Recently, an
interview at Gameswelt (I believe its German) with Todd Howard has him talking all about the Elder Scrolls. Todd says in the first twenty seconds that the feeling they were going for with Morrowind was that you were a stranger in a strange land. For Skyrim, he says that feels wrong. After Morrowind, they wanted to go back to a more “classic fantasy game” for Oblivion. He then goes on to explain how between Arena to Oblivion, Morrowind is the odd one out; the alien in the series. And, the reason that they love Morrowind so much is that the wonder of discovery is present throughout the whole game, and is delivered in ways you wouldn't expect. With Skyrim, they’re going for the “traditional” look at first glance, but then the alien things are present throughout the game. The Dwarven ruins are back in Skyrim, and the way that the Nordic cultures view things are different; similar to how the Houses in Morrowind viewed things.
During the interview, Todd says that nothing will be as alien as things in Morrowind. Going on, he says with the new HD graphics, they can make things the way they want to look. The bigger cities still have walls, so you’ll have loading screens at those. After Fallout 3, they had a list of improvements going, and then says they got the list done, and more. Even traps have gone a long way in Skyrim; Todd says traps are a lot of fun to work with. Spatial puzzles will also come into play. Points of interest, as Todd says, are in the game, such as Necromancers around an altar. Well over a hundred points of interest are present, from his last count.
The natural creatures, such as wolves or deer, roam and do things they’d do in real life. Giants will often be with mammoths, according to Todd, and in the future, he claims, they’ll show more creatures. Also, he goes on to say a lot of the Divines and Daedra will be making an appearance in Skyrim as well; a big part of the world is still around Oblivion. Regarding Oblivion, the land is about the same size. The ten races of Oblivion are in Skyrim, but they’re focusing on making those as different as possible, instead of adding more generic ones (See Orc picture for example).
Since Skyrim is referred to as the original home of men, Nords don’t like elves much. The stealth system is upgraded quite a bit from Oblivion as well. As you are detected the eyeball gradually opens giving you time to hide, unlike Oblivion where you were instantly detected, which they want to avoid. Radiant AI is back as well, and animations made to add to the AI are present. If they’re a cook, then there’s an animation to make them cook. Jobs NPCs do you can do as well, such as mining, making armor or weapons, cooking, and working leather. For cooking, a menu will open that tells you the food you can use, and what you can cook it into. Raw food is used to be cooked into cooked food.
He then goes on to talk about some other things, such as crafting. Magical crafting is enchanting and crafting for warriors is smithing. The most interesting items come out of your own making, according to Todd, and all experiences are trying to be made as diverse as possible. Dungeons can range from fifteen minute heists to epic two hour dungeon crawls. Alchemy hasn’t been explained to much, but it will be a lot different than that of Oblivion.