So the DDoSer that had been attacking P99 didn't feel he was getting the attention he deserved, so he started DDoSing the EQEMU login server (the gateway to the dozens of EQEMu servers including).
As a result, the data center has terminated the contract for the login server.
As they don't have the costs to cover moving to a \"hardened\" data center, EQEMU is down indefinitely.
Oh well. Doesn't really bother me much as I have a life beyond video games. I guess I'll just have to have sex with my gf instead of playing EQ for a while. Oh, the horror.
At any rate, I'll keep looking for more old spell data and fixing the errors that I can find in the spell file for when the server is back up. Hopefully it will be of use to someone.
---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:36 PM ----------
Geez... isn't there a single white or grey hat among the EQEMU community? Somebody needs to fuck this guy up.
What's really funny is that he is supposed to be a GM or dev on another EQEmu server. (It is suspected by many that it's someone from the Tallon/Vallon Zek rules PvP server who's been known to do this kind of thing before.) So by attacking the login server he screwed himself over because now his server is down along with the rest of them.[/quote]
There he is.
Seriously, kid...most of us here do not give a fuck about your little drama in a dead game. You specifically joined a forum where one, maybe two people posting here played on the server, and ranted on it on not one, but two(Jesus, really!?) alts.
Good for you, calling others out otherson no lives and girlfriends. really. best thing to do on the internet since 1997. you know, that year you were born ( OMG, I just called you a young teen! Holy crap!!!...thats the kind of argument insult you have been using here) Kudos. We do no care about you, and the hundred (maybe even two hundred, golly!) or so other players in the world spend your time looking for Everquest EMUs. Honestly, we do not.
Enjoy yourself.[/quote]
FYI, this is my only account.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, sorry about that. It was all my bad in a drunken stupor. I am sorry.