I love my dreams (and dreams in general) because most often than not they can be interpreted as messages from the brain. They create a symbolic story to express our current (or not so current) fears or wishes, or to re-elaborate and assume something that is happening or has happenned to us. Sometimes, I don't understand what my dreams mean, but I can usually imagine with what parts of my daily life and thoughts they relate...
But I have another kind of dream that is related to my thoughts in a much stronger way. They all have something in common: They represent the ending of a lengthy mental process of mine, they generally bring me to react to something and, in the dream, they recreate tactile feeling, wich my other dreams don't have.
Some years ago, I really liked a very good friend. I had been flirting with her for a long time, but didn't tell her anything directly because I was afraid of rejection... even if I was almost fully convinced that she liked me too. One night, I dreamt that some friends, this girl and me were walking to a parking (a real one that for some reason stuck with me since childhood and has been a realitvely recurring place in my dreams). The friends went inside, to get their cars. This wasn't a normal Parking, though: Inside, it was some kind of maze of ramps, so my friends would have to spend a long time inside, looking for their cars and getting them out of there.
This girl I liked and me stayed outside, where there suddenly was a nice porch. She sat on a rocking chair, I said some trivial sentence and she looked at me and asked me when was I going to tell her.
I tried to look as if I didn't know what she was talking about. "Tell you?"
"Yes. Do you think I'm stupid? I know everything. So, when are you going to tell me?"
And then, knowing that she knew and she wanted me to make it "official", I didn't talk, but I leaned forward and kissed her. I felt the kiss, and woke up still feeling her lips on mine.
And that set in motion the cahin of events in wich I told her and she said she didn't like me at all...
There was this other time, also some years ago, in wich I considered myself to be bisexual. I liked men and women more or less the same (I still liked women a little more, but not by much) for some time, some years even.
But one night I had a dream in wich I was sentenced to prison. An incredibly large cement prison, with a massive arena in the middle and several rooms and cells connected to it. I was taken to a group of people, all men, dressed up in grey rags. We all had to go to this arena... to fight the dominant male of the prison, a very muscular dude that was the leader of the other group, wich included all the women. Nobody wanted to fight him, so it was me who had to do it. right before the fight, muscle guy's girl, wich happenned to be my childhood crush (as an adult) explained me that we fought for dominance of the prison grounds and that if I won my group would be the important one... and me, as the fighter (and leader) would have access to the women.
So I won, and my childhood crush and I were left alone in one of the rooms. We had sex, but it wasn't a pleaseant experience: It hurt a lot, it was an intense phisical thing that hurt terribly but had to be done. After a lengthy time feeling this pain from fucking this very very hot girl that was also my childwhood crush, I woke up feeling real pain, and I stayed laying in bed, still feeling this pain, when I realised I wasn't bisexual anymore. And that's me right now: at best, I'm bicurious.
This kind of dream with a phisical sensation that survives for a while when I wake up is generally the turning point in a mental process that I had in my head for a long time and on wich I had been working mostly subconsciously for a long time. It's weird, but I find it to be very interesting.
I have many more dream stuff to tell, but I'm tired of battling with my terrible english, so I'll just leave it here.