No, I was more or less sober when I wrote that. Every time I go to that forum it's just more nauseating. I just read a mod circle jerk thread where the other users eagerly join in, panting in unrequited sycophancy. I needed a shower (and not for the good reason) after reading that. I've been on a lot of forums since Halforum -- no slut-shaming please -- and with one exception, even the worst of them were several orders of magnitude better than this one.
Thanks everyone for the greetings! I'll go click those little happy icons later because I am behind on work. Which is writing for a videogame, currently, I can't remember if you knew that, Dave. It's a volunteer gig on a nonprofit project but it's hella fun. And three little dart frogs have been added to the menagerie, and recently started producing viable eggs at a seriously impressive rate, so I'm running a little frog farm now. If anyone near So Cal wants to get started in the dart frog hobby, I can hook you up! (What. You guys already knew I was a total geek, nothing's changed there.) Otherwise, still rocking the housebound invalid thing, but it's a house with three frogs, two cats, and a husband, all of whom I adore, so things could be worse.
Is this a ships passing in the night moment?
Nah, I have a feeling I'm going to need a little HF therapy while I have to be on that site. (I could leave at any moment but I have two chatters who are in pretty dire straits and they're my priority.)
"Stay awhile and listen."
Holy cow level, I called Mr. ZM at work and went through the new voice menus for the first time, and I was howling because it's Deckard Cain giving you the menu, and he starts with those words.