D&D 5 Playtesting.

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Staff member
Interesting. I thought we couldn't talk about it. Maybe I will a bit more then in a little while. Tuesday back at work after a holiday is just nucking futs.
Same with me, I have legally signed up and downloaded the content and lots of emails but can't log into the forums? WTF?


Staff member
Oh, and I get paid Friday, not Thursday. Dave apparently thought Sunday was Saturday, Monday was Sunday...
I don't think that it is constructive to describe the game in terms of previous editions. I would suggest concentrating on analysing the system as written.

I like how Initiative is set up with regards to surprise, though I have reservations that new players especially those who are young will struggle with the idea of negative numbers.

I like the advantage/disadvantage system. It is clean and removes math from rolling. Plus rolling more dice is fun!

I do not like the critical hit system as written. It does not feel special enough for a critical hit.
Really, it's an amalgam of old school D&D, 3.5, and 4e, with some new mechanics mixed in as well. Which is not surprising given their stated intentions of bringing together the D&D player base.


Staff member
I really don't think it's possible to evaluate this without comparing it to what you already know. I don't particularly see the problem with that either. After all, presumably they came out with a new edition to address things about the old. I think that makes it quite constructive.


Staff member
I like it. They managed to make it a bit more realistic by giving hit points a good explanation, and by moving minor spells that almost everyone is going to take to at-will actions. I would like to play the human cleric.


Staff member
The VTT platform we will be using is called Roll20. It looks bloody amazing.

I will be posting a link to the campaign tonight when I get home so people can come in and take a look and we can play around. Once we get our core and figure some stuff out, I'll set about finalizing the roster and characters - possibly even going so far as randomizing who plays what character if more than a few want to play the same guy or gal. Please note that while this has video integration, if you do not want to log in using a webcam you will not be required to, although a microphone of some sort would be preferred.

So game? Check.
VTT? Check.
Players? Getting there.
Game time? Unknown until we finalize the player roster.

Looking to start the campaign as early as next week.
Love to play, but am unsure about free time - my wife works a lot of nights so I'm watching my 3 and a half year old by myself.

Maybe the next round.


Staff member
Wow. That's a hell of a bump. Okay, if you are interested, PM ME the following:

Day of the week preference.
Time preference - I'm initially looking at 7-10 pm CT. I can move the times an hour or two if need be. Maybe shorten it to 2 hours. Whatever.
Will you be using a headset to talk? Yes/No
Will you be on a webcam for video interaction? Yes/No

By the way, the webcam is NOT necessary, but the microphone certainly is.

What race/class of character do YOU prefer? I will look at this and get as close as I can.

If I get more than 5 people interested, I'll hold some sort of random thing to pick the five that will play in the campaign. For the playtest, we can have more as I'll be testing certain aspects of the game before we start an actual campaign.

Please note the software platform I'll be using does NOT require a download of any sort, but you will need to be signed up for the beta to play and have downloaded the pdf files from the source.

I think that's about it. MY preference is either Tuesday or Wednesday nights. But I'm flexible for a time. My comedy group does rehearse on Thursday nights when we have a gig coming up but that's not until September or October at this point.
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