Necro and Witchdoctor have both been at the top of the charts for most broken godly class in the past. In fact, looking at the current tiers both still have top builds, it just happens that inna monk is also a top build and happens to be the giftStarted the new season with, for my very first time ever....a Monk.
And, again, I can only cry about how badly my two main classes - Necro and WD - get treated. Barbarian (which I've only done twice I think? Maybe thrice?) leveling and Journey are a breeze compared to Necro and WD, and Monk is almost as easy if not easier....and this is coming from someone who completely whiffed the early game upgrade/gambling for decent items.
I've played two days, I've nearly finished Champion (silly Master Set Dungeon), and higher up I've finished everything but the conquests and the gems (and the 40 power extractions, which is just grinding to get enough items).
Admittedly, Inna Monk is also one of the strongest builds of the season, but still. I'm plowing through content I wouldn't be doing the first week with a WD. I did my first over-30 GR clear on 63, in 1min38. I mgiht be able to get there with a fully optimized Chicken, but not this easily.
Yeah, yeah, I know, WD and Necro are pet classes and OP pet classes make for boring/lazy gameplay the fanboys don't like....but then explain to me why i'm playing a pet build now, too, which is simply stronger? Pfeh.
Both have been great in the past, mostly in group play. Rats Necro groups are still near-META, if not the actual best. WDs can be really good support and trash killers.Necro and Witchdoctor have both been at the top of the charts for most broken godly class in the past. In fact, looking at the current tiers both still have top builds, it just happens that inna monk is also a top build and happens to be the gift
Wasn't spirit barrage WD the strongest build only like a year ago? *Checks* ok it was either season 23 or season 24 so almost two years ago, but still well after the days of torment 13 being max. It got nerfed the following season for leaving everything else behind in the dust.The last time the WD was "godly" or OP was around the time of the Gargantuan builds - when 5 billion was considered high damage, and Torment 13 was the max
The Trag'Oul set makes this a lot easier, since one of the things it does (can do) is massively boost run speed.Necro it's practically (not literally, I'm sure it's been done) impossible.
I just made an angry chicken and while it’s some fast, sub two minutes may be pushing it. I will try on T10 though. I am using her to farm blood shards for my new DH. The sentry marauder build with all the pets is a lot of fun. When I get the Yang’s recurve and the last set piece I think she will be a beast. Maybe even a bigger beast than my carnevil WD.Case in point; I just accidentally got the conquest Speed Demon (TX rift under 2 minutes) on T13 with my regular build. I have literally never done that on any class. Getting Speed Demon solo is a pretty decent accomplishment no matter the build, even with a Chicken WD. Necro it's practically (not literally, I'm sure it's been done) impossible. This conquest is one of the only reasons I've ever willingly gone multiplayer.
I'm doing Marauder Sentry this season and it WRECKS everything! Haha! I love it and I hope you keep enjoying the season.Funny you should mention that. I got my WD sorted (turns out I accidentally trashed a set piece - I wasn’t doing any damage lol). I struggle and get my highest ever GR last night.
I get my final marauder/correct bow on my DH and do several GR each one progressively higher until I am pretty close to the WD. None of the DH’s stuff is enchanted and one of her gems is level 0. She will be a beast when she’s sorted out.
DH is VERY popular with the sweaty types since it and Wizard are the two highest-DPS classes.everyone is playing DH![]()
The guy paid to win so hard that he accidently won. Game's over.I thought there was a D:I thread but I can't find it, so here it is: the Story of a poor whale
Ancient vaults are always funI got four more crucibles last evening. They are dropping a lot. I am not sure why as we can only wear one sanctified piece at a time, but who knows.
If you have a spare, you can use it on a puzzle ring and get an ancient vault. Those are awesome.