[Gaming] D&D Jay's Game - She's Dead Jim

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Alright folks, I've thought on this for some time now but I think an extended break for the summer is a good idea. Summer is never a great time for our games and instead of sneaking one game in every few weeks it'll be good for the campaign's interest to continue in the Fall.

Tentative date of Jay's game return : September 1st. Book it.

Maybe in the last month interest in the game will be anew, perhaps I'll steal HC's idea and open up an RP thread for the Company of Louts.

What would be great would be a huge campaign summary, to serve as a guide later on.


Rathkor begins studying necromancy to ressurect Tyrdin's mother, only to kill her over and over again as Tyrdin watches in horror.

Trailer for Season 2 of Jay's D&D Game is now available. You can enjoy it in full 1080 HD if you'd like.

Giant white wolves are attacking us in a blizzard, Rathkor is alive, Rusty is awesome, Helga looking hot in those pants.
What pants?

So... should I start a roleplay thread? Do you think you guys will post in it and have some fun with your characters?
I don't believe so, if he can make it every week, that's good. With Maptools, playing another character isn't a big issue since I can transfer ownership with ease.

As far as getting everyone back to speed, that's in the works. In the meanwhile, entertain your DM.
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