"Damnit, my heart" moment of the week:

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I woke up at 2 am, about a half hour ago, feeling like I'd forgotten something before I went to bed. I went through a list in my head: homework, done... groceries, done... was the door locked? Yes. I couldn't think of what was amiss. Then, suddenly, I looked in the spot where I usually put my wallet after I go grocery shopping aaaaand nothing. I jumped up and panicked, thinking I must have left it on the little counter at the grocery store. I turn everything inside out to find it, and it turns out I put the goddamn thing in my backpack, where I always put it the night before class. I looked there but didn't look in the exact pocket where I'd been keeping it.

So, it's good that I do things like that out of habit, a little nerve-racking when I can't remember that I've done them. Anyway, yay me, I don't have to cancel cards and go to the DMV tomorrow. *sigh* Now I can sleep again.

So... freakout moments, anyone?
Every now and again I'll wake up and HAVE to check my class syllabus just to make sure that the test is next week and not tomorrow. I know it's next week....but what if it's not?

I keep my wallet in my back pocket. Once, I felt my back pocket, and discovered my wallet wasn't there.

"Oh crap," I thought to myself, "Did I leave it somewhere? Did someone steal it?"

I went around for an hour, retracing my steps frantically, asking people if they've seen a wallet. I'd never walked so fast or so frantically for an hour in my life.

At the end of the hour, I admitted defeat and resigned myself to having lost my wallet. I put my hands in my pocket to make that dejected pose... and found my wallet in my front pocket.

Wasabi Poptart

I usually do that with my military i.d. card. I normally have it in my wallet inside the zipped change pocket on the side. But when I have the baby with me, I usually stash it some place convenient like my pants pocket or in her diaper bag. I forget where I put it and end up tearing everything apart so I can find it.


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I did that with my daughter once. Turns out I'd strapped a bag of groceries in the car seat and tossed her in the trunk.

I keed, I keed.


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Kind of a "by proxy" version... when my brother was an infant, and my mom used to carry him around in one of those baby "backpack" things that folds down legs to become a "baby standy" thing, she found he would often be lulled to sleep if set on top of a clothes dryer while it was running. So she was in at the army hospital, and one of the orderlies asked her, "where's your baby?" And she said "Oh, I left him on the dryer in the laundry room [which was next door on the floor she was on]." The orderly misheard her, and thought she'd said "left him IN the dryer," and took off running to go rescue the poor kid whose psycho mother put him in the dryer. Naturally, he was just sleeping in his carrier which was sitting ON the dryer, but the poor guy had nearly had a heart attack.
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