So, in light of the previous confession, this is the psuedo-code for what I'd do:
Open Visual studio, create a project, add the "webbrowser" control.
Add the api hooks for ajax calls, since the screen updates without a refresh. I'd need this to get the "caught/failed" messages.
Surf to Halforums, open the first thread of the first forum.
Throw pokeballs until I get the "caught" message.
wait 30 seconds (or whatever the timer is)
repeat for the remaining two pokemon on the page.
move to the next post. Each thread has it's own unique set of 3 pokemon (note my testing this theory by going down all of the Supervillainous posts this morning).
Repeat until you run out of posts (like, seriously? Would I ever run out of posts in a 24 hour period? There's a lot of history on this board).
Move to next forum.
Rinse repeat.
I could probably hack this up in less than 2 hours considering that I've done exactly this kind of thing at my job a dozen times by now.
I could do much of the same thing with the MSHTML libraries, but then I'd lose the ability to watch the screen auto-catch pokemon while it ran