Let's see...
Cats -
sleep 18 hours per day
groom the other 6
cough up hairballs
stare at you disdainfully
are loners
ignore you unless you have something they want
plot to murder you in your sleep
go to the door and stare outside for a good 15 minutes while the -40C wind whips around your ankles
will never take over the world because they're too frakkin' lazy
Doomweasels -
have two speeds - sleep and zoom!
are highly intelligent problem solvers
have been trained to work in packs
regularly go online to talk to humans and gather information on them
are building a doomsday machine out of stuff that they've stolen around the house (mostly my socks and bras)
have their own account on ferret.com and are regularly charging their purchases to my credit card (the only explanation for all these toys)
are plotting your demise by lulling you into a false sense of security with their cuteness before tripping you down the stairs
ThatNickGuy, but doomweasels win. You should give in to the inevitable.