Did you hear, you're losing patience with 10 hour campaigns...

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That's how kids are these days. Unless we're in a movie theater, my cousins typically can't sit through a 70-minute film without whipping out their iPod Touch and playing with an app that zombifies people's faces while watching. But if you start to shut the movie, it's a problem. I feel like a dick making them pick one or the other, but hell, one of these things is clearly not fulfilling your stimulus requirements.

I wonder when books will disappear.


Staff member
Why should your ADD-riddled brains have to stand this "patience" and "dedication" stuff? "Replay?" - that sounds like some used games sales crap to us. We lose more money to people NOT buying tons of games each MONTH to...uh...ourselves!!!

Yeah, that was some royal, condescending bs right there.
"I want games worth spending $60 for."
"Pretty colors."
"So I won't be done with it after 5 hours."
"We're shortening the games."
"Another word and they'll be even shorter."

You know what this is a great promotion for?
Game rental.


Staff member
"I want games worth spending $60 for."
"Pretty colors."
"So I won't be done with it after 5 hours."
"We're shortening the games."
"Another word and they'll be even shorter."

You know what this is a great promotion for?
Game rental.
And they're feeling so threatened by Redbox's new game rental service smashing their profits - they would go and do EXACTLY the wrong thing? Eh - this means more security keys on most games to prevent that. They do it for used game sales, they'll just make it standard practice.


Staff member
I'd say "Hooray for indie games!" except I'm kind of pissed that Magicka is trying to nickel & dime their customers with really crappy expansions.
I'd say "Hooray for indie games!" except I'm kind of pissed that Magicka is trying to nickel & dime their customers with really crappy expansions.
If you enjoy the core game, couldn't you just play that, and not buy the expansions that you don't like?


Staff member
If you enjoy the core game, couldn't you just play that, and not buy the expansions that you don't like?
Well, see, I loved the game so much I bought the Vietnam expansion as soon as it came out, before realizing it's "campaign" was a small fraction of the original, while still costing 50% of what the full game did, with no indication that it was mainly meant to be a couple of challenge maps.
Hell, even if every single version was free, it in no way invalidates my point.
Pretty sure giving stuff away for free has always been known to boost the number of people that acquire said stuff... so it makes no sense to compare it to something that actually costs money...
It may not have as many as WoW, but going free to play saved the game and now it, as well as many other subscription MMOs that have gone free to play, are making money hand over foot with the micro-transaction model.
By that argument, Dungeons and Dragons Online (free) should have way more subscribers than World of Warcraft. Interestingly, it doesn't. there are lots of free games and apps for the android that I have no interest in acquiring.
D&D Online is mediocre as a game at best.

If it was Forgotten Realms...
By that argument, Dungeons and Dragons Online (free) should have way more subscribers than World of Warcraft. Interestingly, it doesn't. there are lots of free games and apps for the android that I have no interest in acquiring.
No, by that argument becoming free made DDO be played by more people...and that's exactly what happened.

Of course being free/cheap doesn't mean it will also be popular (Angry Birds is hardly the first game like it, is it), but it does have an effect... otherwise no one would care about any sort of pricing strategies...
By this logic we should not have games like Fallout, any of the Ultima games, Elder Scrolls, etc. Hell, might as well scrap Skyrim! MMOs? Fuck 'em! People want Angry Birds and Farmville!

Civilization? Nope. We need to cater to the casual gamer! They don't want big sprawling strategy games.

Can I be done with sarcasm now?
Dude, you're a business man aren't you? What's the bigger market? Casual gamers or hardcore ones?

There's a reason why Nintendo Wii and Angry Birds are kicking ass.
Dude, you're a business man aren't you? What's the bigger market? Casual gamers or hardcore ones?

There's a reason why Nintendo Wii and Angry Birds are kicking ass.
But the question is, are you a business man that wants to be in business 20 years from now or not?

The Wii was great sales wise and for 1st party games... but without 3rd party support once the market was saturated Nintendo suddenly had a problem...


Staff member
I'm not too concerned if the "long-game" market looses share, but if they end up like the Flight Sim market.......well I must have to go and get a life.
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