Kitty Sinatra
The solution to that is quite simple: Grief them.Mav said:I also really fucking hate when they label the rest of us as something we aren't.

The solution to that is quite simple: Grief them.Mav said:I also really fucking hate when they label the rest of us as something we aren't.
This is something that interested me, and I am not trying to say this with any sort of malice Mav.Mav said:While I can't stand their playstyle I also really fucking hate when they label the rest of us as something we aren't.
Well if you look at the mmo definition of carebear, it's people that enjoy a more restricted environment. Those that enjoy the mmo's where pvp is pretty much at a minimal and there are plenty of "safe zones" etc It's a literal description of a style of play. It may sound harsh when used to describe a person but it in no way compares to someone labeling an entire genre of gamers (the pvp substyle) as griefers, especially when we play games specifically made for us to do so..ScytheRexx said:This is something that interested me, and I am not trying to say this with any sort of malice Mav.Mav said:While I can't stand their playstyle I also really fucking hate when they label the rest of us as something we aren't.
I don't consider you a griefer because you play games were that is the point, and natural selection will always push out those that don't enjoy PVP of that style, but you do have a habit of calling us that don't agree with your playstyle a "carebear", can you not see the hippocracy of your comment and what you have said in the past?
I don't think it is fair to complain about being labeled something, when you have done much labeling of us.
Again, just as a observation, not a flame.
Yep. There are going to be times where I am fubared cause I won't be able to enter X places of X faction cause I've ganked too many people of X faction. I encountered the same problem in other mmos and quite frankly, it's fun as hell. Nothing is more awesome than running into a neighboring faction, whom you are hostile with due to you killing players of that faction and not only fighting off players of that faction but fellow NPC guards of that faction that are now hostile to you ;p it makes it that much more difficult. I loved the huge negative faction sympathy I got when playing Neocron, where the uber high level NPC guards would be chasing me down cause I pwned my own faction too many times and I'd be fighting off other players are the same time. Killing them, making a break for the nearest extraction point, trying not to die and drop my shit rofl those were good times.Necronic said:Also, Mav, I have to ask, have you thought about the alignment hits and how that will effect your ability to PvP the way you describe?
Its a great mechanic because it allows for a kind of buffered safe zone, where people like you aren't allowed in. You can get in, but staying around, or getting out will be hard. Plus, you will probably loose access to cheaper markets yada yada. Same thing with Piracy in EvE.Mav said:Yep. There are going to be times where I am fubared cause I won't be able to enter X places of X faction cause I've ganked too many people of X faction. I encountered the same problem in other mmos and quite frankly, it's fun as hell. Nothing is more awesome than running into a neighboring faction, whom you are hostile with due to you killing players of that faction and not only fighting off players of that faction but fellow NPC guards of that faction that are now hostile to you ;p it makes it that much more difficult. I loved the huge negative faction sympathy I got when playing Neocron, where the uber high level NPC guards would be chasing me down cause I pwned my own faction too many times and I'd be fighting off other players are the same time. Killing them, making a break for the nearest extraction point, trying not to die and drop my shit rofl those were good times.Necronic said:Also, Mav, I have to ask, have you thought about the alignment hits and how that will effect your ability to PvP the way you describe?
Some of the best moments in pvp mmos has been with alignment and faction sympathy issues, good stuff.