Charlie Don't Surf,
I've noticed that you have been adding posts, then shortly thereafter deleting them. Sometimes within minutes of making the post. I have nothing against post deletion - I've deleted quite a few of my own posts over time. Rarely I'll even delete one very soon after I posted.
But I've now seen you do this many times over the last day or so. Perhaps this is normal for you, and I'm only noticing now because I'm participating more. Perhaps your post behavior has changed recently.
Either way, it makes me feel like a hit and run occurred. A post crashed into the thread, and while the participants were still looking on the post disappears never to be seen, leaving a number of replies in limbo. It's disconcerting re-reading the thread later and seeing a conversation where it feels like I'm only reading one side of it, when I clearly remember seeing both sides of it last time I read the thread.
It's also disappointing when I've spent some time crafting a reply, then post it only to see the post I originally replied to is no longer present. Like I'm getting old and talking to an empty room long after my guests have left.
It's disquieting, and I'm left to ponder the reasons. Perhaps you changed you mind. Perhaps you posted in anger, and upon reflection decided it would be better to remove it. Perhaps you feel we don't want to hear from you. Perhaps your cat performs a complex dance with the mouse and keyboard when you leave the computer. Perhaps you've decided the content needed some polishing. Perhaps you've decided the content is better expanded upon in your blog/diary/opinion page.
Regardless, I'm left watching a discombobulated thread, or talking to the empty darkness of a room, and I'm hoping you consider these uncomfortable feelings you generate when you choose to delete a post.
Only half tongue in cheek,