Did you know...

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Bedbugs and a few other animals reproduce via traumatic insemination. And if you look that term of on wikipedia or elsewhere, you too will be tramatized.


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Also, I don't know Aphex Twin, but NiN has been encoding pictures in the static in his songs for decades. In fact, most of the album covers appear as static between or within songs.

For the nerdy, the picture is made in the frequency domain, and then inverse Fourier transformed back to the time domain, where it usually sounds like static of some sort. I actually used the NiN example in my seismic processing class.


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Did you know, that according to Medieval Catholic dogma, having sex or even wanting sex was sinful...

...if you weren't married.
...if you did it with someone else than your spouse.
...if you had been married for less than three days.
...if she was on her period.
...if she was pregnant.
...if she was nursing.
...if it was lent.
...if it was Advent.
...if it was the week of the Pentecost.
...if it was the week of Easter.
...if it was a feastday.
...if it was a day meant for fasting.
...if it was Sunday,
...or Wednesday,
...or Friday,
...or Saturday.
...if you wanted to do it during daytime.
...if you were naked.
...f you did it in a church.
...if you didn't want to have a baby.

Also forbidden were
- hugging
- lewd kissing
- oral sex
- most sex positions
- doing it more than once
- and enjoying it.

Oh, and you should definitely wash afterwards.
Did you know, that according to Medieval Catholic dogma, having sex or even wanting sex was sinful...
Thank goodness for confession, else the Catholic Church would have died out centuries ago.

And both sexes had to have an orgasm or there would be no pregnancy.
And because of all those restrictions, Catholics just wanted to do it more.The Philippines is the biggest Catholic Country in Asia and we fuck like bunnies on Viagra over there.
Did you know that within one meter of you is a spider that you haven't noticed yet?

Did you know that 1 billionth of 1 percent of the mass in the solar system is actually alive?

Did you know that people stop paying attention after the third thing in a list?

Did you know that Lozapony is pronounced the same way that it sounds?
Did you know that within one meter of you is a spider that you haven't noticed yet?

Did you know that 1 billionth of 1 percent of the mass in the solar system is actually alive?

Did you know that people stop paying attention after the third thing in a list?

Did you know that Lozapony is pronounced the same way that it sounds?
That last thing can't be true, I can pay better attention than that.


Staff member
'Decimation' comes from a punishment in the Roman legions, where after a mutiny or a lost battle the general would punish the legion by having the troops draw lots. Of every ten men, one would be put to death - either executed or killed by the other nine men in the group.


Staff member
...that colours are culture-specific? If a given culture has no concept for, say, the colour 'orange', they do not perceive that colour as such, but as a shade of red or yellow.


Staff member

Thank you NR, you just made my day.
My pleasure, mate ;)
Added at: 01:29
Did you know,

that part of the reason why King Louis XIV had his palace at Versailles built was to draw the noble courtiers away from Paris and into a world of their own, one where they would constantly have to compete for the king's favour (and, as an extension, lodgings at Versailles) instead of spending time plotting against the throne.

Another reason was that Louis saw that the chateau of Vaux-le-Vicomte, built by the finance minister Nicolas Fouquet, was more grandiose than the king's present palace in Paris. Louis had Fouquet ousted for embezzlement from the royal treasury and actually had much of Vaux-le-Vicomte's furnishing transported to Versailles - as well as the architects who had designed the chateau for Fouquet.
Alan Turing, as you may or may not know, was a world-famous mathematician/cryptoanalist/computer scientist. His works include code-breaking Nazi messages in World War II and creating the Turing test. He was also gay, and after this fact became public he was removed of all his functions and chemically castrated. He committed suicide by taking a bite from a self-poisoned apple.

Now let us find ourselves in a point in time around the second half of the 1970s. A new company appeared on the market and their product was computers. That company was Apple, Inc. and this was their logo:

I'm not claiming it's an actual homage or anything like it, but it's a really neat coincidence nonetheless.


Staff member
Thank goodness for confession, else the Catholic Church would have died out centuries ago.

And both sexes had to have an orgasm or there would be no pregnancy.
If you don't sin, then you want Jesus to have died for nothing!!
Did you know...
...that Walt Disney's last words were allegedly "Kurt Russell", who at the time was a child star recently signed on by Disney (in 1966...yes, that Kurt Russell).
...that Christopher Lee was once a British spy that worked with Ian Fleming during what would inspire Fleming to create the James Bond books.
...that Mel Brooks was a WWII war hero whose job was to defuse bombs, and he used to pump Al Jolson over the speakers to counter the constant Nazi propaganda being projected from the other side.
On the Christopher Lee spy thing...the division he was in was called something like 'The Division of Ungentlemanly Conduct" and the stuff he did will be classified for another 50 years.


Staff member
Did you know that of the cast and crew of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Christopher Lee was the only one to have actually met Tolkien.
Christopher Lee lectured Peter Jackson on the set of Lord of the Rings about how a man stabbed in the back sounds!

On the Christopher Lee spy thing...the division he was in was called something like 'The Division of Ungentlemanly Conduct" and the stuff he did will be classified for another 50 years.
Officially the Special Operations Executive, it was known variously as Churchill's Private Army, the Baker Street Irregulars (my personal favourite), and The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. Lots of interesting stories about it.
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