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DCUO question




What do "power out" and "healing out" mean on the scorecard you get at the end of an instance? I don't get it. Mine both said 0, but no one else's did. I don't get it, because according the other stats, I kicked ass. I took out most of the baddies, and did a lot of damage. I can get "healing out" because I'm not a healer (i'm using ice powers), but the other ice player seemed to have high healing out numbers. I don't get the power out especially. I was using my powers left and right, and it looked like I was damaging the bad guys with them.

I tried googling for "power out" and "healing out", but I don't see them online, either. Any help?





Power Out seems to be what you get when you do something that helps power regen, usually from controller types. Healing Out is what happens when someone uses a healing ability, mostly healer types.

Maybe the people over 0 were using combinations of skills that give power or healing, while you just focused entirely on DPS, thus why you "took out most of the baddies".

Someone can correct me if I am wrong.




It's probably just score mechanics so that they can measure how much someone is contributing to the team, even if they aren't arresting that many criminals/killing heroes. It's likely a way to ensure that everyone knows if a healer/buffer is contributing or not.




Power Out and Healing Out are how much power restoration and healing you've done to other members of your group. If you're in the "mental" role, you usually get a lot of power out, because half your abilities have the side effect of giving your teammates power.

(Power here being the word for "mana but it's not mana cause we're superheroes not wizards")
