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So I sent an e-mail with some info to a bunch of friends. After a few days, I recieve today an answer, form a friend that is known for his quick temper. He was insulting me.
Scouting the territory, i send an e-mail back, asking "in wich directin did he want me to suck it".
he keeps insulting me, in all caps, like an idiot.

This stupid situation could be completely unimportant, but for some reasons too long to explain for what they would add to the explanation, it seemed possible to me that my e-mail could have created a problem for him. I thought, for some long, very unpleasing minutes (since I recieved the first e-mail to when I discovered what had happened), that I had upset a friend, probably more than one, creating them serious trouble.

It was just an asshole, because I later saw that I had sent the e-mail to an adress exactly like the one of my friend except for one number.

Now I want revenge. I don't want to destroy his data with a virus, not anything similar, but I want to do him... something.

His e-mail adress (AlfredoAD@hotmail.com) is nowhere to be found on the internet, and there's hundreds of Alfredo Alvarez in the world.

I can think of subscribing him to lots of free e-zines. If that seems like a good idea, could you suggest some?

If not, do you know of something I can send him that, I don't know, fills ups his hard drive with harcore gay porn and sends this contents to all his e-mail contacts too or something like that?

Help me in sweet sweet vengeance. Like Klingons do.

Aren't you as cool as a Klingon? MAYBE COOLER?

Steven Soderburgin


Best idea: you could just apologize to him for the confusion and keep on living your life.

Steven Soderburgin

Then ignore it, don't e-mail him again, and keep on living your life.

EDIT: Basically what I'm saying is this is not worth any sort of petty, ridiculous "vengeance" and what you should do is forget about it


Do what we did to assholes in college:
1) Urinate on a plate.
2) Freeze it.
3) Slide it under the asshole's door.

Oh wait... that's pee-vengeance, nevermind
GasBandit said:
Don't listen to him, Silver Jelly. Send him goatse and yaoi guro porn.
Do you know where I can subscribe him to a monthly e-zine for those topics? And the assorted spam that comes with it?
Klingons don't do petty little stuff for revenge. They get there revenge by fighting to the death and usually that is when someone insults/hurts there honor. I think the type of revenge you are wanting to do is more along the line of a Cardassian.
hylian said:
Klingons don't do petty little stuff for revenge. They get there revenge by fighting to the death and usually that is when someone insults/hurts there honor. I think the type of revenge you are wanting to do is more along the line of a Cardassian.
It's the first time I've been calld a Cardassian, but I've been compared with an Andorian some times. Probably because my balding hair and huge head, and not because of my vengeance choices, though.

I kind of agree with Kissinger as it can only cause harm, but if he's married do NOT do the porn thing. My friend did that to me early in my marriage and it ended up in a HUGE fight.
Edrondol said:
I kind of agree with Kissinger as it can only cause harm, but if he's married do NOT do the porn thing. My friend did that to me early in my marriage and it ended up in a HUGE fight.
I don't know if he's married, but I don't want to cause him great harm... just some time of disconfort, just as he did.
Tell him you broke into his house and slid your balls across 3 items in his house, but he'll have to guess which ones they are.

Or do what Kissinger said.
Meh, if I can't think of anything cool, I'll let it go. As it's almost midnight in here, I'll think about it in my sleep. G'night!


Staff member
Silver Jelly said:
Edrondol said:
I kind of agree with Kissinger as it can only cause harm, but if he's married do NOT do the porn thing. My friend did that to me early in my marriage and it ended up in a HUGE fight.
I don't know if he's married, but I don't want to cause him great harm... just some time of disconfort, just as he did.
Go to the websites of various senators and representatives and fill in the feedback forms using his e-mail address... I did that ONCE... and the "look how much pork I'm bringing home! Keep voting for me!" e-mail newsletters won't stop coming. Glad I did it on a disposable account.
YOU fucked up to start the whole sorry situation. Suck it up and chalk it up to lessons learned.

Looking for "vengance" is the kind of crap 4channers pull.

"But Andy! What will vengeance solve!?"
-Batman, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

Silver Jelly said:
It was just an asshole, because I later saw that I had sent the e-mail to an adress exactly like the one of my friend except for one number.

Now I want revenge.
I totally know where you're coming from. One time I dialed a wrong number, and the guy was all "you have the wrong number, idiot." So I responded "I'm not the idiot, YOU'RE the idiot" and he said "You're the one who dialed the wrong number, asshole."

So I tracked down his address based on the wrong number I dialed and signed him up for all these magazines and had dozens of pizzas delivered to his door, and when I married Mr. ZM I sent him out to really put the hurt on the guy. I told him "don't come back without at least one of his teeth" and damned if he didn't come back with four.

Served him right. I mean what a fucking prick, answering the phone that I'd misdialed like that.
We should all be happy Zen probably doesn't go around the internet using her skills for trolling, because damn she'd be good.
Edrondol said:
I kind of agree with Kissinger as it can only cause harm, but if he's married do NOT do the porn thing. My friend did that to me early in my marriage and it ended up in a HUGE fight.
A "friend", right. I've used that one myself. Now if you want revenge befriend him, then get him hooked on PvP, then tell him how wonderful the Asset bar is, let him sign up, and enjoy your revenge.


easiest way;

start a blogger.com blog with that email address, use the beginning part as the username.
start a myspace.com account (if one doesnt exist) with that email address

repeat for facebook, twitter, flickr, digg, deviantart, etc any major social networking site. Make sure you leave your email open so anyone can send email to you in these accounts, and if there is no feature for that simply copy/paste the email address into the profile of whatever account it is.

you're asking why? two words: data crawlers.

you let these fuckers do the work for you. Ever wonder how you can setup a brand new email address for a webaccount and it gets spam even if you rarely, if ever at all, give out it's username? Data crawlers. These often simply scan domains and find what they think are valid email addresses, sending out email until they get a result back identifying a working address. So imagine if you just slap that address on anything that can be easily searched by a data bot, especially if you plugged that address into google and it's first five or ten results are social networking sites of the fake accounts.. even more spam

Really, it's an ingenious way of e-bombing someone. It IS a bit slower than simply copy/pasting the address into god knows how many homosexual porn sites or bizarre fetish sites or penis enlargement but ever more sweet.


Staff member
I'd say go with something kinda low-impact; here's a thought:

Send him e-cards, embedded in the message so he has a good chance of seeing them, and make sure that they are completely irrelevant to the time of year. Send him Christmas cards now, or find some obscure ones along the lines of, "I'm sorry your camel is sick.", or send "turning 50" cards every day for a week, then start with "40" cards the next.

Or, you could just let it go as a mistake. The guy blew his top, typed some nasty things, but let me tell ya, and this is from experience here - it's not worth it. You don't know the loony on the other end, and you don't know what they would do back. Let it go, Silver. Let it go and have a soda.
Sometimes I forget how much Zen rules. Then she likes to remind me.

And I say just forget about vengeance. It's not worth it. If you're still pissed off, find something to do to let off the steam. For example, play some violent video games, run a few laps, have a 24 hour porn marathon, or all of the above at the same time.
ZenMonkey said:
Silver Jelly said:
It was just an asshole, because I later saw that I had sent the e-mail to an adress exactly like the one of my friend except for one number.

Now I want revenge.
I totally know where you're coming from. One time I dialed a wrong number, and the guy was all "you have the wrong number, idiot." So I responded "I'm not the idiot, YOU'RE the idiot" and he said "You're the one who dialed the wrong number, asshole."

So I tracked down his address based on the wrong number I dialed and signed him up for all these magazines and had dozens of pizzas delivered to his door, and when I married Mr. ZM I sent him out to really put the hurt on the guy. I told him "don't come back without at least one of his teeth" and damned if he didn't come back with four.

Served him right. I mean what a fucking prick, answering the phone that I'd misdialed like that.
Yeeah... This was fun and we all get your point BUT

1-It seems this guy was a real asshole
2-SJ stated he just wanted to do some low-end vengeance

Actually I wouldn't do it myself... Not because I feel I shouldn't or whatever (I don't think I can judge that without seeing the emails) but because it's too much trouble! :p

Meh, he will probably not be worried about this at all when he wakes up, so it's all fine: we got a few ideas for vengeance, a few arguments for why it shouldn't be carried out, and in the end it didn't. An almost complete thread!

Wasabi Poptart

You emailed the wrong person. He acted like a jerk. So now you want to be a jerk back to him. Wow you must be bored.
I don't apologize to people that don't deserve an apology. When I see e-mails form strangers I don't know, I just delete them, I don't write not one but two e-mails randomly insulting them (and without even mentioning that I had the wrong e-mail!). He was trolling, being a general asshole because of the anonimity of the internet.
And I should apologize to him?

No, maam, the options are letting it go or trolling him back.
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