Esquire magazine conducted an anonymous poll of 75 current and former GOP leaders. Curious about the [ur=]results?[/url]
Some highlights-
75% of respondents said they are Fiscal Conservatives (You believe, above all, that the primary emphasis of the party should be on lower taxes, free markets, and limited government regulation.)
6. You've been given the opportunity to kick one person out of the party--his or her values...
...simply aren't compatible with the Republican Party as you see it. Whom would you choose?
30% Senator Olympia Snowe
7% Representative Michele Bachmann
15% Colin Powell
12% Glenn Beck
37% None of the above/Other
Notable write-ins: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve King, "We need to grow our tent, not shrink it."
8. If you could poach one player from the other team, which of the following Democrats would...
...make a useful addition to the republican party? (I admit, I thought this question was funny)
34% Warren Buffett
0% David Axelrod
5% Hillary Clinton
5% Oprah Winfrey
55% No, thanks. You can keep 'em.
11. In a poll released by Public Policy Polling in early August, just 32 percent of Republicans... Virginia believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States. How would you characterize the role of the so-called "birthers" in the Republican Party?
2% They're the base.
87% They're the fringe.
12%They're the mainstream.
13. Do you consider Barack Obama a socialist?
78% Yes
22% No
15. Should the fight against gay marriage be among the highest priorities of the Republican Party?
31% Yes. It's a critical issue and we must remain vigilant in defending traditional values and practices.
69% No. It's a distraction from more important conversations we should be having about national security and fiscal responsibility.
17. Do you agree that America has the right to impose its will on sovereign countries when...
...its interests are concerned?
59% Yes
42% No
Some highlights-
75% of respondents said they are Fiscal Conservatives (You believe, above all, that the primary emphasis of the party should be on lower taxes, free markets, and limited government regulation.)
6. You've been given the opportunity to kick one person out of the party--his or her values...
...simply aren't compatible with the Republican Party as you see it. Whom would you choose?
30% Senator Olympia Snowe
7% Representative Michele Bachmann
15% Colin Powell
12% Glenn Beck
37% None of the above/Other
Notable write-ins: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve King, "We need to grow our tent, not shrink it."
8. If you could poach one player from the other team, which of the following Democrats would...
...make a useful addition to the republican party? (I admit, I thought this question was funny)
34% Warren Buffett
0% David Axelrod
5% Hillary Clinton
5% Oprah Winfrey
55% No, thanks. You can keep 'em.
11. In a poll released by Public Policy Polling in early August, just 32 percent of Republicans... Virginia believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States. How would you characterize the role of the so-called "birthers" in the Republican Party?
2% They're the base.
87% They're the fringe.
12%They're the mainstream.
13. Do you consider Barack Obama a socialist?
78% Yes
22% No
15. Should the fight against gay marriage be among the highest priorities of the Republican Party?
31% Yes. It's a critical issue and we must remain vigilant in defending traditional values and practices.
69% No. It's a distraction from more important conversations we should be having about national security and fiscal responsibility.
17. Do you agree that America has the right to impose its will on sovereign countries when...
...its interests are concerned?
59% Yes
42% No