EQEMU R.I.P. (for now at least)

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1.) Drama between paying customers != Drama because players with GM powers exploit, then tell the players to like it or leave.

2.) EQClassic.ORG is seperate from PEQ, p1999. Its an offshoot from old defunct Project Norrath. I dont care about Secrets from PEQ helping these tards.

3.) PEQ team is way more involved in the EMU scene, and their database efforts are utilized by other EMU servers. The things they develop benefit the whole EMU community, not just a few players who want GM godmode.


Staff member
The next post you make that actually sheds PEQ in a positive light on this forum will be your first.
You have to admit that a lot of what we think of PEQOnly comes from his earlier incoherence. He may have some points and PEQ might even be a better product. I don't know enough to make an informed decision as I don't play EQ.

If I were to start I admit I would try PEQ because of the DDoSer, which is what he's attempting to do. So I'd feel dirty. If I didn't like what I saw I'd go to P1999 and try them.

My question is, why does anyone care if the GMs show favoritism? Unless it unbalances world economy or PvP it won't matter.

So a group who can unnaturally kick the crap out of a major boss? So? How does this affect me as another player?
You have to admit that a lot of what we think of PEQOnly comes from his earlier incoherence. He may have some points and PEQ might even be a better product.
We've all said stupid crap on this forum, but I think it's fair to say that showing up solely to bash (as opposed to critique) the work of another forum member, even if you're correct, is probably not a good way to sell a product, even a free one. :p

I'm glad things are heading in a more dispassionate direction (sort of).
1.) Drama between paying customers != Drama because players with GM powers exploit, then tell the players to like it or leave.
There is a huge difference between what has been the complaint (GM's with PC's in the uber guild) and what you are saying here. I have yet to see a report of a player with GM powers exploiting. Players exploiting pathing, yes. One GM that has been stripped of his position for exploiting a quest (which it seems nearly everyone knew about but the lead GM's) yes. Players with "GM" powers, No.

Alot of the "favoritism" drama has come because several of the end game encounters (Mistmoore, Vox, Etc) were buggy when first encountered and not reacting as the Dev's had scripted (No AOE fear or Damage from the dragons, no charming from Mistmoore, Etc). So the guilds were basically beta testing on the live server and allowed to keep loot "for their trouble". They were not given GM Rez's for their deaths, they had to put up with buggy encounters that were not reacting in a classic sense, and they were basically being rewarded for testing.

2.) EQClassic.ORG is separate from PEQ, p1999. Its an offshoot from old defunct Project Norrath. I dont care about Secrets from PEQ helping these tards.
Newsflash, http://eqclassic.org/team.html The Secrets that is working on P99 is the same Secrets that is THE Database Dev on EQClassic.org. Without a database, there is basically no backend for the game (not that I'm really expecting this vaperware to ever see the light of day). Might want to have some knowledge of the "we hope it will go live someday" product you are trying to push so hard.

3.) PEQ team is way more involved in the EMU scene, and their database efforts are utilized by other EMU servers. The things they develop benefit the whole EMU community, not just a few players who want GM godmode.
I do agree with the first part of this, PEQ is the database that many other servers are built off of. Without Cavedude and his team alot of these servers would not have a starting point. As I have said before, I have no issues with PEQ, it's just not the server I choose to play on. If I want an EZmode, I play on Irreverent. When I want that classic experience, I play on p99 (as it won't be getting into the expansions that made EQ into what Live is today). Should I decide that I want the Post POP experience with classic exp rates, I would go back to PEQ. As I have limited time to play, this is very doubtful.

Should EQClassic ever see the light of day, I might take a look at it. Until then P99 satisfies that classic EQ craving I have.

BTW, I think alot of the confusion comes from the fact that your name seems to imply that you think there should be only one server (PEQ) but you keep pushing EQClassic rather than talking up PEQ. Maybe EQClassiconly would be a more sutable name (or, you know, maybe talk up what PEQ has over other servers).


PEQ allows boxing, although a 2 box limit i think is in effect.

They have also addressed a ton of things that are still broken on p1999 that will never be fixed by the "talent" on that project. IE monks, for one...

PEQ also has a hugely dedicated staff that maturely and in a timely manner respond to all concerns and actually address them. They deserve Legend status.

p1999 is still ignoring the most basic of valid issues as well as claiming to be out of Beta phase when clearly they are STILL in beta, as you mentioned about the broken encounters.

"It is not a perception, it is a fact. Tibador is A.K.A. GM-Zyrek and has a non-theoretical position of authority on this server which he has been shown to abuse several times when he has aided the exploitative downing of more than one boss encounter for loot.
It is not Zexa's problem, it is all of ours. If this is the precedent that is being accepted, there is no reason anyone should not exploit any and all content on this server. If they are going to let people who have been shown without any trace of doubt (video proof, admissions, what more do you want?) to be exploiting get away with it, we should all start exploiting everything right now. If "nothing" is what they do to tibador and allizia, then EXPLOITING IS OK BY THE DE FACTO RULES OF THE SERVER.
Again, this is everyone's problem. This server will be ruined by people exploiting mobs at every turn.. duos or even solos on raid bosses? sure! Why not if you can exploit the geometry or some bug? Sound good? Yeah, doesn't sound good to me either."
and as to why p1999 should be shamed:

"Sure, it's bad until some jackass gets pissed off that their guild's getting pwned and decides to take down the server.

I can just hear it now - "Well, if the GMs won't do anything about this bullshit, I'll do something".

Sound familiar??"
Despite the fact that the DDoS'er is the only guilty party... the aggravation occurred on p1999 because of p1999 devs and GMs. I'll split the diff 50/50. Fuck p1999 and fuck DDoS'er.

Grats to Secrets for his charitable pity. Good karma.


Staff member
See, I hate boxing. Hate it. I think boxing ruins MMOs, especially when PvP is involved.

I can't tell you how often I ran into a boxer in WoW in a BG setting. Instead of trying to fight an obvious coordinated attack by 3-5 toons it was easier to just take the hit and jack out of the fight.

To me, boxing being allowed is a strike against PEQ.
PEQ allows boxing, although a 2 box limit i think is in effect.
Insert random joke about "playing with yourself". Also, there is no box limit, I have checked this out (you can have 1 character per account online, and i have yet to find a limit to the number of accounts you can create).

They have also addressed a ton of things that are still broken on p1999 that will never be fixed by the "talent" on that project. IE monks, for one...

PEQ also has a hugely dedicated staff that maturely and in a timely manner respond to all concerns and actually address them. They deserve Legend status.

p1999 is still ignoring the most basic of valid issues as well as claiming to be out of Beta phase when clearly they are STILL in beta, as you mentioned about the broken encounters.
I will give you that. PEQ has had 5 years live. We have had almost 3 months. In that 3 months we have nearly matched PEQ's numbers for "players online" and since NONE of our numbers are boxers, I'm willing to go out on a limb to say that we have more "people" playing (which IMO is why P99 deserved legends status).

Do I think they left Beta to early, yes. I'll be honest, I was one of the 20 people who were willing to beta test and deal with the "classic grind" knowing that there would be no true reward (as all would be wiped). While most of the testers asked to be given lvl 50 so they could go play in Kunark, I did the classic low level grind and reported dozens of issues at the lower level (all of which got fixed in Beta). Had that been the case for all testers, maybe the Dev's wouldn't of spent the first live month fixing 1-20 area of the game while people were already speeding towards and in the 40-50 side of the game (and finding issues with Pathing, drops, etc that were never encountered in Beta because everyone was busy playing on an expansion that wouldn't see the light of day for a year after launch).

I also don't think they were expecting the volume of people joining that they saw day one (in fact I know that, as the server they were on at the time was not prepared for more than 100). They were unprepared for the reaction and are still playing catch up. I think Nilbog and his crew need more help, but at the moment I think they are also feeling a bit "gun shy" about trusting people with GM/Guide power (understandably).

I also think that several of the GM's have made the classic superhero blunder of letting their "secret identity" slip (in the form of letting people know who their "player" is when they are not in GM mode). This has opened their characters up to direct attacks (especially as there is at least one in each of the top end guilds). Once again most of these people have never been GM's (or ran a server) before. I would be willing to bet dollars to donuts that most servers have had these issues at startup. I hope your much touted ClassicEQ is taking notes or you will have some random chuckle head giving the same grief should that project ever see the light of day.


You have bested me with your responses. Thank you for the engaging back and forth that has entertained me while i adjust to my antidepressants :ninja:.

I too think boxing isn't really in the spirit of the game. I prefer the social and adventuring aspect over loot and exp grinds. That is what made the game so magical :).

That said, when I started EQ, I naively thought the best players had earned their positions... turns out they hacked memory offsets, macroquested, used guide characters to scout, bought characters and platinum, and basically did everything they could to expose the guts and numbers of the game :mad:.

I thought they all earned it, but it turns out cheaters always prosper (the ones who are good enough not to get caught) :confused:.

That taught me a lot about life, I must say. Depressing, but conversely, the people who enjoy the little things and the experience in life do come out with a more positive experience over the cheaters :rolleyes:.

Curious. Well, keep up the good fight.:peace::heart: :horn:


dude once my buddy brought me this sweet purple tipped chronic to vaporize... and i had a bag to myself... and i read above post... then it totally made sense. you're trying to communicate with me in my own crazy talk!! but earlier i didnt understand. good. ok. enough sorry. 2010 is good times. HAPPY NEW YEAR


Staff member
It's like he's two people in one body. Or two people on one account. Some of his posts are coherent and some of them are just....not.
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