Double Fine Adventures Kickstarter Project

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I'm finally in for $30. I love the fact that they're going with DRM free. I got the $30 package because I know I'm going to have two kids playing at once occasionally. Can't say I'm terribly interested in the documentary or music, but they might surprise me.
It makes me sad that I got my bonus today, because I didn't know if I'd have the cash to drop on this. I did just buy Stacking though, and I will hunt down a Brutal Legend ASAP. So far, I have yet to see a miss from them.
Brutal Legend has EVERYTHING it takes to make a great game... except great gameplay. Sadly, that's the most important part.
They put up their first backer only video. I love watching Tim Schaefer laugh, his furious looking face still looks furious even when he's cracking up and it makes me feel happy to see.
For the record, Stacking is AWESOME. Also, if you haven't played it yet, get Costume Quest, also by our fine friends at Double Fine.

Y'know, the more I think about this project, the more I think that this may be a milestone in game development. If we can have some companies that break out of the inherent system, we may see a renesaince of truely new ideas, not murder death simulater number 981651513135108481330 and 1/2.


Staff member
71% of Double Fine's backers were new to Kickstarter
of those, 22% went on to fund another project. To the tune of $877,171 spread out over 1,266 distinct projects.

Also, some Order of the Stick facts:
76% first time backers
of those 22% went on to back another project. $206,766 going to 722 projects.

A lot more info at the article, but basically these two giant projects brought a lot of attention to Kickstarter and they brought in backers willing to go on to fund other projects.
71% of Double Fine's backers were new to Kickstarter
of those, 22% went on to fund another project. To the tune of $877,171 spread out over 1,266 distinct projects.

Also, some Order of the Stick facts:
76% first time backers
of those 22% went on to back another project. $206,766 going to 722 projects.

A lot more info at the article, but basically these two giant projects brought a lot of attention to Kickstarter and they brought in backers willing to go on to fund other projects.
I know it had that effect on me


Reading that category breakdown produces an obvious conclusion: Tim Schaefer needs to make a dance game :-P
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