Define this for me please........

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Ok So Define what Dating means........When someone says The chick/dude I'm dating....what do you interpret that as meaning???

I ask this because my friend and I are having a debate on relationships, fuck friends and dating....She claims fuck friends and dating go hand in hand ... Or that dating could mean a relationship I disagree .....

I see dating as a lil bit more then just the ass tapping you know......I mean if your ass tapping only you aint gonna go buy the person a coffee or dinner lol !.... If your in a relationship well it's the whole package and well if your fuck friends well that's self explanatory by the title.....So Anyway

Just curious what yall think on here about this topic :)


Staff member
I think you can have a fuck buddy you're not dating. With dating, it seems like you're with that person to "see what happens," I guess. You might not be exclusive (yet), but you're in it for companionship and other sorts of fun besides sex. You might have a fuck buddy that you also do other things with, but I believe that there is a difference... at least sometimes.

Fuck might lead to dating in some cases, I guess. And dating can lead to a relationship. But in my mind, intent is key. Sex friends generally hope to remain just that. People who are dating are in it to see if it can lead to a relationship that goes deeper than sex.


I think you can have a fuck buddy you're not dating. With dating, it seems like you're with that person to "see what happens," I guess. You might not be exclusive (yet), but you're in it for companionship and other sorts of fun besides sex. You might have a fuck buddy that you also do other things with, but I believe that there is a difference... at least sometimes.

Fuck might lead to dating in some cases, I guess. And dating can lead to a relationship. But in my mind, intent is key. Sex friends generally hope to remain just that. People who are dating are in it to see if it can lead to a relationship that goes deeper than sex.

Thank you I knew I was right I will pass this to my friend and end this debate lol :)


Staff member
YES. You tell her I'm the final say on relationships EVER. I'm like Dr. Phil, only I have a head of thick, lustrous hair. Also, I'm not an asshole. All the time.

Cobra Star

Dating = Someone you go places with often, talk with intimately about life and family, kiss and cuddle, miss if they're not around and talk to often.

Fuck Friend = Someone you call over when you're "Jonesin". Might talk and have a drink with before/after. Otherwise not seen often. If it's a friend you've known for a while that becomes a "fuck friend" then it takes on a slightly different tone, but still pretty much the same feeling.

Wasabi Poptart

I mean if your ass tapping only you aint gonna go buy the person a coffee or dinner lol !....

Just curious what yall think on here about this topic :)
I had a fuck buddy that used to take me out and buy me things. We'd have coffee or go out to eat together. We weren't dating, though. It was just part of our deal.


OH ! What about dating various people at one time? Is that allowed or should you stick to one at a time lol !

Wasabi that's just awesome ! I need me one of those lol !
It depends. You can date multiple people at once, unless it's stated you're exclusive.

Fuck buddies, you can have multiple, although it'd be right to outwardly state there are other people (in my opinion).

Having multiple fuck buddies in the same room at once--everyone should know what the deal is if there are other people in the room :p.


hmmmm what if you don't state your exclusive but the you act like yall are together when your together do you assume the other person is dating others or do you hold back in case the other person isn't .......God my friend and I are dying on this could go forever the possibilities are endless. I CANNOT WAIT TO DATE LOL !
hmmmm what if you don't state your exclusive but the you act like yall are together when your together do you assume the other person is dating others or do you hold back in case the other person isn't .......God my friend and I are dying on this could go forever the possibilities are endless. I CANNOT WAIT TO DATE LOL !
Probably assume the other is either dating others or willing to unless "exclusive" is stated, or it moves onto a relationship (in which case, exclusive comes with the territory).


Wow I'm loving this I should get a notebook and write it all down for when my dating time comes lol ! I never really dated only had relationships and I'm not a fuck friend kinda gal . This is all very fascinating thanks for your input :)

---------- Post added at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ----------

How you doin'? :eyebrows:
Fantastic ,... How you doing lol :cool:

Wasabi Poptart

OH ! What about dating various people at one time? Is that allowed or should you stick to one at a time lol !

Wasabi that's just awesome ! I need me one of those lol !
I wouldn't advise it, honestly. I was being pretty selfish. He was married. :whistling:
Man, I ain't never had a fuck buddy before. But then, I'm the kinda guy that equates sex with more than just sex.

But yeah, sex buddy = sex, sex and more sex. You're likely friends, as well, but it's kind of like a mutual verbal agreement to satify the other's needs without emotional attachment.
Dating is...kind of like feeling it out to see if they're compatible enough for something deeper. For example, in the last few years, I've dated but not really been in a relationship. The longest any "relationship" I've had was a little over a month, so I still define it as dating. Sex can fall into that, as well, since you're also feeling out to see if you're sexually compatible.
A relationship basically means you ARE compatible and there's at least a chance of something involving rings and a white dress. Whether you're compatible enough to go the distance? That takes a little longer.
It's that obvious, isn't it Shego?

Well Cajungal, it's pretty hard to get bored playing with a body like that. It's sugar and spice and everything nice.
It seems that to most of the women I dated, I was the fuck buddy.

Also the one girl I treated like a fuck buddy I should have dated. Except she did not want to break up with her boyfriend while he was behind bars.
It's that obvious, isn't it Shego?

Well Cajungal, it's pretty hard to get bored playing with a body like that. It's sugar and spice and everything nice.
You know how sometimes threads go from "hmmmm..." to "uh... I'm gonna slowly walk out after I post a gif of grandpa simpson doing the turn around"?
Well, we just hit it I think.

Oh man, if you weren't The Baby I'd totally neg rep you for such an awful pop reference faux pas.


ahhh... FWB vs dating

I had a couple of FWB - these are mutual that you are there for each other physically only. :)
dating - you are hoping for a lasting relationship. It is not good to have dating AND FWB (complicate things) now you CAN date multiple unless both parties agree to be exclusive.

Note: FWB = friends with Benefits.


Been awhile since I posted on here and I'm back at this again because now I have more questions since I've dated 2 people in the past month.......YEP I DID LOL ! GOOD TIMES anyway i must focus...

The first guy I wasn't really vibing but since you know I'm in a bad place and not getting any booty I embarked on the were gonna be fuck friends ........That ended quick I really just didn't like him....The second guy though he was pretty awesome but problem is now I can't commit to him so if I keep it up he will be fuck buddy number 2 and I aint about to let that happen so I'll just back out gracefully...

My question though is my friend dates alot and what seems to be a reaccuring problem for her is that they date for a month or so you get to the sex part and they never call back ? What does this mean? I feel lucky this hasn't happened to me the only problem I come across is trouble getting rid of them without hurting feelings....

So how long do you have to wait before putting out cause i've heard from men that once the secret is released the fun goes that is why you should never give it up too quickly !!! Any advice on that?
yeah, putting it out there fast does not get the call backs. Guys will just think you treat sex like a handshake and move on.

There are a lot of guys out there that are after one thing, and when it is received with in 2 hours of meeting some one... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.


yeah, putting it out there fast does not get the call backs. Guys will just think you treat sex like a handshake and move on.

There are a lot of guys out there that are after one thing, and when it is received with in 2 hours of meeting some one... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

I agree so how many dates before you should do it where its classy and not having someone wait forever ?
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