced. We still use the same HP 4L that we bought for Win 3.11. It functions fine under Vista (though there aren't any drivers for 7 yet :-P).
As for colour printers....I know it sounds horrible, but I often just buy a new printer instead of a new cartridge. It's cheaper :-P


Staff member
I don't know what you guys are talking about. And for some reason I don't even want to. Maybe it's because I fear that the Cyber Monday really is about what it sounds like.

Has free shipping today.
Normally they charge upwards of $7 for a small item, so rack up $25 worth and save on those gadgets.
I bought a 2010 Despair Calendar & USB Plasma Ball. $25.58.
I don't know what you guys are talking about. And for some reason I don't even want to. Maybe it's because I fear that the Cyber Monday really is about what it sounds like.
Here in the US, the day after our Thanksgiving holiday is usually a day filled with shopping for Christmas gifts, large sales, and general retail pandemonium. As thanksgiving is the last thursday of November each year, this day always falls on Friday. It has come to be termed "Black Friday." It can easily be the single biggest day of any store's year, often making or breaking their yearly sales and influencing whether or not stores stay in business.

Online stores wanted to get their piece of that action as well, but did not want it to fall on the same day that everyone would be out at the malls and other brick & mortar stores. So, they opted to shift the date of their sales to the next Monday. They also wanted a catchy moniker and so named it "Cyber Monday."
Im too damn broke to buy anything :(

I have $10 to last me till Friday and I just bought Mirrors Edge on Steam because I couldn't pass it up for $5 :confused: I wish I would have had enough for some of the other awesome deals they had :(


Apparently it doesn't mean what I thought it meant. Now I have to retract some emails or send out some apologies.

Damn it!
I am disappointed that I didn't get an email.

I won't soon forget this dave!
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